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List of plates

1. Pedestal erosion
2. Volume of soil lost from a rill or gully can be compared with the volume of the deposited soil
3. Plastic-lined catchpits
4. Simple demonstration plots in Zimbabwe
5. A rotating nozzle simulator
6. A large Australian simulator which can be picked up by crane in one piece and moved to another plot
7. Rotating boom simulator
8. Microplots in Malawi
9. Microplot at IITA, Nigeria
10. Microplots in Hungary
11. Removable plot boundaries in Zimbabwe
12. A plot to measure the effect of grazing in South Africa
13. Concentric tanks make the emptying of small runoff events simpler
14. A multi-slot divisor in Korea
15. A V-notch divisor in Zimbabwe
16. A divisor of drilled holes in Zimbabwe
17. A multi-pipe divisor in Indonesia
18. A multi-pipe divisor in Nigeria
19. A simple flow-splitter in Thailand
20. Splitting flow in sequence in Thailand
21. A system with three tanks and two divisors in Zimbabwe
22. The Coshocton sampling wheel in Taiwan
23. Measuring streamflow with a current meter in Botswana
24. A broad-crested V weir at IITA in Nigeria with downstream apron
25. The approach to the weir and gantry for current meter measurements and sediment sampling
26. A non-standard weir in Java on a stream with a heavy bedload
27. A Parshall flume with free outfall and one level recorder
28. A Parshall flume with partly submerged outflow and two water level recorders
29. Field construction of a Parshall flume using a reusable metal framework
30. An H flume in Zimbabwe
31. A WSC flume for measuring small flows
32. Modern commercial pumping sampler (Rock and Taylor)
33. Components of the pumping sampler developed by Hydraulics Research Wallingford
34 Wallingford pumping at an HL flume in the Philippines
35. A simple sampler for measuring total load in small channels on cultivated land
36. A field scale simulator from Israel
37. A laboratory dropper simulator
38. Trailer-mounted drop simulator from Venezuela
39. Preparing plots for the simulator
40. A rotating disc rainfall simulator
41. Rotating nozzle simulator developed at Silsoe College
42. The Silsoe College rainfall simulator in China
43. The failure of a terrace system in Tanzania

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