Utilization of Bonga (Ethmalosa fimbriata) in West Africa - 4. Production


Small pelagic fish in West Africa contribute significantly to the promotion of food self-sufficiency in the sub-region. Small pelagic fish contribute between 18 and 79 percent of the total catch in the countries covered in the study (See Table II). Bonga contributes between 11 and 86 percent of the small pelagic fish landings, and these landings are significant in the respective countries.

Table II Catch of small pelagic fish in West Africa

Country Total catch
Small pelagic fish catch Bonga
(t) (% of total catch)
(t) (% of small
pelagic fish
Senegal 268,800 130,500 49 15,100 11.6
The Gambia 17,600 12,900 73 9,300 7.2
Guinea Bissau 3,500 2,000 57    
Guinea 34,000 27,000 79 5,000 18.5
Sierra Leone 53,000 28,000 53 21,100 75
Nigeria 259,500 50,900 20 43,700 86
Cameroon 77,600 36,000 46 18,000 50

Source: FAO Yearbook Fishery Statistics Vol. 68 (1989)