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  1. Brackishwater Fishpond - a farm intended for the cultivation of specific fishery products.

  2. Broker - a person considered as agent of fishpond operator. He merely acts as intermediary between the fishpond operator and fish buyers in return for a commission.

  3. Cash-and-Carry - is an exchange transaction where the producer/seller gets payments in cash.

  4. Cash-on-Delivery - is a term of sale characterized by outright payment upon delivery of the product.

  5. Consignment - is a term of sale where the producer/seller gets paid only upon disposal of the produce by the buyer/trader.

  6. Credit - is a deal granted to a few selected clients who are privileged to make purchases, with the payments being obligated.

  7. F.L.A. - an acronym for Fishpond Lease Agreement, a lease contract entered into by the owner and the lessee (government sector specifically) covering a certain period of time usually 25 years.

  8. Fishpond Operator - a person engaged in fishpond management.

  9. Feasibility Study - an examination of the practicability of chances of success of a given project proposal or undertaking.

  10. Input Costs - include all the costs incurred in the purchase of raw materials (like fry/fingerling, pesticide and fertilizers) essential to production.

  11. Leased Farm - refers to a fishpond acquired by entering into a lease agreement/ contract with either the government or private entity.

  12. Lessee - a fishpond operator who has acquired ownership to the farm he operates by entering into a lease agreement/contract with the owner of the farm for a certain period of time.

  13. Marketing Outlet - refers to the buyers of fishpond products who may be brokers, wholesalers, retailers or wholesaler-retailers.

  14. Net Income - is computed by deducting the costs (production and marketing) from the total value of gross income.

  15. Retailer - a fish trader who sells his fish purchases to the ultimate consumers.

  16. Wholesaler - a fish trader who buys in fairly large quantities of fish and sells to other fish traders.

  17. Wholesaler-retailer - a fish trader who buys fish in fairly large quantities and sells this to both fish traders and ultimate consumers.

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