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Annex 2
Proposed Programme for

integrated into a global Caribbean framework

Justification and overview

For many countries aquaculture may present interesting opportunities for developing new coastal activities, providing employment, and protein either for local consumption or for export. This is specially applicable to the Caribbean area, for which a better integration of fishery exploitation and aquaculture adapted to local possibilities and needs would be highly beneficial.

However, in aquaculture many examples of some successes and many failures, show that successful activities very rarely develop spontaneously with immediate or short-term results, without the support of a carefully planned phase of research preceding industrial development. The establishment of these activities requires the simultaneous satisfaction of many conditions: biological, technical, socioeconomic and institutional. Many projects, having overlooked or underestimated these conditions, have resulted in drastic failures or severe disillusionment, often discouraging local authorities and entrepreneurs for many years.

Rearing wild marine fish is a very recent activity, and yet provides limited opportunities for a rapid and cheap transfer of technology. Aquatic animals are very strictly dependent upon the surrounding environment which regulates all their physiological functions. This recently established technology remains complex, and in most cases is still under rapid evolution ; its transfer to new environments (hydrological and human) always requires some adaptation.

Short termwhen the technology is available and reproductible, when the objectives and organization of the project are clearly established, a transfer of technology from scientist to farmer can be operated rapidly. It often represents only a part of the aquaculture process, which by itself, is not always sufficient to ensure the success of the operation (for example the establishment of a hatchery producing fry of a given species).
Medium termwhen the technology does not exist, or requires significant improvement, years of research are generally required to bring together the knowledge necessary to promote the development. Usually this process requires a minimum of 3 to 5 years to allow commercial application to take place at a reasonable cost.
Long termrearing a species which has potential, but for which the process of domestication has not started, faces severe difficulties ; major research is necessary, and may provide applicable results only in the long term (10 years). Over the same time period, significant improvements can be made to rearing processes when applying modern scientific technology such as genetics.

In order to promote these possibilities and insure the best results, a progressive approach is proposed in this programm composed of 3 projects, one of them with 2 sub-projects.

1- Evaluation of the micro-economic feasibility of alternative fish rearing systems in Jamaica, in order to quantify the best opportunities and the costs of their promotion (project 1).

2- Aquaculture diversification & regional cooperation in fish farming in the Carribean, to be undertaken at a regional level.

2.1- A workshop on tropical marine fish culture in the Caribbean including participants from the whole Caribbean region, in order to compare regional experiences and promote regional co-operation in aquaculture research and development. (sub-project 2.1)

2.2- An assessement of the potential of local marine species for marine cage farming. (sub-project 2.2)

3- Education and training in order to provide Jamaican research and development staff with the necessary skills in marine aquaculture (project 3).


1. Project title : “Evaluation of the micro-economic feasibility of alternative fish rearing systems in Jamaica

2. Location : Fisheries Division

3. Duration : 4 months

4. Counterpart organisations : FD, UWI

5. Indicative budget : US$ 44,000

Government contribution in kind
Donor contribution US$ 44,000

6. Objectives :

  1. Development

  2. Immediate

7. Justification and background :

The present report allowed to obtain through a gross macroeconomic and technical approach, the potential of development of finfish culture systems in Jamaica, in fresh and saltwater environments. This led to propose three possible ways of development :

These innovative freshwater (intensive methods) and marine aquaculture development may be envisaged, provided it has good adaptability to the local market and is technically and economically feasible under Jamaican conditions. Thus, the economic feasibility of these three proposals has to be rapidly assessed through a microeconomic analysis of existing (Tilapia) or potential (marine sp.) enterprises in the socio economic context of Jamaica.

8. Activities:

  1. Collection and analysis of existing economic data of existing production structures. (1 month 2 Jamaican experts (FD, UWI, economic dpt): typology, investment, operating costs…

  2. Elaboration of provisional technicoeconomic models for the three axis proposed (1 expert intensive FW culture, 1 expert in facility and hatchery design and operation, 1 expert in socio-economics & planning in aquaculture), working in connection with the experts mentioned above. Production of a comprehensive report including all the above mentioned elements and a comparative study of the assets and constraints of the different production systems, under Jamaican conditions.

  3. Elaboration of specific development projects

  1. Presentation of the projects and search for funding

9. Approximate budget: (incl. administrative overhead)

Consultants (43 p/d)16,000 US$
Travel and per diem21,000 US$
Miscellaneous (report, photo, video…)3,000 US$
Sundries (10%)   4,000 US$   
Total44,000 US$


Aquaculture diversification & regional cooperation in fish farming

Sub Project No 2.1

1. Project title: “Workshop on tropical marine fish culture in the Caribbean”

2. Locations: UWI

3. Duration: 3 months

4. Counterpart organisations: UWI, SRC, FD

5. Indicative budget: 84,000 US$

Government contribution in kind
Donor contribution 84,700 US$

6. Objectives:

  1. Development

  2. Immediate

7. Justification and background:

Jamaica has specific needs in marine aquaculture development, but the same issues may be encountered in other Caribbean countries. Therefore it is important for all these countries as at least bio-technical problems are the same all over the area, to compare their experiences and needs in marine fish culture in order to promote more efficient action programmes through regional co-operation in research and development.

8. Activities:

  1. Preparation of national studies in the relevant countries:

  2. Workshop (1 week) to be held at UWI:

  3. Preparation and publication of the proceedings of the workshop.

  4. Establishment of a follow-up committee for the co-ordination of concerted actions in marine aquaculture research and development among Carribean countries.

9. Approximate budget (including administrative overhead)

Administrative support, conference facilities in kind

Consultants13,000 US$
National papers5,000 US$
Travel and per diem49,000 US$
Miscellaneous (copies, reports, slides, videos,.....)10,000 US$
Sundries   7,700 US$   
Total84,700 US$

Diversification & regional co-operation in fish farming

Sub Project No2.2

1. Project title: “Assessment of the potential of local marine species for marine cage farming

2. Locations: UWI and selected coastal locations, other Caribbean research stations

3. Duration: 5 years

4. Counterpart organisations: FD, UWI, other Caribbean government and research institutions

5. Indicative budget: to be estimated in a regional project context

Government contribution
Donor contribution

6. Objectives:

  1. Development

  2. Immediate

7. Justification and background

In the Caribbean, new marine fish species are needed for aquaculture aimed at four contexts:

Therefore, screening of new species in the Caribbean should be undertaken on a regional basis. Jamaica belongs to the first group of countries, and even if not exclusive, the productivity and low costs aspects should be particularily stressed. In that prospect, the use of Tilapia in brackish and marine environments also has to be studied (possibly in connection with a regional research project in the building phase in Martinique).

8. Activities

  1. Acquisition of basic data for estimating the availability of naturally produced fry to be captured for aquaculture operations: species, characteristics, quantities, (18 months).

  2. Improvement of the research facilities at Port Royal, through the results of PROJECT PROFILE 3:

  3. Evaluation of the rearing potential (reactions to captivity, handling and acceptance of dry pellets)of the juveniles of the three candidate species collected from the wild, plus Tilapia. Search for primary indications about gross nutritional requirements (12–18 months).

  4. Assessment of the possibilities of rearing wild caught fry from marine species and Tilapia in small floating net cages and definition of gross rearing standards to be used during the next steps (18 months)

  5. Confirmation of the previous results and tests on a larger scale (18 months) - pilot rearing phase in 4×50m3 cages.

  6. Synthesis of the information collected through the project, search for interested operators.

9. Provisional Budget:

The proposal presented here should be part of a regional project, and therefore is not budgeted in details, which should be defined later, after discussion with Jamaican authorities and integration in a regional project for the Caribbean, with associate research partnership.


1. Project title: “Education and training in aquaculture in Jamaica

2. Locations: University of West Indies, Kingston (UWI), selected research laboratories

3. Duration: 3 months

4. Counterpart organisations: UWI, SRC, FD

5. Indicative budget: US$ 61,600

Government contribution in kind
Donor contribution US$ 61,600

6. Objectives:

  1. Development

  2. Immediate

7. Justification and background:

Marine aquaculture is an important axis to be developed for improving local fish supply in Jamaica. But, no marine aquaculture exists for the time being. This could include molluscs, seaweeds or crustaceans aquaculture, but also marine cage culture of fish.
On the other hand, Jamaica has local capabilities in freshwater aquaculture, which could quickly become, if properly trained, in marine aquaculture. Therefore, this multi-level training project is designed to improve local capabilities through short training sessions, study the needs in research facilities, and provide a longer term action through high-level education.

8. Activities:

  1. Short training courses in marine finfish aquaculture in a specialized research station in the area (10 days), for selected UWI, FD and SRC staff.

  2. Organisation of a specific session on marine aquaculture (possibly at UWI) for UWI staff, Jamaican experts in aquaculture and potential sea farming operators (4 days + 2 days site visits).:

  3. Evaluation of the needs for experimental facilities in Port Royal:

9. Approximate budget (including administrative overhead)

Consultants (40 p/d)13,500 US$
Travel and per diem37,000 US$
Miscellaneous (copies, reports, photo, video,...)5,500 US$
Sundries (10%)   5,600 US$   
Total61,600 US$

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