اليوم العالمي للتربة ، 5 ديسمبر

Press release 



World Soil Day 2017 and the world’s most comprehensive map showing the amount of carbon stocks in the soil launched drew vast coverage, confirming that people love maps. More than 120 articles, and particularly strong coverage in the English and Spanish-speaking media.

North America

  • United Nations news center

Caring for the planet starts with 'the ground we walk on' UN says on World Soil Day

Soil is a major carbon storage system, essential for sustainable agriculture and climate change mitigation, the United Nations agriculture agency said Tuesday, launching on World Soil Day a comprehensive global map showing the amount of carbon stocks contained in soil...


  • Washington Post

The mud that could save the world

Peatlands are some of the most essential ecosystems in the fight against climate change. Though they occupy only 3 percent of the world’s land area, they store about as much carbon as found in all land plants and animals combined.


The zoo beneath our feet: We’re only beginning to understand soil’s hidden world

The gardener has a long, touchy-feely relationship with the soil. As every good cultivator knows, you assess the earth by holding it. Is it dark and crumbly, is there an earthworm or beetle in there, is it moist, and when you smell it, are you getting that pleasant earthy aroma?


  • New York Times 

Soil Power! The Dirty Way to a Green Planet

The last great hope of avoiding catastrophic climate change may lie in a substance so commonplace that we typically ignore it or else walk all over it: the soil beneath our feet. The earth possesses five major pools of carbon.


  • The Guardian

Carbon emissions from warming soils could trigger disastrous feedback loop 

Warming soils are releasing more carbon into the atmosphere than previously thought, suggesting a potentially disastrous feedback mechanism whereby increases in global temperatures will trigger massive new carbon releases in a cycle that may be impossible to break.


  • Nature

Safeguarding our soils

Alarming rates of soil degradation highlight the fragility of this precious resource and call into question our ability to achieve the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals by 2030. World Soil Day, December 5th, celebrates the importance of soils and calls for increased awareness and action to safeguard soil health and protect the prospects of a sustainable future.


  • Huffington Post

Recognizing Our Roots in the Earth

What’s your connection to the earth? I ask because many who pride themselves on eating sustainably, living lightly on the planet and being mindful in their lifestyle choices are taking important steps to reduce their impact on the planet. You may be among them.


  • IISD

Soil and Land Initiatives Seek to Spur Action Across SDGs

Recent research and initiatives undertaken by UN agencies, governments and NGOs highlight the links between soil health and the achievement of development goals and priorities related to climate change, agriculture, gender, biodiversity and poverty. 


FAO Launches Soil Organic Carbon Map on World Soil Day

5 December 2017: The annual observance of World Soil Day, on 5 December, took place under the theme, ‘Caring for the Planet starts from the Ground.’ To mark the Day, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN (FAO) released a ‘Global Soil Organic Carbon Map’, noting the importance of soils to addressing climate change and preserving critical ecosystem functions.


  • Reliefweb (Canada)

World Soil Day 2017: Healthy soils key to ending global hunger

Healthy soil plays a key role in ending global hunger. Yet it’s something that’s rarely discussed outside of the agricultural world.


  • North Dakota

Put your soil first

Focusing on soil health balances their system


  • New England

How Wolfe’s Neck Farm is combating climate change

It's all in the dirt


  • NPR

The Ground Beneath Our Feet

    During a major soil catastrophe — the Dust Bowl — President Franklin Roosevelt told state governors, “The nation that destroys its soil destroys itself.” Still, we treat our soil like dirt. By growing food and storing carbon dioxide and water, the loam and peat that coats the earth sustains us all. In return, we till it, treat it with chemicals and generally walk all over it.


    • The Ithaca Voice

    Art and science combine to shine light on an overlooked resource underfoot

    Forests, agriculture and hosts of plant and animal life depend on a resource that is easy to overlook: soil. But, using a combination of art and science, a graduate student at Cornell is getting people to look more closely at this vital resource by painting with it.


    • Union of Concerned Scientists

    It’s World Soil Day: Celebrate Soil, Carbon, and the Opportunities Right Under Our Feet

    These days, stories about soil health and regenerative farming seem to be catching on, so much so that it’s almost hard to keep up, at least for the avid soil geek.  


    • Science Daily

    Soil researchers quantify an underappreciated factor in carbon release to the atmosphere

    Soil plays a critical role in global carbon cycling, in part because soil organic matter stores three times more carbon than the atmosphere. Now biogeochemist Marco Keiluweit at the University of Massachusetts Amherst and colleagues elsewhere for the first time provide evidence that anaerobic microsites play a much larger role in stabilizing carbon in soils than previously thought.


    • The Foodtank

    Soil: Mitigating Climate Change While Creating a More Resilient Food System

    A new report indicates that better farmland soil management may be able to sequester the same amount of carbon as emitted globally by the transportation sector. The study, a collaborative effort by the International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT), The Nature Conservancy, and the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), examined global soil samples and developed sequestration potential maps that can assist in developing mitigation strategies for reaching the targets set out in the Paris Climate Agreement.


    • The Rural

    Carbon levels in soil have come under the spotlight in new research 

    World Soil Day celebrates the importance of soil as a critical component of the natural system and as a vital contributor to the human commonwealth through its contribution to food, water and energy security and as a mitigator of biodiversity loss and climate change. It is celebrated particularly by the global community of 60,000 soil scientists charged with the responsibility of generating and communicating soil knowledge for the common good.



    • UN Food and Agriculture Organization

    Cherishing the ground we walk on - Why we should appreciate our soils

    Soil is where it all begins. Few people know that soils are a non-renewable resource. It takes over 1000 years to make 1 cm of soil. This means that in our lifetime, all the soil we see is all there is. Soils do amazing things for us that we sometimes take for granted. They sustain food production, filter our water, are the source for our medicines and help us to combat and adapt to climate change...


    • Global Soil Partnership

    World Soil Day 2017 was a huge success!


    • UNCCD

    Caring for the Planet starts from the Ground


    • El País

    ¿Qué países almacenan más carbono en sus suelos?

    Las tierras de Rusia, Canadá, EE UU y otros siete países son las que más emisiones secuestran, según un mapa global presentado este martes


    • El Confidencial (EFE)

    Solo 5 países concentran más de la mitad del carbono almacenado en los suelos

    Rusia, Canadá, Estados Unidos, China y Brasil son los cinco países que tienen más carbono almacenado en los suelos y juntos concentran más de la mitad de esa materia en todo el mundo, según un nuevo mapa presentado hoy en Roma.


    • Le Matin

    Lutte contre le changement climatique: La FAO a lancé la carte la plus complète au monde des stocks de carbone dans le sol

    «La carte mondiale du carbone organique du sol, illustrant la quantité de carbone organique dans les 30 premiers centimètres du sol, révèle les zones naturelles à haut stockage de carbone qui nécessitent sa conservation, ainsi que les régions où la séquestration est possible», indique, sur son portail électronique, l'Organisation des Nations unies pour l'agriculture et l'alimentation (FAO).


    • Deutsche Welle

    Could soils help save the climate?

    Soils are a double-edged climate sword. They are huge reservoirs of organic carbon and can act as a carbon sink. But they can also release CO2 into the atmosphere when used unsustainably.


    • Corriere della Sera

    Una giornata per cambiare: tanto cemento e ferite insanabili

    Sulla scia della giornata mondiale del suolo, è desolante constatare come una legge di contenimento del suo consumo sia ferma in Senato da un anno e mezzo dopo la sua approvazione alla Camera nel maggio del 2016, mentre la depredazione del terreno prosegue al ritmo di 3 mq al secondo. Il risultato è di avere un territorio nazionale cementificato per oltre 23 mila kmq (pari a Molise, Liguria e Campania messi insieme).


    • L'Internazionale 

    Il Paradiso non può attendere

    Viaggio sulle montagne del Gran Paradiso con i ricercatori che controllano gli effetti dei cambiamenti climatici sui ghiacciai. E che lanciano l’allarme: il ghiacciaio tra i più importanti d’Italia si è ridotto di un terzo in dieci anni, di 20 metri solo nel 2016. Se non si adottano subito politiche di riduzione delle emissioni, fra 30 anni non ci sarà più. E nel frattempo la desertifi cazione avanza, anche in Italia: in Sicilia a rischio il 70% del territorio.

    here (Il gambero verde)

    • La Repubblica

    L'Italia e il suolo che nessuno tutela

    La legge sul consumo del suolo, dopo 1.824 giorni di discussione, è affidata al miracolo di gennaio.


    Italia divorata dal cemento: in 50 anni urbanizzata un'area come la Valle d'Aosta

    Domani è la giornata contro il consumo del suolo e il Wwf, tecnicamente supportato dall’Università dell’Aquila, ci dice che in mezzo secolo – 1951-2001 - l’urbanizzazione in Italia è cresciuta del 300 per cento e che solo negli ultimi dieci anni sono stati costruiti altri 180mila edifici.


    • Micky Mouse: Topolino

    Il mondo sotto i nostri piedi

    Alleato contro il cambiamento climatico, garante di cibo per tutti, supermercato di risorse per la vita quotidiana: Il suolo che calpestiamo è preziosissimo! In occasione della sua "Festa", dichiarata dalle Nazioni Unite per il 5 Dicembre, impariamo a conoscerlo meglio!


    • ANSA

    Giornata del suolo, Italia consuma 3 metri quadri al secondo

    Il 5 dicembre 2017 è la Giornata Mondiale del Suolo, lanciata ogni anno dal Global Soil Partnership, un'alleanza internazionale fra stati, istituzioni e ong promossa dalla Fao, l'agenzia agroalimentare dell'Onu.


    • Sole 24 ore

    Suolo, ad Assisi per ragionare dalla Terra alla Terra

    Ad Assisi, grazie a Francesco vera patria dell'economia circolare, appuntamento nella giornata mondiale del suolo con "Dalla terra alla Terra. Il suolo tra cambiamenti climatici e nuovi stili di vita".


    • The Foodtank

    Presentata la mappa più dettagliata del mondo dei depositi di carbonio nel suolo

    In occasione della Giornata mondiale del Suolo che si è celebrata ieri, la Fao ha presentato la Global Soil Organic Carbon Map, la mappa globale  più dettagliata mai realizzata sui depositi di carbonio nel suolo che  «illustra la quantità di riserve di carbonio organico nei primi 30 cm di suolo, rivela aree naturali ad alto contenuto di carbonio che vanno preservate, oltre a regioni dove esistono ancora margini per un ulteriore sequestro».  


    • National Geographic (Italia)

    The launch of the Global Soil Organic Carbon map


    • Komsomolskaya Pravda

    За загрязнение почвы на полигоне бытовых отходов под Шелеховым завели уголовное дело


    • ECFS

    WSD at Lomonosov Moscow State University


    • Russia’s Expert Business Portal



    • The Times of India 

    NLC India Limited celebrated World Soil Day


    • The Hindu

    Today is World Soil Day


    World Soil Day celebrated


    • The new Indian Express

    Soil it...Layer by layer


    Classes from December 5: government to train farmers in modern methods


    • The Echo of India


    • The Daily Times

    40,000 hectares of fertile land becoming saline annually in Pakistan


    • Thai PBS 


    • LAO Press


    • Xinhua

    UN launches Global Soil Organic Carbon Map on World Soil Day

    The United Nations on Tuesday launched the Global Soil Organic Carbon Map on World Soil Day, calling for "caring the ground we walk on."


    • Uzbekistan’s 1News Agency 


    Latin American and the Caribeean (GRULAC)

    • El Diario

    El suelo como garante de presente y futuro

    El Día Mundial del Suelo sirve para centrar la atención en la importancia de un suelo sano para la sostenibilidad del planeta


    • Jornal Do Brazil

    FAO alerta para aumento da degradação dos solos a nível mundial

    A Organização das Nações Unidas para Alimentação e Agricultura (FAO) fez um alerta nesta terça-feira (5) para o aumento da degradação dos solos a nível mundial, devido a práticas inadequadas de manuseio da terra. O alerta foi lançado por ocasião do Dia Mundial do Solo, que se comemora hoje, sob lema “Cuidar do planeta começa com o solo”.


    • Prensa Latina

    En Cuba II taller sobre técnicas analíticas de suelos 


    • Aacrea Argentina 

    Así son los suelos de mi país  

    Una experiencia única para crear conciencia 


    • CGIAR's CIAT institute

    CIAT celebrated World Soil Day with a useful look at some apparent paradoxes in soil carbon sequestration efforts in West Africa.


    Near East

    • The Sudanese news agency SUNA spread it through Arab media


    • Gulf news: Environment

    Soil conservation becomes heart of the matter in land of sand


    South-West Pacific

    • Agriculture and Food

    A world of soil information on show at Perth forum


    • Minister of Agriculture

    Healthy Soils, means healthy farms, means healthy Australians 



    • Daily Trust (Nigeria)

    Experts call for proper soil management


    • Modern Ghana

    December 5 is World Soil Day


    • World Food Bank (East Africa)

    World Soil Day 2017: healthy soils are key to food production in East Africa


    • Farmers' weekly (South Africa)

    World Soil Day: Overcoming farmers'resistance to climate-smart agriculture


    • IFPRI Blog

    #WorldSoilDay: Soil conservation is everyone’s responsibility
