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Allen, R.M., 1965 Fisheries statistics. In Record of a Kariba Research Symposium held at the Fisheries Research Institute on 8–9 June 1965. Kariba, Lake Kariba Fisheries Research Institute, pp.105–7

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  1. 1969 Fisheries Statistics (1970)

  2. Notes on the planktonic fauna of Lake Kariba from net collections made in 1967 (G.W. Begg, undated)

  3. Notes on the molluscan constituents of the benthos of Lake Kariba (G.W. Begg, undated)

  4. The fish population changes in Lake Kariba between 1960 and 1968 (B.G. Donnelly, undated)

  5. 1970 Fisheries Statistics (1971)

  6. Report on a study of the ecology of the tigerfish Hydrocynus vittatus Castelnau in Lake Kariba (D.H.S. Kenmuir, 1972)

  7. An investigation into the decline of the Labeo congoro stocks in the Sanyati basin of Lake Kariba (D.H.S. Kenmuir, 1971)

  8. An introduction to the biology of Labeo altivelis Peters in the Sanyati basin, Lake Kariba (D.H.S. Kenmuir, 1972)

  9. 1971 Fisheries Statistics (1972)

  10. Report on the application of spectrophotometric methods to phytoplankton analysis in Lake Kariba (K.J. King, 1971)

  11. The determination of a heat budget for Lake Kariba, Rhodesia (K.J. King, 1971)

  12. A comparative study of the diets of Labeo congoro, Labeo altivelis, and Tilapia mossambica in the Sanyati basin, Lake Kariba. (R.H. Burne, 1971)

  13. A review of the factors concerned with 1½-stretched-mesh netting on a commercial scale in Lake Kariba, with regard to Hydrocynus vittatus (D.H.S. Kenmuir, 1972)

  14. A preliminary comparative study of epiphytes associated with Nais pectinatus, Potamogeton schweinfurthii, P. pusillus, Lagarosiphon ilicifolius and Ceratophyllum demersum (R.H. Burne, 1971)

  15. The hydrology at the mouth of the Sanyati Gorge, Lake Kariba, with particular emphasis on the influence of thermal stratification on the vertical distribution of zooplankton (G.W. Begg, 1972)

  16. 1972 Fisheries Statistics (1973)

  17. Investigations into the biology and status of the Tanganyika sardine Limnothrissa miodon (Boulenger) in Lake Kariba, Rhodesia. (G.W. Begg, 1974)

  18. Fish population changes in Lake Kariba, Rhodesia. (D.H.S. Kenmuir, undated)

  19. Report on a four-month angling census in the Sanyati Gorge, Lake Kariba (G.W. Begg, 1974)

  20. The relationship between the diurnal movements of some of the zooplankton and the sardine Limnothrissa miodon in Lake Kariba, Rhodesia (G.W. Begg, 1974)

  21. 1973 Fisheries Statistics (1974)

  22. A preliminary investigation into the biology and status of two mormyrids, Mormyrus deliciosus (Leach 1818) and Mormyrus longirostris Peters 1852, (Pisces: Mormyridae) in Lake Kariba, Rhodesia (C.S.W. Joubert, 1975

  23. 1974 Fisheries Statistics (1975)

  24. Observations on the reactions of submerged hydrophytes to lake level rise, Lake Kariba. (D.H.S. Kenmuir, 1975)

  25. Haplochromis codringtoni (Cichlidae) and bilharzia on Lake Kariba. (S.A.Mitchell and C. Gahamadze, 1976).

  26. 1975 Fisheries Statistics (1976)

  27. An investigation into the possibility of future exploitation of the estuarine areas of Lake Kariba by the gill-net fisheries. (R.H. Burne, 1977)

  28. 1976 Fisheries Statistics (1978)

  29. Seasonal fluctuations in the catches of Limnothrissa miodon (Boulenger) in Lake Kariba. (K.L. Cochrane, 1978)

  30. 1977 Fisheries Statistics (1978).

  31. A bibliography of Lake Kariba, 1969–1978 (B.E. Marshall, 1979)

  32. 1978 Fisheries Statistics (1979)

  33. The current status of Salvinia molesta in Lake Kariba (B.E. Marshall, 1979)

  34. An assessment of mussel mortality caused by a drop in the water level of Lake Kariba. (R.H. French, 1980)

  35. Aspects of the ecology of the crustacean zooplankton in the Sanyati basin, Lake Kariba. (B.E. Marshall, 1980)

  36. Aspects of the biology and population dynamics of freshwater mussels in Lake Kariba and Lake Mcllwaine. (D.H.S. Kenmuir, 1980)

  37. 1979 Fisheries Statistics (1980)

  38. An evaluation of mark and recapture techniques for estimating tigerfish biomass in Lake Kariba. (J.D. Langerman, 1980)

  39. A study of some physico-chemical properties of Basin 5 - Lake Kariba. (R.H. Burne, 1981)

  40. A review of the sardine fishery in Lake Kariba, 1973–1980. (B.E. Marshall, 1981)

  41. Report on the 1980/81 angling census in the Sanyati Gorge, Lake Kariba (J.D. Langerman, 1981)

  42. Preliminary phytoplankton counts in the Sanyati Basin, Lake Kariba, and a comparison of phytoplankton and total particle count (I.H. Beattie, 1981)

  43. 1980 Fisheries statistics (1981)

  44. 1981 Fisheries statistics (1982)


  1. Sardine fishing in Lake Kariba; a short guide to methods in use. (1978).

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