Programme du recensement mondial de l’agriculture


Estimation of crop areas and yields in agricultural statistics
FAO Economic and social development paper 22
As determinants of crop production, statistics on crop areas and yields have been amongst the most important components of he international statistical activities of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) since its inception.  
1970 World Census of Agriculture
Analysis and international comparison of the results
This publication provides, in an internationally comparable form, a summary of data describing the main characteristics of agricultural structures, such as number and area of agricultural holdings, land tenure, agricultural holders and land use. It contains data from 89 countries.
Farm and input prices: Collection and compilation
FAO Economic and social development paper 16
The main objective of the manual is to assist countries in the improvement of their price statistics including its use in the training of national staff in the collection and compilation of agricultural producer prices.
The manual is intended to serve as a guide to the statistical methodology for assessing and collecting data on post - harvested foodgrain losses. It should be useful to those countries which plan to launch food grain losses reduction programmes but find themself seriousely handicapped because of lack of basic [...]
Les techniques du recensement agricole
Etude FAO: Developpment economic et social 1
Les présent directives contiennent des informations dondées en grande partie sur les experiences de certains experts internationaux et nationaux en matiére de recensement agricole, travaillant et/ou ayant travaillé dans les pays en développment.
Collecting statistics on agricultural population and employment
FAO Economic and social development paper 7
This guide is intended to assist countries in the planning and execution of programmes for the collection of agricultural population and employment statistics which are a major component of the statistics needed for agraria reform and rural development.
Le Rapport sur le recensement mondial de l'agriculture de 1970 est présenté á titre de matériel supplémentaire pour la preparation de celui de 1980, afin que les ecpériences qui s'y trouvent documentées piussent servir de directives utiles pour la planification et la mise en oeuvre des recensements agricoles nationaux.
Rapport sur le recensement mondial de l'agriculture de 1960
Programme, concepts et portée du recensement II
Le présent volume indique surtout la portée des recensement nationaux et le mesure dans laquelle ils répondent aux questions posées dans le Programme du recensement mondial  de l'agriculture en 1960 de la FAO.
Recensement Mondial de l'Agriculture de 1970
Programme régional pour l'Amérique
Des programmes de recensement régionaux ont été élaborés dans le cadre de Programme mondial. Le programme régional pour l'Amerique se compose de deux parties: Programme mondial et Supplement pour l'Amerique.
1970 World Census of Agriculture
Regional program for Africa
The 1970 World Census Program covers a great variety of conditions in different parts of the world. Within the framework of this Program regional census programs have been prepared. The regional Program for Africa consist of two parts: World Program and African Supplement to the World Program.
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