FAO Conference 40th Session

Sustainable Agriculture for Biodiversity and Biodiversity for Sustainable Agriculture: Mainstreaming biodiversity into agriculture, forestry, fisheries and aquaculture

Sheikh Zayed Centre (FAO Headquarters)
 Rome time



This event will offer an opportunity for Members to discuss how best they may collaborate with FAO in the task of mainstreaming biodiversity into the agriculture, fisheries and forestry sectors, in particular:


- Main goals and activities of the Biodiversity Mainstreaming Platform including the development of a FAO Strategy on biodiversity to support the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals.

- Promotion of dialogue among stakeholders on concrete and coordinated measures to mainstream biodiversity in all agricultural sectors at national, regional and international levels.

- Interface and cooperation between FAO and CBD as well as other relevant international fora.

- Follow up of the Cancun Declaration and steps towards CBD COP 14 in Egypt.



Moderator: Mr Hesiquio Benitez Diaz, Director-General International Cooperation and Implementation, CONABIO (Mexico), Director General.



  • Miguel Ruiz Cabañas, Vice Minister of Multilateral Affairs and Human Rights, Mexico.

  • Henri Eyebe Ayissi, Minister of Agriculture and Rural development, Cameroon.

  • Duminda Dissanayake, Minister for Agriculture, Sri Lanka (TBC).

  • José Manuel Hernández Calderón, Minister of Agriculture of Peru.

  • François Pythoud, Permanent Representative of Switzerland to FAO, Chair of the Committee for Agriculture (COAG).

  • Cristiana Pasça Palmer, Executive Secretary of the Convention on Biological Diversity.

  • Maria Helena Semedo, Deputy Director-General, Climate and Natural Resources, FAO.


Topics: Biodiversity,Conference-Council
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