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Aquacop, 1977 Reproduction in captivity and growth of Penaeus monodon Fabricius in Polynesia. Paper presented at the 8th Annual Workshop of the World Mariculture Society

Boyd, C.E., 1976 Lime requirement and application in fishponds. FAO Aquaculture Conference, FIR:AQ/Conf/76/E.13: 3p.

Camacho, A.S., 1977 Implications of acid sulfate soils in tropical fish culture. Paper presented at the Joint FAO-UNDP/SCSP and SEAFDEC Regional Workshop on Aquaculture Engineering, Tigbauan, Iloilo, Philippines, 27 November-3 December 1977 (mimeo)

Cook, H.L., 1976 Problems in shrimp culture in the South China Sea Region. South China Sea Fish. Dev. & Coord. Prog., Manila, SCS/77/WP/40: 29p.

Davide, J.G., (undated) Fishpond soils and fertilizers. Planters Products Cooperative Marketing and Supply, Inc., Makati, Rizal, Philippines: 5p. (mimeo)

Delmendo, M.N. and H.R. Rabanal, 1956 Cultivation of sugpo (jumbo tiger shrimp), Penaeus monodon Fabricius in the Philippines. Proc. Indo-Pacif. Fish. Coun., 6(2–3): 424-31

Delves-Broughton, J., 1974 Preliminary investigations into the suitability of a new chemotherapeutic, Furanace, for the treatment of infectious prawn diseases. Aquaculture 3: 175–185

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Druben, L. (editor), 1976 Freshwater fishpond culture and management. Volunteers in Technical Assistance, VITA Publications Manual, Series No. 36 E

Egusa, S., 1961 Studies on the respiration of the “Kuruma” prawn Penaeus japonicus Bate. II Preliminary experiments on its oxygen consumption. Bull. Japanese Soc. of Scientific Fisheries 27: 650–659

Forster, J.R.M. and T.W. Beard, 1974 Experiments to assess the suitability of nine species of prawns to intensive culture. Aquaculture 3: 355–368

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Fujinaga, M. and H. Kurata, 1967 Survey report on shrimp resources and fishing at Sandakan, Sabah, Malaysia (mimeo)

Gundermann, N. and D. Popper, 1975 Experiment in growing Penaeus merguiensis (De Man, 1888) in a fishpond in Fiji. Aquaculture 6: 197–198

Hanks, K.S., 1976 Toxicity of some chemical therapeutics to the commercial shrimp, Penaeus californiensis. Aquaculture 7: 293–294

Honma, Akio, 1971 Aquaculture in Japan. Japan FAO Association, Tokyo: 148p.

Jamandre, T. Jr. and H.R. Rabanal, 1975 Engineering aspects of brackishwater aquaculture in the South China Sea Region. South China Sea Fish. Dev. & Coord. Prog., Manila. SCS/75/WP/16: 37p.

King, J.M., 1973 Recirculating system culture methods for marine organisms. S-E-A Scope 3(1): 1

Kungvankij, P., B. Sirikul and K. Chotiyaputta, 1976 On the monoculture of jumbo tiger shrimp Penaeus monodon Fabricius. Report of the ASEAN Seminar Workshop on Shrimp Culture, 15–23 November 1976, Iloilo, Philippines

Liao, I.C., 1977 A culture study on grass prawn, Penaeus monodon in Taiwan - the patterns, the problems and the prospects. Jour. Fisheries Soc. of Taiwan 5(2): 11–29

Liao, I.C. et al, 1977 Manual on propagation and cultivation of grass prawn, Penaeus monodon. Extension Series No. 1, Tungkang Marine Laboratory, Taiwan Fisheries Research Institute, Tungkang, Pingtung, Taiwan

Mandal, L.N., 1962 Nitrogenous fertilizers for brackishwater ponds - ammonium or nitrate form? Indian J. Fish. (A), 9(1): 123–124

Mackay, R.D., 1974 A note on minimal levels of oxygen required to maintain life in Penaeus schmitti. Proc. 5th Annual Workshop, World Mariculture Society: 451-2

McQuire, A.J., 1971 Preservation of timber in the sea. p. 339–346. In Gareth Jones E.B. and S.K. Eltringham, editors, Marine borers, fungi and fouling organisms of wood. Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, Paris: 367p.

Mock, C.R., R.A. Neal and B.R. Salser, 1973 A close raceway for the culture of shrimp. Proc. 4th Ann. Workshop World Maricult. Soc., 4: 247–259

Neves, R.J., 1975 Zooplankton recolonization of a lake cover treated with rotenone. Trans. Amer. Fish. Soc. 2: 390–393

Padlan, P., 1977 (Personal communication)

Padlan, P., (undated) Some effects of commercial fertilizers at the Western Visayas Demonstration Fish Farm

Perry, G.P., Jr., A.B. Ensminger and W.R. Latape, 1972 Marsh and pond construction. Proc. 3rd Ann. Workshop World Mariculture Society: 149–166

Piyakarnchana, T., 1975 M. Hungspreugs and S. Tamiyavanich, Some limiting factors on the growth and survival of the banana prawn, Penaeus merguiensis de Man cultivated in a tambak. Special Symposium on Marine Sciences, 7–16 Dec. 1973. The Pacific Science Assoc. Hong Kong: 71–74

Potter, T., 1976 The problems to fish culture associated with acid-sulfate soils and methods for their improvement. Report of the ASEAN Seminar/Workshop on Shrimp Culture, 15–23 November 1976, Iloilo City, Philippines

Prawirodihardjo, S. et al., 1975 Occurrence and abundance of prawn seed at Jepara. Bulletin of the Shrimp Culture Research Centre, 1: 19–26

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Stickney, R.R., 1972 Handbook for Marine Biology. Skidaway Institute of Oceanography, Savannah, Georgia: 148p.

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Anonymous, 1976a Pest control in brackishwater fishponds. Extension Literature D2, Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources, Manila: 4p. (mimeo)

Anonymous, 1976b Platform and other methods of fishpond fertilization. Extension Literature D3a, Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources, Manila: 3p. (mimeo)

Anonymous, 1977 Establishment of ground cover vegetation to minimize dike erosion In Inland Fisheries Project Philippines, Technical Report No. 9: 150–162

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