Management of Agricultural Research: A training manual. Module 3: Organizational principles and design

Table of Contents

Prepared by
V.N. Asopa,
Indian Institute of Management
G. Beye,
Research and Technology Development Service
Research, Extension and Training Division, FAO

Rome, 1997

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ISBN 92-5-104093-1

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Table of Contents



Session 1. Organizational theories

Session guide: Organizational theories

Exhibit 1: Organization theories
Exhibit 2: Taylor's principles of scientific management
Exhibit 3: Weber's bureaucratic approach
Exhibit 4: Fayol's principles of management: Administrative theory
Exhibit 5: Principles of the neoclassical approach
Exhibit 6: Characteristics of modern approaches to the organization
Exhibit 7: Modern approaches to organization: The systems approach
Exhibit 8: The research organization as a social system
Exhibit 9: The importance of goal settings
Exhibit 10: The process of goal setting (management by objectives)
Exhibit 11: The need for integration
Exhibit 12: Methods of integration
Exhibit 13: Organization-based power
Exhibit 14: Communication in the organization
Exhibit 15: The process of decision making
Exhibit 16: Models of decision making

Reading note: Organizational theories

Classical organization theory

Taylor's scientific management approach
Weber's bureaucratic approach
Administrative theory

Neoclassical theory

Principles of the neoclassical approach

Modern theories

The systems approach
Socio-technical approach
The contingency or situational approach

The research organization as a social system

Goal setting
Integration and coordination

Process in the organization

Power in the organization
Communication in the organization


Session 2. Structure of an organization

Session guide: Structure of an organization

Exhibit 1: The concept of an organization
Exhibit 2: Features of an organization
Exhibit 3: Structure of an organization
Exhibit 4: Considerations in designing organizational structure
Exhibit 5: Principles of organizational structure
Exhibit 6: Rationale for assembling institutional units
Exhibit 7: Types of organizational structure
Exhibit 8: Line-discipline organization
Exhibit 9: Line-commodities and production areas organization
Exhibit 10: Hierarchical structure of the Rubber Research Institute of Malaysia
Exhibit 11: Matrix organization
Exhibit 12: Where the matrix approach is best
Exhibit 13: Requirements for a matrix organization
Exhibit 14: Responsibilities and interests of matrix research organisations
Exhibit 15: Questions concerning the management of a matrix research organization
Exhibit 16: Modified matrix organization
Exhibit 17: An integrated national research system - Chart 1
Exhibit 18: An integrated national research system - Chart 2
Exhibit 19: Executive and other committees

Reading note: Structure of an organization

Designing organizational structures
Principles of organization structure

Type of organizational structure

Classical organizational structure
Modern organization designs

Choosing the organizational structure

Session 3. Organizational design and change

Session guide: Organizational design and change

Exhibit 1: Interlocking systems of an organization
Exhibit 2: Processes towards organizational effectiveness
Exhibit 3: Attributes of an effective organization
Exhibit 4: Approaches to organizational development
Exhibit 5: Processes of organizational development
Exhibit 6: Socio-technical systems approach to organization re-design
Exhibit 7: Techniques of organizational development

Reading note: Organizational design and change

Organizational effectiveness and efficiency
Organizational development
The OD process
Socio-technical systems approach for organization re-design
OD techniques


Session 4. Case study: Establishment of a Directorate of research at SUA

Session guide: Case study: Establishment of a directorate of research at the Soronno University of Agriculture (SUA)
Case study: Establishment of a directorate of research at Soronno University of Agriculture (SUA)

The agricultural and livestock research system of the Republic of Afritonia
Soronno University of Agriculture

Agricultural research at SUA
Funding of research
Mechanism for administering SUA research funds
Formulation of research strategies and policies
Annual record of research
University budget

Appendix 1: Proposal for the establishment of a directorate of research at Soronno University of Agriculture
Appendix 2: Abstract minutes of the 5th meeting of the research and publications committee of the senate. Held on 14th September, 1995

Session 5. Case study: Organizational change at Samaru, Nigeria

Session guide: Organizational change at Samaru, Nigeria
Case study: Organizational change at Samaru, Nigeria 1

The structure of the research organization
Proposals for change in the organizational structure
Appendix 1: Summary programme budgets and special expenditures, 1983
Appendix 2: Proposal for a new research project
Appendix 3: Annual review of research projects - 1982 season
Appendix 4: Current organizational structure of IAR and the Faculty of Agriculture, Samaru
Appendix 5: Proposed organizational structure of IAR and the Faculty of Agriculture, Samaru