Round Table 4


Measures to Enhance Global Food Security: Rural Development, Smallholder Farmers and Trade Considerations


This round table will explore agricultural and trade policies that could support the maintenance and growth of agricultural productive capacity and enhance livelihoods and rural development in both developed and developing countries.  The objective is to support small farmers, without creating distortions, while putting in place a policy framework conducive to long-term global food security and environmental sustainability.  Questions to be addressed at the round table would include:

  • How to increase access of developing country farmers (especially smallholders) to national, regional and international markets?
  • How to provide support to farmers in least developed countries so that they face a level playing field? 
  • Can mechanisms be developed for smallholders to benefit from the carbon credit offset system?
  • What international mechanisms and national policies need to be in place to assure countries of food imports in times of crises?

Discussion points

  • How can we encourage a further shift of developed country domestic farm support towards decoupled policies targeting non-farm concerns, such as environment, rural development and  maintaining productive land reserves?
  • What mechanisms could be put in place to compensate developing country farmers for distortion-generating support in developed countries?
  • How can we stimulate investments in developing agriculture via carbon credit offsets stemming from climate change mitigation policies and the clean development mechanism?
  • Is there need for a Food Import Financing Facility (FIFF) and other international mechanisms to assure net food-importing developing and other countries (NFIDCs) adequate imports in times of global market crises and/or under sudden and adverse movements in their food import bills?
  • What is the role of “smart” subsidies to correct market failures in low-income countries?


Kanayo Nwanze, President, IFAD

Joachim von Braun, Director-General, IFPRI

Clemens Boonekamp, Director of the Agriculture and Commodities Division, WTO

Karen Serres, President of the IFAP Committee of Women Farmers

Media accreditation

The path to the Summit

Three important events have prepared the ground for the Summit:

The High-Level Expert Forum on How to Feed the World in 2050 examined policy options that governments should consider adopting to ensure that the world population can be fed when it nears its peak of nearly 9.2 billion people in the middle of this century.

The Committee on World Food Security considered reforms that will enable it to play a much more effective role in the global governance of food security.

The theme of World Food Day this year is how to ensure food security in times of crisis.

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