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List of Publications of PWMTA-FARM

List of Publications of PWMTA-FARM


Issue No. 1, theme: WMTUH and FARM Introduction

Issue No. 2, theme: Status of Watershed Management in Asia

Issue No. 3, theme: Farmers' Organizations

Issue No. 4, theme: Policy Issues in Watershed Management

Issue No. 5, theme: Gender Framework for Resource Management

Issue No. 6, theme: Participatory Watershed Management Training

Issue No. 7, theme: Gaps in Participatory Watershed Management Training and Education in Asia

Issue No. 8, theme: Envisioning of WM professionals

Issue No. 9, theme: Participatory processes in integrated WM

Issue No. 10, theme: Land use titling-a key to people's participation in WM

Issue No. 11, theme: Sustainability in WM (in press)

Special issue: Membership Directory (Edition I and II)

II. Field Documents

No. 1 Status of watershed management in Asia

No. 2 A rapid review of the NWDPRA in India

No. 3 Case study of people's participation in WM in Nepal (BTRT area), in Nepalese language

No. 4 Case studies of people's participation in WM in Asia:

Part 1: Nepal, China and India

No. 5 Case studies of people's participation in WM in Asia:

Part 2: Sri Lanka, Thailand and Vietnam.

No. 6 Recent developments, status and gaps in participatory watershed management training and education in Asia

No. 7 Participatory processes in integrated WM

No. 8 Farmer-led integrated upland WM - A trainers' manual (in press)

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