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1. Parcels in the region of Quito, Ecuador..

2. Acoastal zone in Sri Lanka, south of Colombo.

3. Zebra near the gates of Lake Mburo National park, midway between Masaka and Mbarara in western Uganda.

4. A Global Positioning System, an instrument to determine the precise location of locust's infestation. This information is transmitted to a centre in Tulear, Malagasy, which then organizes their elimination.

5. FAO expert discusses mapping and analysis of remote sensing data. Students are learning to use a mirror stereoscope (left) for aerial photos, and a stereopret (right), an instrument of topographical and contour-mapping use.

6. Land clearance in a hilly district of Japan.

7. Hydrology technician explaining the use of a motor pump to supply additional irrigation to farmers in Cambodia.

8. Agroforestry in practice in Zimbabwe. Food crops can be intercropped with trees.

9. Model fish farm. Fish fry production: cast-netting in a shallow fish pond. Fish fry are produced for common carp, Chinese carp, tilapia and silver barb. Lack of mechanization and high cost of pond construction results in shallow seasonal ponds being typical of aquaculture in Laos. The project organizes training of farmer groups in improved production techniques that take into account the climatic and economic conditions of their provinces.

10. Crop rotation in wetlands in Zimbabwe. Maize, rice and groundnuts are alternated and grown side by side with maize and groundnuts on raised ground. The water level is controlled by a sluice gate so the land is irrigated all year round. This has resulted in 8 tons per hectare yield instead of an average 2 tons per hectare before the project.

11. Mariculture students in India cultivate mullet and prawns in the Institute of "wet lab" where physiology and nutrition experiments are conducted.

12. Orchard of Golden apples in Afghanistan.

13. Farmer with buffaloes grazing by a river at the edge of a rice field in Cambodia.

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