
Costa Rica - Group 14, El Erizo Alajuela, Comunidad Esparta

Ending Hunger Challenge Badge

Objective of the programme:

Our main focus was to be based on the current situation in our country, as well as to be aware of the daily activities that we carry out and even then what can be done so that our world has a better handling and handling of food. We also cover points such as malnutrition at a national and Central American level. We also focus on creating awareness based on videos where the necessary use of food is developed in a good way. All activity was based on our promise Guide and Scout for which it was a success to work the same. At the end of the activity we made videos where they were published in several social networks in order that our legacy for a better world may spread. Finally, we work hand in hand with the objectives of sustainable development to give more strength to the program.

Howe the activities worked:

Most of all, the activities we did were analysis and awareness, which is why many had talks, videos and information about the problem of nutrition where we also cover possible solutions.

Videos used: