Technical Gender Seminars on Climate Resilience/Agroeceology, Unpaid Care Work/Social Protection and Women's Economic Empowerment

Women's Unpaid Care Work/Time Burden and Social Protection

Philippines Room (FAO Headquarters)
 Rome time
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The FAO Technical Network on Gender, Action Aid and Care International would like to invite all staff to a series of technical expert meetings. Each meeting will offer key stakeholders a platform to discuss ways of improving programming for rural women’s empowerment in an increasingly complex world. Participants will share innovative approaches, lessons learned and best practices on agroecology / climate resilience, women’s unpaid care work / time burden, social protection and rural women’s economic empowerment.


Discussions will focus on social, economic and environmental benefits of integrating gender equality into policies and programming, and show how these can be a basis in tackling today’s development challenges. Invited experts, including farmers from Rwanda, Ghana and Bangladesh will be present to discuss and share their experiences.

Topics: Women & gender
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