البرنامج العالمي للتعداد الزراعي


Global Review of Agricultural Census Methodologies and Results (2006-2015)
World Programme for the Census of Agriculture 2010
The publication is the second and last publication of the WCA 2010 round. It is a unique reference for understanding the evolution of strategies and methods seen in national agricultural censuses in that round.
Main Results and Metadata by Country (2006 - 2015)
World Programme for the Census of Agriculture 2010
The real value of this publication lies in the availability of detailed metadata on agricultural censuses conducted by different countries.
World Programme of the Census of Agriculture 2020
Volume 2: Operational Guidelines
This publication focuses on the operational aspects for conducting a census of agriculture. It deals with the practical details on the steps involved in actually conducting an agricultural census. Volume 2 is a revised and updated edition of “Conducting Agricultural Censuses and Surveys”, published by FAO in 1996.
World Programme of the Census of Agriculture 2020
Volume I: Programme, concepts and definitions
Guidance on the conduct of national censuses of agriculture has been provided to countries since 1930 through decennial programmes. This publication is intended to provide guidance on agricultural censuses carried out by countries in the period between 2016 and 2025.
This publication aims to provide practical guidance for population and housing census and agricultural census planners looking to implement a cost-effective census strategy by coordinating the population and housing census with the agricultural census.
2000 World Census: Main Results and Metadata
Statistical Development Series 12
These reports serve as the basis for preparation of internationally comparable data and for methodological studies related to the conduct of an agricultural census. Statistics Division concurrently disseminates through its website the key data on structure of agriculture and related metadata obtained through the country census reports.
The Global Strategy to Improve Agricultural and Rural Statistics presented in this document is based on input from a large number of stakeholders, including national statistical institutes and ministries of agriculture, and a number of regional and international organizations.
Indicators to measure food poverty and undernourishment are useful for understanding food insecurity at national level and within countries. This paper discusses two indicators: proportion of undernourishment, and proportion of critical food poverty.  
Rural Households’ Livelihood and Well-Being
Statistics on Rural Development and Agriculture Household Income
The handbook is intended for the benefit of various groups concerned with rural development and the evolving nature of the agricultural industry.
A non-parametric approach suggested by researchers from the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) for measuring food deprivation (undernourishment) is not an improvement to the current FAO parametric approach.    
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