FAO in Viet Nam

Projects List

FAO Viet Nam Operationally Active Projects

TCP/VIE/3902 : Support to low-carbon, green, sustainable, responsible and transparent transformation of food systems

TCP/VIE/3902 : Support to low-carbon, green, sustainable, responsible and transparent transformation of food systems

Impact: Systemic transformation of Vietnamese food systems to increase incomes, provide better livelihoods and reduce poverty, increase food security, improve environmental sustainability as well as resilience to disasters, climate change and other threats.

TCP/VIE/3803 : Support for the implementation of National Action Plan on Zero Hunger

TCP/VIE/3803 : Support for the implementation of National Action Plan on Zero Hunger

Under the framework of the Project TCP/VIE/3604, FAO provided technical support to implement a nutrition sensitive agriculture component of the ZH-NAP. 

TCP/VIE/3901 : Support for development of national soil health strategy and action plan”

TCP/VIE/3901 : Support for development of national soil health strategy and action plan”

The project is designed with primary purpose to support development and roll-out of a National Soil Health Strategy (NSHS) and the National Plan for Soil Health Management (NP-SHM) 2022-2026, which will contribute to an agroecological and sustainable transformation of Viet Nam’s food systems. 

Under this Technical Cooperation Programme (TCP) framework, FAO will provide technical assistance to review the NP-SHM 2010-2020; analyse and stock-take relevant global frameworks and approaches as well as models and best practices on Soil Health management. It is expected that the NSHS and NP-SHM will address fundamental challenges for soil health, particularly by providing a systemic approach for management of soil health in the context of climate change and global trade integration; integration of plant health, plant nutrition, food security quality and nutrition; integration of social protection and inclusive growth (e.g. pro-poor, woman and youth empowerment and inclusiveness); comply with and contribute to environment protection, ecosystem and biodiversity conservation; and attribute to increased competitiveness of Vietnamese agriculture in domestic and global markets

TCP/RAS/3903 : Strengthening capacity of policy makers to mobilize investment for resilient and low emission agrifood systems in Asia under Article 6 of the UNFCCC Paris Agreement

TCP/RAS/3903 : Strengthening capacity of policy makers to mobilize investment for resilient and low emission agrifood systems in Asia under Article 6 of the UNFCCC Paris Agreement

Impact: Strengthened capacity to implement SDG 13 and related climate action to support resilient and low emission agrifood systems through awareness raising and capacity building to access opportunities under Article 6 and scaling up investments for resilient and low-emissions agrifood systems.

TCP/RAS/3902 : Building capacities and enhancing regional collaboration to manage increasing water scarcity in the Asia Pacific

TCP/RAS/3902 : Building capacities and enhancing regional collaboration to manage increasing water scarcity in the Asia Pacific

Impact: Agricultural water use is managed sustainably and productively through clear, transparent, and accurate water accounting and associated coherent water allocation policy and processes, contributing to food security, resilient rural livelihoods, and well-being across the Asia Pacific, achieving SDGs 2 and 6

TCP/RAS/3806 : Technical support to deploy digitalization programs in food and rural sectors and facilitate digital village pilots in support of rural transformation and achievement of SDG 1 and 2

TCP/RAS/3806 : Technical support to deploy digitalization programs in food and rural sectors and facilitate digital village pilots in support of rural transformation and achievement of SDG 1 and 2

This regional project contributes to agricultural productivity, land-based resource management, food security, and incomes of food and agricultural value chain actors and rural entrepreneurs and rural households’ livelihoods and well-being improved through digital innovations

TCP/RAS/3808 : Support to upscaling and adoption of innovations and good practices for sustainable intensification and expansion of aquaculture in Asia

TCP/RAS/3808 : Support to upscaling and adoption of innovations and good practices for sustainable intensification and expansion of aquaculture in Asia

To enhance national capacities to transform aquaculture towards sustainable intensification and expansion and to leverage future investments. Specifically, this project will support upscaling and promote wider adoption of innovations and good practices in selected priority areas of the participating countries.

TCP/RAS/3805 : Strengthening sustainable wetland agriculture for resilient farmers` livelihoods and ecosystems

TCP/RAS/3805 : Strengthening sustainable wetland agriculture for resilient farmers` livelihoods and ecosystems

This regional TCP project will specifically address the above-mentioned gaps and needs with a focus on identifying and developing adaptive ecofriendly farming practices for coastal wetland ecosystem restoration and sustainable wetland agriculture. The development and pilot of viable practices, together with cost-benefit analysis, will demonstrate the solutions for complex challenges and multiple benefits - to sustainably improve wetland agriculture productivity for food security and income, improve water management, create employment opportunities and restore/conserve wetland ecosystems for better life of poor and vulnerable rural population. 

TCP/VIE/3802 : Support for development of National Strategy and Action Plan for Integrated Plant Health Management

TCP/VIE/3802 : Support for development of National Strategy and Action Plan for Integrated Plant Health Management

The Project was designed to support development and roll-out of a National Plant Health Strategy (NPHS) and the National Plan for Integrated Plant Health Management (NP-IPHM) 2021-2025. Under the project framework, FAO will provide technical assistance to review the NP-IPHM 2015-2020; analyze and stock-take relevant global frameworks and approaches as well as models and best practices on Plant Health and pest and disease management. It is expected that the NPHS and NP-IPHM would help address comprehensively and sytemically transboundary pest and disease management/pest risks in the context of climate change and global trade integration; integration of plant health, plant nutrition, food safety, quality and nutrition; integration of social protection and inclusive growth (e.g. pro-poor, woman and youth empowerment and inclusiveness); comply with and contribute to environment protection, ecosystem and biodiversity conservation; and attribute to increased competitiveness of Vietnamese agriculture in domestic and global markets

TCP/VIE/3701 : Improving livelihoods and climate resilience through CSA and agroforestry best practices in Northern Mountainous Region of VN

TCP/VIE/3701 : Improving livelihoods and climate resilience through CSA and agroforestry best practices in Northern Mountainous Region of VN

Implementation period: 2019 - 2021. The project's expected results include:

I. Impact: Sustainable livelihoods and climate resilience of upland communities in Northwest region of Viet Nam

II. Outcome: Enhanced capacities of government and upland communities to scale up Climate Smart Agriculture (CSA)/Agroforestry (AF) best practices in the northern mountainous region of Viet Nam 

III. Outputs: (1) Capacity development and enhanced technology transfer about CSA/AF to improve livelihoods and climate resilience; (2) Production methods improved along the demonstration of CSA/AF model; (3) An investment and action plan to scale up CSA/AF developed; (4) Improved knowledge management and awareness raising.

TCP/VIE/3702: Pilot project on development of modern business cooperatives for small farmers

TCP/VIE/3702: Pilot project on development of modern business cooperatives for small farmers

Implementation period: 2019 - 2021. The project's expected results include:

I. Impact: Improved productive capacity, competitiveness, income and social cohesion of smallholder rural communities through the introduction of a business cooperative model.

II. Outcome: Well-structured, registered, functioning and competitive  business cooperative model established, facilitated by improved legal/policy and business frameworks on cooperatives and inter-sectoral coordination.

III. Outputs: (1) Improved enabling environment to facilitate the development of inclusive business cooperatives; (2) Strengthened farmer groups and cooperatives through capacity building for effective organizational/ administrative management, production and marketing; (3) Business development for cooperatives by linking them to market opportunities (through direct input/commodity marketing, linking coops with credit/banking services).

TCP/VIE/3703 : Pilot project on organic farming systems development and agro-ecotourism for small farmers communities

TCP/VIE/3703 : Pilot project on organic farming systems development and agro-ecotourism for small farmers communities

Implementation period: 2019 - 2021. The project's expected results include:

I. Impact: Improved livelihoods, food security and income of small farmer communities by introducing and promoting organic agriculture in combination with agro-ecotourism. 

II. Outcome: Well-structured, registered, functioning and competitive  business cooperative model established, facilitated by improved legal/policy and business frameworks on cooperatives and inter-sectoral coordination.

III. Outputs: (1) Status of agri-food quality assurance systems, namely organic agriculture and good agricultural practices, agro-ecotourism and needs assessment report prepared; (2) Strengthened farmer groups and cooperatives through capacity building for effective organizational/ administrative management, production and marketing; (3) Business development for cooperatives by linking them to market opportunities (through direct input/commodity marketing, linking coops with credit/banking services).



FAO Innovations Initiative : Opportunities for improving small-scale farming through e-agriculture

FAO Innovations Initiative : Opportunities for improving small-scale farming through e-agriculture

Implementation period: 2019 - 2020. 

Main Objective: Delineated options for introducing community-led e-agriculture / digitization for supporting small farmers’ development in Vietnam.

Outcomes: In-depth understanding about opportunities of e-agriculture/digitization in small-holder agriculture, and foundation for strategy and policy framework formulation for effective introduction and promotion of e-agriculture/digitization for smallholder farming.

FAO Innovations Initiative : Making Fast Food Healthier – contributing to changing power dynamics

FAO Innovations Initiative : Making Fast Food Healthier – contributing to changing power dynamics

Implementation period: 2019 - 2020. 

Main Objective: To reach out to the fast food sector in respective countries and trigger a new coalition involving various stakeholders to promote (a) gradual shifts towards the production of “healthier” fast food, and (b) an inclusive public debate and awareness on the need for healthier fast food and eating habits.

Outcomes: (1) Promoted action plan for increased awareness of healthy/bio (fast) food; (2) Promoted research for the adoption of healthy diets in daily life; (3) Promotion of improved fast food normative work / frameworks (standard-setting, regulations, guidance, etc. on food safety issues); (4) Enhanced public/media environment to promote healthy diets.

OSRO/RAS/901/EC : Scaling up Forecast based Financing/ Early Warning Early Action (FbF/ EWEA) and Shock Responsive Social Protection (SRSP) with innovative use of climate risk information for disaster resilience in ASEAN

OSRO/RAS/901/EC : Scaling up Forecast based Financing/ Early Warning Early Action (FbF/ EWEA) and Shock Responsive Social Protection (SRSP) with innovative use of climate risk information for disaster resilience in ASEAN

Implementation period: 2019 - 2021 

Objective: Strengthened capacity of ASEAN Member States (AMS) and regional cooperation to implement FbF/EWEA and SRSP, enabled by accelerating the use of innovative technologies in climate risk analysis and forecasting.

Implementing partners: Consortium of five UN agencies (FAO, UNICEF, WFP, UN Women and UNISDR), the Red Cross and Red Crescent Society and NGOs.

Regional Operationally Active Projects

GCP/RAS/295/JPN: Support for Capacity Building for International Food Safety Standard Development and Implementation in ASEAN Countries

GCP/RAS/295/JPN: Support for Capacity Building for International Food Safety Standard Development and Implementation in ASEAN Countries

Implementation period: 2016 - 2021.

Impact: Improved consumers' health and fair practices in the food trade within ASEAN countries as well as with other countries including Japan.

Outcomes: Strengthened capacities of ASEAN countries in contributing to Codex standards setting and implementing the adopted Codex standards; and, enhanced capacity to develop and harmonize various food safety standards would contribute to facilitating the ASEAN Economic Community.

Outputs: (1) Strengthened regional/national capacity for effective contribution to the Codex standard setting processes; (2) Strengthened manpower/institutional capacity for development of national/regional food safety standards; (3) Strengthened national capacity/structure for implementing international/national standards; (4) Enhanced information sharing system for food safety standards implemented.

GCP /RAS/297/JPN : Improving capacities of phytosanitary inspection and integrated measures for international movement of seeds

GCP /RAS/297/JPN : Improving capacities of phytosanitary inspection and integrated measures for international movement of seeds

Implementation period: 2016 - 2021.

Impact: Reduced risk of the introduction and spread of regulated plant pests through the international movement of seeds.

Outcome: Strengthened phytosanitary capacity of NPPOs and technical supporting organizations/entities (e.g. universities) of the recipient countries.

Outputs: (1) Identified strengths, weakness, needs and priorities of the existing phytosanitary regulatory system related international movement of seeds in view of improving national capacity building programmes; (2) Provided guidance on the framework for revision and/or updating national phytosanitary systems associated with the international movement of seeds; (3) Improved human resources capacity by filling expertise gaps, using international, regional and national standards and others on inspection and diagnosis for enhancing effectiveness in area of plant quarantine including field inspection diagnostic and PRA; (4) Raised public awareness and strengthened collaboration among all stakeholders; (5) Identified seed-borne or seed-transmitted pests associated with international movement of seeds and identified specific phytosanitary measures to reduce these pests' risk.

TCP/RAS/3621 : Support to countries to address IUU Fishing

TCP/RAS/3621 : Support to countries to address IUU Fishing

Duration : 1 Oct 2018 - 31 Dec 2021

TCP/RAS/3710/C2 : Building capacities by the application of TAPE (Tool for Agroecology Performance Evaluation) for sustainable development of agriculture sector

TCP/RAS/3710/C2 : Building capacities by the application of TAPE (Tool for Agroecology Performance Evaluation) for sustainable development of agriculture sector

Duration : 1 Jan 2020 - 31 Dec 2020

Objective : This regional TCPf will contribute at building the capacities of national technical departments and piloting the application of Tool for Agroecology Performance Evaluation (TAPE). TAPE in selected provinces with the anticipation that it can play an important role in the future in identifying principal indicators to design effective interventions for sustainable development of agriculture sector.

Impact : The livelihood and nutrition security for smallholder farmers in Laos and Viet Nam has improved, is more sustainable and environmental friendly.

Outcome : Government of Laos and Viet Nam make evidence-based decisions in the planning and management of the agricultural sectors and natural resources to support the transition to sustainable agricultural sector production systems

Output 1 : Awareness of relevant stakeholders (technical agencies, academia, CSOs) about Agroecology and TAPE is raised at National and Provincial level in Laos and Viet Nam

Output 2 : TAPE is piloted and implemented at provincial level



Headquarters Operationally Active Projects

GCP/GLO/071/ROK : Smart Farming for the Future Generation in Vietnam and Uzbekistan

GCP/GLO/071/ROK : Smart Farming for the Future Generation in Vietnam and Uzbekistan

Duration : Sept 2019 - Oct 2023

Objective: The project provides support to creating an enabling environment through the development of supportive policies, capacity, organizational skills and knowledge. It covers farmers along the value chain, including the post-harvest handling and markets. The expected impact of the project is improved livelihood through higher incomes, increased employment and increased nutrition with consumers benefiting from access to affordable and safe food all year round

GCP /GLO/712/JPN : Strengthening capacities for nutrition - sensitive food systems through a multi-stakeholder approach (involving private sector, civil society organizations and academia)

GCP /GLO/712/JPN : Strengthening capacities for nutrition - sensitive food systems through a multi-stakeholder approach (involving private sector, civil society organizations and academia)

Duration : 1 Dec 2016 - 30 Nov 2021

Outcome and outputs:

The envisaged project outcome is that Academic institutions and small and medium enterprises working on/in food systems have greater capacities to promote and/or adopt nutrition-sensitive approaches in the target countries.

The project envisages three key outputs:

1. Strengthening training on nutrition-sensitive food systems in national universities and training institutions in Ghana, Kenya and Viet Nam and, using existing FAO resources and Japanese expertise.

2. Building partnerships with and providing training for local private sector using Japanese expertise and FAO resources at country level. And

3. Development and dissemination of an e-learning module for SMEs (global level).

PGM/MUL/2015-2020/FLEGT : FAO Forest Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade (FLEGT) Programme

PGM/MUL/2015-2020/FLEGT : FAO Forest Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade (FLEGT) Programme

Duration : 1 Jan 2019 - 30 Sept 2020 

The overall objective of the FLEGT Programme is to support the VPA process, tackle illegal logging, promote trade in legal timber products and ultimately contribute to sustainable forest management (SFM) and poverty reduction. More specifically, the FAO-EU FLEGT Programme is working to achieve the following outcomes:
• The successful negotiation and/or implementation of the Voluntary Partnership Agreement contributing to improve forest sector governance and timber legality on domestic and international markets.
• The improved capacity of the private sector to participate in the production, marketing and trade of legal timber has increased.
• The improved knowledge of National Stakeholders about benefits from legal logging, international trade requirements and of best practices for forest law enforcement, governance and trade.

GCP/GLO/931/MUL : Forest and Farm Facility Phase II Climate Resilient Landscapes and Improved Livelihoods

GCP/GLO/931/MUL : Forest and Farm Facility Phase II Climate Resilient Landscapes and Improved Livelihoods

Duration : 1 July 2018 - 31 December 2022 

Objective : Forest and Farm Producer Organizations including woman, youth and indigenous peoples are the primary agents ò change for climate resilient landscapes and improved livelihood

Outcome1: More enabling policy and legal frameworks for FFPOs delivered through more FFPO-inclusive governance and cross-sectoral processes

Outcome 2: Increased entrepreneurship, access to markets and finance through gender equitable value chains delivered through new capacity to provide business incubation within FFPOs

Outcome3 : Improved delivery of landscape scale mitigation, adaptation and climate resilience for climate change through direct engagement of FFPOs and integration with inclusive livelihood

GCP/GLO/892/USA : Strengthening Global Veterinary Epidemiology Capabilities and Rapid Regional Disease Surveillance Information and Sharing

GCP/GLO/892/USA : Strengthening Global Veterinary Epidemiology Capabilities and Rapid Regional Disease Surveillance Information and Sharing

Expected results:
The project is divided in base and options periods. While the award for implementing the base period has been granted the funds for implementing the options will be released in a second stage. The budget included in Annex III reflects only the base period and it will be increased, if and when the awards for the options are executed.

The overall impact of this project is to improve global, regional and national capacities for veterinary epidemiology and surveillance networks with the ultimate goal of enhancing disease prevention and preparedness at the animal-human-ecosystem interface for animal diseases that affect both animals and humans.

The immediate outcome of the project is to strengthen veterinary services in target countries.

In order to achieve the project outcome, the following outputs will be focused on:
• Output 1: Veterinary Epidemiology capacities at regional and national level strengthened.
• Output 2: Risk Assessment capacities strengthened at regional and national level.
• Output 3: Regional epidemiology networks strengthened.

Target diseases or case studies for training sessions on risk assessment will depend on participating target countries and include for instance Peste des petits ruminants, Rift Valley fever, Foot-and-Mouth Disease, Contagious bovine pleuropneumonia, Contagious caprine pleuropneumonia, Newcastle disease, African swine fever, Brucellosis, Anthrax, Lumpy skin disease, and Rinderpest

ECTAD Operationally Projects

OSRO/RAS/502/USA : Addressing Antimicrobial Usage in Asia's Livestock Production Industry

OSRO/RAS/502/USA : Addressing Antimicrobial Usage in Asia's Livestock Production Industry

Duration : 01 Oct 2015 - 30 Sep 2024


The overall impact of this project is to improve global, regional and national capacities for veterinary epidemiology and surveillance networks with the ultimate goal of enhancing disease prevention and preparedness at the animal-human-ecosystem interface for animal diseases that affect both animals and humans.

The immediate outcome of the project is to strengthen veterinary services in target countries.

In order to achieve the project outcome, the following outputs will be focused on:
• Output 1: Veterinary Epidemiology capacities at regional and national level strengthened.
• Output 2: Risk Assessment capacities strengthened at regional and national level.
• Output 3: Regional epidemiology networks strengthened.

OSRO/VIE/402/USA : Risk Mitigation and Management of Human Health Threats Along Animal Value Chain

OSRO/VIE/402/USA : Risk Mitigation and Management of Human Health Threats Along Animal Value Chain

The purpose of this project is to collect longitudinal data and information along value chains at the livestock-wildlife-human interface that improves inter-sectoral collaboration and minimizes impacts of diseases to animals and people. This project will contribute significantly to mitigating and managing the impacts of zoonotic health threats in Viet Nam.

Impact: Reducing the risk of contagion to mammals and humans and mitigating the possibility of a human pandemic.

Outcome: Further reduction to the threat of a pandemic emerging due to outbreaks of avian influenza and other pandemic threats in Viet Nam

Output 1: Strengthened One Health coordination and communication
Output 2: Minimized zoonotic diseases transmission risks along value chains from farms to chopsticks
Output 3: Strengthened capacity for surveillance and response to influenza and other viruses with pandemic potential
Output 4. Minimized risks of the introduction and spread of zoonoses and animal diseases across borders

OSRO/RAS/606/USA : Evidence based Risk Management along the Livestock Production and Market Chain

OSRO/RAS/606/USA : Evidence based Risk Management along the Livestock Production and Market Chain

The project will contribute to reducing the spread of zoonotic influenza and other zoonotic EIDs, thus minimizing the risk of contagion to other mammals and humans and the possibility of a pandemic.

The outcome of the project is target countries are better prepared to prevent and control the emergence and spread of zoonotic influenza and other zoonotic EIDs at national and regional level.

This outcome is foreseen to be achieved through the regional coordination mechanism, practical application of capacities in the field of epidemiology and laboratory diagnosis by targeted countries and networking among countries within and cross sub-regions.


Output 1 Multi-sectoral coordination strengthened for effective management and control of HPAI and other emerging zoonoses
Output 2 Regional epidemiology capacities and networks strengthened
Output 3 Evidence based Risk Management along the Livestock Production and Market Chain (LAMP) strengthened

TCP/RAS/3702 : Support mitigation of Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) risk associated with aquaculture in Asia

TCP/RAS/3702 : Support mitigation of Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) risk associated with aquaculture in Asia

Implementing period : 01 Feb 2019 - 31 Jul 2021

Objective : To enhance knowledge, significantly strengthen overall capacity and regulatory framework at different levels for effective monitoring and mitigation of AMR risk associated with production of 2-3 key aquaculture commodities in the target countries

Impact : Significant contribution to human and environmental health and sustainable aquaculture industry for nutrition and rural livelihood in the project participating countries.
Outcomes : Effective mitigation of AMR risk from the production of key aquaculture commodities in the project participating countries.

OSRO/RAS/903/USA : Strengthening Field Capacities for ASF Detection and Emergency Response

OSRO/RAS/903/USA : Strengthening Field Capacities for ASF Detection and Emergency Response

Implementing Period : 16 Sep 2019 - 15 Sep 2020

Objective : Aimed to strengthen and activate the countries? preparedness including risk-based prevention and reduction as well as emergency response measures immediately to address the threat of ASF spreading to other parts of Southeast Asia with the focus on Cambodia, Lao PDR, Myanmar and Viet Nam.

Expected Outcome:

Preparedness including risk-based prevention and reduction as well as emergency response measures are activated and put in place immediately to address the threat of ASF spreading to other parts of Cambodia, Lao PDR, Myanmar and Viet Nam.

Expected Outputs:

Output 1: Risk based information is available and utilized for strategic planning;
Output 2: Capacities for early detection of ASF is strengthened and applied using risk-based strategies;
Output 3: Capacities for field emergency response of ASF is strengthened and applied at all levels;
Output 4: Information, education and communication (IECs) materials on ASF are available to advocate for better understanding of the disease.




GCP/GLO/979/NOR : Improving Biosecurity Governance and Legal Framework for Efficient and Sustainable Aquaculture Production

GCP/GLO/979/NOR : Improving Biosecurity Governance and Legal Framework for Efficient and Sustainable Aquaculture Production

Implementation period : 1 January  - 31 December 2019

This project, whose overall objectives are to support countries in the sustainable development of their aquaculture industry through improving systems and practices in biosecurity, enhanced and enabling legal frameworks and promoting responsible and sustainable aquaculture practices, will address the above problems. Through this project, countries will be empowered to adapt and effectively implement biosecurity governance, develop and enforce appropriate legal instruments to support sustainable healthy aquaculture sectors; and thus contribute to food security, improved nutrition, decent work and economic growth.

The expected outcome is enhanced capacities of competent authorities, farmers and other stakeholders to support responsible aquaculture production and reduce biosecurity shocks and risks towards achieving a sustainable and resilient aquaculture sector.


GCP/GLO/710/UK : Engaging the food and agriculture sectors in sub-Saharan Africa and South and South-east Asia in the global efforts to combat antimicrobial resistance using a One Health approach

GCP/GLO/710/UK : Engaging the food and agriculture sectors in sub-Saharan Africa and South and South-east Asia in the global efforts to combat antimicrobial resistance using a One Health approach

Implementation period : 01/Sep/2016 - 30/Sep/2020

The objectives of the FAO-OIE-WHO collaboration identified in the global action plan, and which could be supported by the Fleming Fund include:

1. support the development and implementation of national action plans on antimicrobial resistance that are aligned with the global action plan on antimicrobial resistance and standards and guidelines established by intergovernmental bodies such as the Codex Alimentarius Commission, FAO and OIE;
2. support integrated surveillance and reporting of antimicrobial resistance in human and animal health and agriculture;
3. collect, consolidate and publish information on the global consumption of antimicrobial medicines;
4. develop standards and guidance, based on the best available evidence of harms, for the presence of antimicrobial agents in the environment, especially in water, wastewater and food (including aquatic and terrestrial animal feed).

GCP/GLO/891/USA : Global Rinderpest Post-Eradication Security: Phase II

GCP/GLO/891/USA : Global Rinderpest Post-Eradication Security: Phase II

Implementing period : 06/Sept/2017 - 05/Sept/2020

The objectives of the FAO Co-Secretariat project are to ensure global rinderpest post-eradication security through
1) communication and advocacy to strengthen awareness of clinical signs and impacts of rinderpest re-emergence;
2) arrangement for the destruction and consolidation of remaining RVCM stocks into secure Rinderpest Holding Facilities (RHF);
3) outreach in target countries to encourage unapproved laboratories to destroy and consolidate RVCM stocks; and
4) development and implementation of the Global Rinderpest Action Plan (GRAP).