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The Fisheries Extension Division was created by Presidential Decree No. 704 on May 16, 1975. Under Letter of Instructions No. 459 dated September 8, 1976, the primary task of the Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources (BFAR) is the preparation and implementation of a fisheries extension program which is a sub-set of the Expanded Fish Production Program in turn a sub-set of the Integrated Fisheries Development Plan.

BFAR has lined up six projects to attain the objectives of the Expanded Fish Production Program. One of the projects is the Inland and Aquaculture Fisheries Development. In the government's accelerated development efforts on the foregoing project, external assistance has been sought. As one of the results, the Food and Agriculture Organization/United Nations Development Programme (FAO/UNDP) and the Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources (BFAR), the Brackishwater Aquaculture Development and Training Project came into being.

Obviously, the Fisheries Extension Division assumes a significant role in the implementation of the foregoing FAO/UNDP-assisted project. Extension efforts should harness and improve productivity of the tremendous human resources engaged in brackishwater aquaculture. One of the efforts is through this publication which is primarily intended to be a reference manual for trainors in the Brackishwater Aquaculture Development and Training Project. It is presented not as techniques to be practiced, but as ideas to be used as the basis of good practice. The intent is to identify mental anchors that may help trainors shape their own techniques in the light of personal experiences and the situations in the regions in which they must formulate and carry on extension work.

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