
7th World Soil Day Global Celebration

04 December 2020
13:00-14:30 CET | Online on Zoom  Register here Keep soil alive, protect soil biodiversity The 7th World Soil Day official ceremony will be held virtually on 4 December with the participation of...

21 November 2020: World Fisheries Day: “Voices from the sea”

19 November 2020
The Holy See and FAO join hands again to celebrate the World Fisheries Day. The celebrations, which this year mark the 75th Anniversary of FAO and the 100th anniversary of Stella Maris, will also include the event “Voices from the Sea”, paying tribute to all...

World Food Day

16 October 2020
Time to build back better! In recent decades the world has made significant progress in improving agricultural productivity. Although we now produce more than enough food to feed everyone, our food systems are out of balance. Hunger, obesity, environmental degradation,...


28 August 2020
世界各国的儿童和青少年朋友们请注意!若你的年龄在5岁到19岁之间,我们希望你能够发挥自己的想象力,创作一张你最喜欢的食物英雄正在工作的海报。世界上有许多食物英雄,从农民到司机,从商店助理到食物银行或政府代表,尽管面临诸如2019冠状病毒病(COVID-19)疫情等各类挑战,他们仍然努力工作,确保食物从农场顺利抵达我们的餐桌。让我们在今年的世界粮食日庆祝他们作出的伟大贡献。我们的《世界粮食日活动手册》讲述了食物英雄在粮食系统中所扮演的重要角色,告诉大家如何才能携起手来,一起采取行动支持我们的食物英雄,让他们能够在保护地球的同时,提供我们所需要的健康饮食。 请将你所创作海报的照片或扫描件提交给我们,提交作品时请填写我们网站上的表格。提交截止日期为2020年11月6日。 每个年龄组的三名获奖者将由我们的评审团选出,并将于12月在此公布。获奖者将由粮农组织驻国家办事处在世界各地进行宣传,并获得一份惊喜礼包和荣誉证书。 参赛者必须在5-19岁之间。提交作品的截止日期为2020年11月6日。

国际青年日 2018

12 August 2018
Safe Spaces for Youth is the theme of the International Youth Day 2018. Observed annually on August 12, it is designed to steer awareness around the world of the challenges faced by the young generations. Every year, some 120...