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Agenda and timetable

Aims and programme of the consultation
Final programme
Instructions sur l'utilisation de papier recyclé dans l'administration fédérale

Biological farming in Europe: Challenges and opportunities

Expert Consultation

organised by

The FAO's Regional Office for Europe (REUR), Rome

in collaboration with the

Swiss Federal Research Station for Agricultural Chemistry
and Hygiene of Environment, Liebefeld - Bern

28-31 May 1990
"Technisches Zentrum, PTT - Hochhaus"
Bern - Ostermundigen, Switzerland

Final Programme

Aims and programme of the consultation

Among the low input methods in agriculture (ecological agriculture, integrated production etc.) biological farming has, especially in Europe, an ever increasing importance. Various biological farming methods have been developed. They all have in common that the individual farm is considered as the smallest functional unit of production, e.g. an entirety, a living organism. Biological farming involves the whole farm in a structured system which is applied to all the different but harmonising branches of production. The production cycle is as closed as possible, restricting external inputs to the utmost.

The aims of the consultation are:

- Presentation of biological agriculture
- Report on the present knowledge and future perspectives
- Exchange of ideas concerning biological agriculture
- Preparation of conclusions of the consultation

To achieve these aims the program of the consultation contains seven sessions:

1. Importance and development of biological agriculture

2. Research in biological farming

3. Extension and training of farmers in biological farming

4. Marketing, control and labels of products from biological farms

5. Development perspectives of biological farming: production and marketing in Europe

6. Biological agriculture in European countries: short reports from experts (program according to contributions offered)

7. Workshop - synthesis - conclusions

The program will be completed by a visit of the Swiss Federal Station for Agricultural Chemistry and Hygiene of Environment at Liebefeld-Bern and an optional study tour.

Final programme

Sunday, May 27th 1990

Arrival of participants

Monday, May 28th 1990

08.00 - 09.00
Registration of participants at the reception desk of the consultation

09.00 - 09.30
Opening of the consultation
A. Bozzini, I, J.-C1. Piot, CH

09.30 - 12.00
Session 1: Importance and Development of Biological Agriculture
Chairman: J. von AH, CH

09.30 - 10.00
Principles and Development of the Structure of Biological Farming in Europe
B. Geier, D

10.00 - 10.30
Biological Farming in Practice
A. Hoffmann, CH

10.30 - 11.00
Coffee Break

11.00 - 11.30
Impact of Governmental Promotion on the Development of Biological Farming in Europe
D. Peter, B

11.30 - 12.00

12.00 - 13.30

13.30 - 16.00
Session 2: Research In Biological Farming
Chairman: A. Falisse, B

13.30 - 14.00
Research Structure in Biological Farming: General View, Justification, Development
H. Vogtmann, D

14.00 - 14.30
Comparative Trials in Crop Production
J.-M. Besson, N. Maire and H. Suter, CH

14.30 - 15.00
Aspects Concerning Breeding Policy for Domestic Animals
A. Haiger, A

15.00 - 15.30

15.30 - 16.00
Coffee Break

16.00 - 18.00
Session 3: Extension and Training of Farmers in Biological Farming
Chairman: L. Sigsgaard, DK

16.00 - 16.30
Organisation and Priorities in Extension Work for Biological Farming. On Farm Control of Production
O. Schmid, CH

16.30 - 17.00
J. D. Mansvelt, NL

17.00 - 17.30

Tuesday, May 29th 1990

08.30 - 10.30
Session 4: Marketing and Control of Products from Biolgical Farms
Chairman: J. Väisänen, SF

08.30 - 09.00
Market Situation and Market Control in Europe
Ms F. Focqué, F

09.00 - 09.30
Support of Agricultural Cooperatives
H.-U. Pfister, CH

09.30 - 10.00

10.00 - 10.30

10.30 - 12.30
Session 5: Development of Marketing and Production in Biological Farming
Chairman: G. Plakolm, A

10.30 - 11.00
Biological Farming and Agrarian Policy: Trend in Switzerland
H. Popp, CH

11.00 - 11.30
An Example: Denmark
T. V. Oestergaard, DK

11.30 - 12.00

12.00 - 13.30

13.30 - 15.00
Session 6: First Part: Biological Farming: Statements from Experts
Chairman: U. Niggli, CH

13.30 - 14.45
Short Statements and Comunications

1. Research Projects in Cuturova Agricultural Research Institute
B. Volät, TR

2. Biological Agriculture in Central Italy
M. Businelli and F.M. Santucci, I

3. Biological farming in Umberia-Italy
Ms. R. Rogo, I

4. The Experience of ANCA-LEGA in the Field of Biological and Controlled Productions
A. Candioli, I

14.45 - 15.00

Visit of the Research Station FAC, Liebefeld-Bern

15.00 - 15.45
Transfer of Participants to FAC

15.45 - 17.45
Visit of the FAC

17.45 - 18.30
Cocktail Offered by the FAC

Dinner Offered by the Swiss Federal Office for Agriculture

Departure of the bus from Liebefeld to the Hotels

Wednesday, May 30th 1990

08.30 - 11.30
Session 6: Second Part: Biological Farming: Statements from Experts
Chairman: R.J. Unwin, GB

08.30 - 09.30
Short Statements and Comunications (continuation)

5. Agronomical research and organic farming in France
Ph. Girardin, F

6. Research, development and practice of Organic Agriculture in Britain
L. Woodward, GB

7. Support for Organic Agriculture in the United Kingdom
R.J. Unwin GB

8. Biological farming in Norway - Research and extension
H.R. Gislearoed, N

9. Biological agriculture in Sweden - Research, extension, organisations
A. Granstedt, S

09.30 - 09.45

09.45 - 10.15
Coffee Break

10.15 - 11.15
Short Statements and Comunications (continuation and end)

10. Danish research in ecological agriculture - 1990
P. Koelster, DK

11. Research in ecological cropping systems at the Danish Research Service for Plant and Soil Science
G. Mikkelsen, DK

12. Development of Biological Dairy farming systems -Approaches and results
E. Steen Kristensen, DK

13. Present situation and future for research projects within plant production in organic farms in Denmark
J. Vester, DK

14. Research and education - Needs and requirements at Universities
J. Raupp, D

11.15 - 11.30

11.30 - 17.30
Session 7: Work Shop - Synthesis - Conclusions
Chairman: H. Vogtmann, D

11.30 - 12.00
Organisation of the Work Shop: Development perspectives of Biological Agriculture, after the Main Topics of the Session 1 to 5

12.00 - 13.30

13.30 - 15.00
Work Shop

15.00 - 15.30
Coffee Break

15.30 - 16.00
Biological Farming and Agrarian Policy: The Example of Saarland
H. J. Hoffmann, D

Report and Synthesis of the Work Shop Results Session Chairmen and Work Shop Leaders

Closing of the Consultation

Thursday, May 31st 1990

Departure of the excursion bus, Visit of the Production and Marketing Cooperative for Biological Legumes at Galmiz Visit of a Biological Farm

Lunch offered by the Swiss Research Institute for Biological Agriculture at Oberwil

Visit of the Research Institute and of the Coperative, DOC Trial at Therwil

18.00, approx.
Arrival in Bern


Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations, FAO, Regional FAO Office for Europe (REUR), Rome, Italy

Organizing Committee

J.-M. Besson, Swiss Federal Research Station for Agricultural Chemistry and Hygiene of Environment, CH-3097 Liebefeld-Bern, Switzerland


H. Olez, FAO-Regional Office for Europe, Via delle Terme di Carcalla, 1-00100 Rome, Italy

U. Niggli, Swiss Research Station for Biological Agriculture, Bernhardsberg, CH-4104 Oberwil BL, Switzerland

With the collaboration of the swiss secretariat of FAO, Mattenhofstrasse 5, CH- 3003 Bern, Switzerland, I. Marincek


Sessions 1 to 7:
Monday, May 28th 1990, 09.00 to.
Wednesday, May 30th 1990, 17.00


Thursday, May 31st 1990, 09.00-18.00

"Technisches Zentrum, PTT-Hochhaus", Ostermundigenstr. 93, CH- 3030 Bern, Switzerland (Railway main station of Bern, Bus 15, stop "Waldeck")

Cost of Participation
Per participant:
lunches and refreshments 3 days sFr. 80.-
Excursion (bus) sFr. 40.-
The amount has to be paid before January 31th 1990 to the Union Bank of Switzerland, Bern account Nr. 460.568.J1G with the remark: "FAO/FAC expert consultation".

Accounts will be settled directly with the hotel by each participant.

A simple lunch will be served at noon in the canteen of the conference building.

For dinner all participants are free. Exception: dinner on Tuesday evening (29th Mai 1990) which will be offered by the Swiss Federal Office for Agriculture.


Sunday. May 27th 1990
Hotel Kreuz, Bern: 18.30 - 19.15
Hotel Bàren, Ostermundigen: 20.00-20.45

Monday. May 28th 1990
08.00-09.00, "Technisches Zentrum, PTT - Hochhaus", Reception Desk, in Berne.

The participants will receive the final programme as well as a copy of all the lectures and short communications upon their registration. Participants who have not yet paid the participation costs will be asked to do so at the registration desk.


- Monday 28th and Tuesday 29th May 1990: English and French (simultaneous interpretation)

- Wednesday May 30th 1990: Conference and short communications: English and French (simultaneous interpretation is not possible)

Report on the consultation

- Conferences and short communications: in the language of the contribution (English or French). Introduction, work shop, synthesis, conclusions and recommendations: English

- Invited speakers and delegates who wish to present a short communication should submit a written version of their presentation according to the instructions included before March 31th 1990 to following adress:

J.-M. Besson, Swiss Federal Research Station FAC
CH- 3097 Liebefeld-Bern 7 Switzerland

- The whole text of the invited speakers: 10 - max. 12 pages
- The whole text of the experts: 2 - max. 4 pages

Instructions sur l'utilisation de papier recyclé dans l'administration fédérale

du 21 juin 1990

Là Chancellerie fédérale suisse,

vu l'arrêté du Conseil fédéral du 30 mai 19901);
vu l'article 4 de l'ordonnance du 29 novembre 19762) sur l'Office central fédéral des imprimés et du matériel,

1) Non publié
2) RS 172.210.14

édicté les instructions suivantes:

Article premier Champ d'application

Les présentes instructions s'appliquent aux départements, à la Chancellerie fédérale, aux offices et services de l'administration générale de la Confédération ainsi qu'aux offices et services administrativement rattachés aux départements (art. 58, 1er al., let. A à E, LOA3)), à l'exception des entreprises des PTT et des CFF.

3) RS 172.010

Art. 2 Définitions

1 Par papier recyclé on entend le papier entièrement fabriqué avec du papier de récupération désencré ou non.

2 Par papier inaltérable on entend le papier qui peut être conservé pendant plusieurs siècles.

3 Par documents on entend les pièces écrites qui sont établies en un ou plusieurs exemplaires et qui doivent par principe être remises aux Archives fédérales en vertu, des prescriptions y relatives.

4 Par imprimé on entend toute autre pièce écrite ayant été reproduite ou ' imprimée.

Art. 3 Principes

1 Le papier recyclé doit être utilisé pour tous les documents et imprimés ne présentant pas d'intérêt à long terme, pour autant que cet usage soit possible ou opportun du point de vue technique et économique.

2 On utilisera du papier inaltérable pour les documents et imprimés présentant un intérêt à long terme.

Art. 4 Documents

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Art. 5 Imprimés

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Art. 6 Attributions

1 L'utilisation des différents types de papier, dans le cadre des présentes instructions, relève des attributions de l'OCFIM.

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Art. 7 Divergences

En cas de divergences entre la commission et les offices ou les services, le chancelier de la Confédération tranche après avoir entendu la commission.

Art. 8 Dispositions finales

1 Le papier existant au moment de l'entrée en vigueur des présentes instructions sera utilisé jusqu'à épuisement des stocks.

2 Les présentes instructions entrent en vigueur le 1er juillet 1990.

21 juin 1990

Chancellerie fédérale suisse:

Le chancelier de la Confédération, Buser

Annexe 1 (art. 4, 2e al.)

Liste positive

A. Exemples de documents ne présentant pas d'intérêt à long terme et pour lesquels du papier recyclé doit en règle générale être utilisé

- Copies pour un usage interne, bref et personnel si un clasement officiel a lieu parallèlement. Exemples:

- extraits de publications,

- ensemble de documents ou archives de collaborateurs comprenant des lettres, des notes ou des rapports,

- projets à usage interne tels que des rapports, des programmes,

- documents de travail,

- feuilles d'information à usage interne,

- questionnaires, consultations, etc., à usage interne;

- Copies journalières de la correspondance;

- Communiqués et dossiers de presse;

- Documentation destinée à des cours et à des séminaires;

- Matériel de base utilisé pour les relevés statistiques;

- Documents servant à la préparation du budget, des comptes d'Etat et du rapport de gestion;

- Directives et, aide-mémoire à usage interne;

- Feuilles d'information à usage interne émanant du service du personnel, listes d'adresses ou de numéros de téléphone, menus du restaurant du personnel;

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B. Exemples de documents pour lesquels du papier recyclé peut être utilisé

- Lettres destinées à des particuliers, à l'exception des copies de dossier;
- Invitations et réservations;
- Accusés de réception, remerciements.

Annexe 2 (art. 5, 2e al.)

Liste négative

Exemples d'imprimés ne se prêtant pas en règle générale à l'utilisation de papier recyclé

- Documents tels que les formulaires du registre foncier et de l'état civil, les diplômes, les brevets;

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