164th Session of FAO Council

164th Session of FAO Council - Day 3 Morning Session

Online meeting
 Rome time

Item 6: Report of the 128th Session of the Programme Committee (8-18 June 2020): for discussion and decision (CL 164/6 Rev.1) - virtual discussion

Item 7: Reports of the 179th (6-7 February 2020), 180th (8-17 June 2020) and 181st (3 - 5 June 2020) Sessions of the Finance Committee: for discussion and decision (CL 164/4, CL 164/7;
CL 164/8) - virtual discussion

7.1 Status of Current Assessments and Arrears (CL 164/LIM/2)

Item 8: Report of the 110th Session of the Committee on Constitutional and Legal Matters

(28-29 May 2020): for discussion and decision (CL 164/2) - virtual discussion 11:00-11:15 break

Item 9 :International Platform for Digital Food and Agriculture: for discussion and/or decision (CL 164/9) - virtual discussion

CL 164/2 - Report of the 110th Session of the CCLM (paragraphs 18-21)
CL 164/5 - Report of the Joint Meeting of the 128th Session of the Programme Committee and the 180th Session of the Finance Committee (paragraph 13)
CL 164/6 Rev.1 - Report of the 128th Session of the Programme Committee (paragraph 17)

Item 10: Impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on food security and food systems: for discussion and/or decision (CL 164/10) - virtual discussion

CL 164/5 - Report of the Joint Meeting of the 128th Session of the Programme Committee and the 180th Session of the Finance Committee (paragraph 14) CL 164/6 Rev.1 - Report of the 128th Session of the Programme Committee (paragraph 18)

Topics: Conference-Council
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