Committee on Fisheries - 33rd Session

COFI 33 - Towards sustainable fisheries: mainstreaming biodiversity – what are our commitments and how do we deliver?

Austria Room (FAO Headquarters)
 Rome time

Building on the previous and ongoing collaboration among FAO, CBD and IUCN /CEM/FEG in integrating fisheries management and biodiversity conservation, this event aims to highlight the recent developments in regard to the implementation of AICHI Targets 6 (Sustainable fisheries by 2020) and Target 11 (10% of MPAs by 2020) and related international processes and touch upon the upcoming challenges/opportunities.  In particular, it will discuss a set of actions and potential indicators to measure progress,  developments on the issue of MPAs etc. Marine reserves of fisheries in Spain will be presented as a case study.


Hashtag #COFI33

Topics: Fisheries & aquaculture
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