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Appendix 8


Manuel Lima Dias
INIP, Lisbon, Portugal


The Portuguese interest in fisheries in Northern African waters is well known, not only considering the traditional and old trawl fishery since the fifties (period in which more than forty trawlers were in operation), but also recently when the importance of trawl fishery is decreasing and line and gill-net fisheries are becoming more and more significative.

In the beginning the target of trawlers was hakes (Merluccius merluccius and mainly Merluccius senegalensis), but during the past years seabreams gained importance mainly due to the decline of the hake trawl fishery and to the fact that quite a large number of species was demanded by different fishing boats off this coast where different reasons somewhat conditioned some fishing operations.

The responsible sector of the Portuguese Overseas Fisheries never slackened to co-operate with the study of these fisheries and has been in close contact with the CECAF Project in what concerns the fisheries of the FAO Divisions 34.1.1, 34.1.3 and 34.3.1.

It must again be stressed, as is well known by all, that one of the most dramatic difficulties faced concerns fishery statistics, landings by gears, species discriminations and fishing effort. This problem is, in this country, much worst due to different patterns used along several periods of time which with in turn reflected in responsibility for the fishery statistics, seeing that in about twelve years three changes took place with all inconveniences and lacunas in information (irregularity in the schedule adopted, different species considered, etc …). Such a situation necessarily affects the knowledge of marine resource exploitations.

On the other hand, since some time ago problems have been faced by our sampling programme because of landing irregularities, ignorance or incertitude in what concerns gears used by fishermen and, also, in data on fishing effort.

In spite of all these problems this paper principally aims at updating the statistical information available for the last years, referring only to the main species caught. A summary of the biological studies carried out on hakes and rubberlip grunt for 1983 and 1984, a first contribution to the seabream Working Group with all available statistics since 1949 and some biological observations on some species of seabreams are also presented.

1. HAKE FISHERY (Merluccius spp)

As pointed out in previous papers, this fishery presented quite a striking decline in the last years mainly due to weaker fishery conducted by trawlers and also to several changes in Portuguese patterns in fisheries carried out in CECAF waters owing to national and international affairs. In fact, it can be seen (Table 1) that in the sixties landings were annually above 2 thousand tons (in the worst years) and over 11 thousand tons in the better year (the average weight of landings in this period was about 8 thousand tons). During the following decade this average was only 4 thousand tons and in the last five years (1980–1984) this corresponding value was only 503 tons. Attending to the lack of statistical information from landings by gear this fishery should otherwise be quite different.

Still considering these last five years, hake landings represented only 3% of the whole fishery against 20% for the decades of the sixties and seventies.

Tables 1 and 2 present hake landings for the period of 1949–1984, the former also takes into account the landings of the whole seabreams and rubberlip grunt fisheries, as well as the total fished : the latter presents the values of landings of different seabreams (species are not always the same due to the above referred reasons), rubberlip grunt, total of fishes, molluscs and crustaceans. At the bottom of Table 2 the whole available statistical information is also referred.

Considering a more recent period (1979–1984), Table 5 and Figure 6 present (the former in values of tons and the latter in %o) the landing proportions of hakes, groupers, grunts, rubberlip grunt, meagres, seabreams, horse mackerel, tunna fishes, black scabbard fish and chub mackerel. This is to allow a comparison of the values of several fisheries (considering the main species exploited) in CECAF waters by Portuguese fleets during this period (all CECAF divisions have been considered).

Regarding studies carried in 1983 and 1984 on hakes, in spite of difficulties exposed above, it was possible to carry out some studies on length composition of landings with only the sampling program, as it had not been possible to obtain available data from the different kinds of fisheries (trawl, line and gill net).

For 1983, Tables 5 and 6 and Figures 8 and 9 present respectively the results of these studies : the first Table shows length composition of part of the landings from trawlers, line and gill-net vessels in terms of the number of fish measured and respective %o, by two centimeter classes.

Figure 8 clearly shows the different compositions of landings, presenting a mean length of 41.2 cm for trawlers and 62.2 and 52.4 cm for line and gill-net vessels respectively.

From the whole sampling it can be seen that the more important classes comprised between the 41–43 and 52–53 cm. Classes with a mean length of 53.9 cm.

Considering 1984, it was only possible to carry out observations on trawl and line landings (Table 6 and Figure 9). In this period the mean lengths were 48.4 and 56.3 cm, for trawl and line fisheries respectively. For both fisheries studied, the mean length of fish sampled was 55.6 cm with a predominance of the classes from the 48–49 and 52–53 cm classes.

The below Table shows the mean length and the mean weight of landings studied in each year.

 TrawlLineGill netsLine + Gill netsTotal
Mean lenght (cm)41.248.462.256.352.4-54.7-53.955.6
Mean weight (Kg)

1983 - Merluccius spp (mainly M.merluccius)
1984 - Merluccius merluccius

Once again, attention is drawn to impossibility in the obtention of more relevant information in what concerns length composition and total landings by gears due to the lack of statistical information.

2. RUBBERLIP GRUNT (Plectorhinchus mediterraneus)

This is quite an important species in the landings of all kinds of fisheries conducted by different fishing vessels in the CECAF region during the last years, mainly in FAO divisions 34.1.1, 34.1.3 and 34.3.1. Here again, for different years it had been very difficult to obtain the correct value of landing statistics by gears and only for 1984 it was possible to obtain this information.

Tables 7 and 8 as well as Figures 10 and 11, respectively show the length composition of landings, considering only sampling for 1983. For 1984 the figures regard total landings for the entire trawl and gill-net landings and, for line fishery, only sampling was considered.

It can be observed that in what concerns trawl fishery the mean length of fish observed in 1984 was higher than that corresponding to the previous year (36.8 against 38.9 cm). For line fishery, sampling along 1984 was insufficient and, due to this, nothing can be informed of this fishery. Regarding 1983, the strongest length classes observed were from 40–41 to 46–47 cm, with a mean length for the total sampling of 43.5 cm.

The gill-net fishery of rubberlip grunt along both years in consideration is more or less similar in what concerns the length composition of landings. In fact the strongest classes during 1983 comprised between 40–41 and 46–47 cm, and for 1984, the classes most represented were from 38–39 to 44–45 cm ; the mean length for 1983 and 1984 were respectively 44.3 and 41.3 cm.

The values of different mean length and mean weight of this species studied for both years are as follows :

 TrawlLineGill netsLine + Gill netsTotal
Mean length (cm)38.936.843.543.244.341.343.937.241.440.2
1Mean weight (Kg)0.70.611.

In what concerns the relative importance of rubberlip grunt landings in the whole Portuguese fishery in this region, and as already stated, it is quite important. Unfortunately, in early years, landings statistics present this species mixed with seabreams. Taking into account sampling carried on different ships (for 1984 different gears were also considered) it was possible to estimate the proportion of total rubberlip grunt landings from CECAF waters.

Tables 1, 2 and 3 and Figure 2 show these data regarding the period of 1949–1984.

A short and single analysis of the relative importance of this fishery regarding three periods (1949–1959, 1969–1979 and 1970–1984) give the following percentage of this species in relation to the total fishery:

1949–1959 - 48% 1969–1979 - 35% 1970–1984 - 41%

The significative importance of this fishery is quite evident in spite of the fluctuation of fishing operations not only by gears but also regarding the changes of exploitation patterns along this long period.

Taking into consideration the period of 1979–1984 (Table 3 and Figure 6) the significance of rubberlip grunt landings, regarding the whole Portuguese fishery off the East Central Atlantic coast, and the species or sets of species with relevant interest can also be clearly observed.

3. SEABREAMS (Sparidae)

The study of seabreams landed by different types of fishing boats in the area of the Committee is quite recent in this country. Otherwise, it is well known that the statistical discrimination of landings concerning different species of Sparidae is frequently quite difficult (as, for example, of pargo breams).

The main species of Sparidae caught by Portuguese fishing boats, in CECAF region, are as follows :

Common namesScientific names
GorazRed (= common) seabreamPagellus bogaraveo
BicaCommon PandoraPagellus erythrinus
BesugoAxillary (= Spanish) seabreamPagellus acarne
Bica-BuçuWest african seabreamPagellus coupei
CachuchoLargrey dentexDentex macrophthalmus
Capatao legitimoCommon dentexDentex dentex
Dentao de AngolaAngola dentexDentex angolensis
Dentap CongolesCongo dentexDentex congoensis
Capatoes e dentoesDentex n.e.i.Dentex spp.
ChoupaBlack breamSpondyliosoma cantharus
SalemaGoldlineSarpa salpa
Pargo legitimoRed porgy (= common) seabream Sparus pagrus
Pargo semolaRedbanded seabreamSparus auriga
PargosPargo bream neiSparus spp.
SargosWhile seabreams neiDiplodus spp.

In spite of the lack of information and other difficulties already mentioned, regarding the absence of regular and comparable statistics, it was possible to obtain a historical series of seabream landing statistics from 1949 to 1984 (Tables 1 and 2, Figures 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5).

As is evident in these Tables, the list of species mentioned is quite different in some periods, mainly due to alterations in the pattern of collecting statistics and, also, in great difficulties in gathering basic data itself.

In what concerns the Portuguese seabream fishery, since 1949 the total landings as well as the values of the total fishery for four different periods (A, 1949–1959 ; A', 1949–1963 ; B, 1969–1979 ; B', 1970–1984) can be thus observed :

A - 1949–5939411830
A'- 1949–6357715427
B - 1969–792424318
B'- 1970–842915419

For the whole period, Tables 1 and 2 and Figure 1 show landing fluctuations. The Tables also present other data (on hakes and rubberlip grunt - Table 1 and on a larger number of species - Table 2). Figure 2 also represents values of seabream, hake and rubberlip grund landings in terms of permillage. Calculations took into account the total value of the whole fishery for each year. In this Figure 2, opposite tendencies for some period of time regarding, for instance, hakes ≠ seabreams and seabreams ≠ rubberlip grunt can be observed.

Regarding seabream fishery, data on Tables 1 and 2 and Figure 3 allow observation, for these 36 years, or regular landings of dentex and pargo breams. It can be observed here that, for these two sets of species, pargo bream landings show a remarkable decrease mainly since the sixties till 1971 appearing, after that, with an apparent recovery. Considering dentex fishery, a decline of the landings is also a reality with no sign of an important increase.

Going back to the four periods mentioned (1949–1959, 1959–1963, 1969–1973 and 1970–1984), the relative importance of seabream fishery can be observed in Figures 4 and 5. Figure 4 takes into account the different values of landings (%o), for each lapse of time, of seabreams, hakes, rubberlip grunt and other fishes. Figure 5 presents the “weight” of seabreams, hakes and rubberlip grunt as other non specified species only for 1949–1963, 1964–1969 and 1970–1984, i.e. two long periods of time (an old one and a recent one) with a short lapse of time between these two phases.

This presentation shows that the largest proportion of seabreams of the whole fishery is related to the 1949–1963 period.

For the period between 1979–1984, Figure 6 presents the most important species or groups of species and corresponding annual landing proportions of all CECAF divisions where Portuguese fishing boats operate as well as all gears used.

It is important to stress that in what concerns horse mackerel, tuna spp., chub mackerel and black scabbard fish, the respective landings mainly refer to Madeira waters (division 34.1.2).

In an attempt to find out the different importance of trawl, line and gill-net fisheries in the exploitation of seabreams and, only for 1984, the landings of about 90% of all fishing boats operating in the Committee area (mainly divisions 34.1.1, 34.1.3 and 34.3.1) were studied. From this sampling it became possible, taking into account some species of seabreams or sets of species, to draw Figure 7, where different landings of each species or sets of species, according to the gear used in the respective catch can be seen (Table 4).

It is significative to observe that in what concerns trawl, the highest values of landings were of axillary seabreams (Pagellus acarne), seabreams n.e.i. (Sparus spp.) and dentex (Dentex spp.) ; for line fishery the best “species” represented were axillary seabreams and seabreams n.e.i. for gill nets these two “species” were already quite important, but breams (Diplodus spp.) and pandoras n.e.i. (Pagellus spp.) are also appearing with some interest.

In what concerns the biological sampling, first of all, it must be emphasized that difficulties were encountered with the sampling itself due essentially to the lack of information of fishing operations, to the lack of knowledge of the fishing area (Portuguese waters in CECAF divisions) and, at times, to problems which arose with the mixture of species during landings, etc.

Along 1983 and 1984 some length compositions of redbanded seabreams (Sparus auriga), axillary seabream (Pagellus acarne), dentex (mainly Dentex macrophthalmus) and common seabream or balckspot seabream (Pagellus bogaraveo) were observed. Tables 9 and 10 and Figures 12 and 13 represent length compositions of redbanded seabream caught by line, gill nets and trawl in 1983 and only by line and gill nets in 1984.

The below Table presents the mean length and mean length for redbanded seabream caught by different gears :

 LineGill netsTrawlLineGill nets
Mean length (cm)47.344.540.735.344.0
Mean weight (Kg)

Considering the total sampling of rubberlip seabream for 1983 and 1984, for mean lengths of 43.7 and 39.0 cm, the mean weights were for 1983 1.4 kg, and for 1984, 1.2 kg.

Regarding axillary seabream and dentex fisheries the respective samplings were very poor and only for 1983.

Table 11 and Figure 14 show the length composition for axillary seabream and Table 12 and Figure 15 the same information but on dentex, mainly Dentex macrophthalmus.

It is important to point out that regarding dentex the sampling from gill net fishery showed a higher number of fish with a mean length of 26.4 cm and a mean weight of 2.4 kg while the line fishery presented fish with smaller length and for this reason, with a lower mean weight (only 0.3 kg.).

Considering the last species of sparidae studied, red (= common) seabream, samples were obtained during 1983 and 1984 from line landings but with significance only for the last year. Tables 13 and 15 as well as Figures 16 and 17 present the length distribution of this species. For 1983 (Table 13, Figure 10) the length distribution of the sampling can be observed, but in another Table and Figure (14 and 17 respectively), and, for this gear, the total landings were presented. For 1983 the mean length and mean weight of the sampling were respectively 32.3 cm, and 0.5 kg. For the total landings during 1984 the corresponding values were 35.4 cm and 0.6 kg.

Relative to the information on fishing effort for this fishery and for CPUE taking in mind the catch by 1 000 hooks, it can be mentioned that the yield for such a gear is about 47 kg or 79 fish caught. Considering yield by hauls it was 9 kg and 15 fish.

As a last information on Portuguese seabream fishery and in what concerns the relationship between total landings and total effort, in Figure 18 values corresponding to the average of a 5 year period are reported. Alike relationship is established for the whole fishery and the curve related to the observed points is traced (by hand). Theoretical values are also represented for both seabream and total fisheries.

Figure 19 presents the relationship between total effort (fishing hours) and CPUE (kg/h).

The estimation of the CPUE value for the different species of seabreams for 1984, taking into account that the total effort related to about 90% of the vessels involved in this fisheries during 1984 (line and gill net fisheries) is also known.

The below Table presents the results achieved, referent to kg/hours of fish evaluated, considering scattered line and gill net fishing efforts. It is important to emphasize that these seabreams represent only a part of all that is caught by these two kinds of gears.

 Line fisheryGill nets fishery
Axillary seabream1.30.7
Pargo breams0.51.9
Red breams0.10.2
Dentex n.e.i.0.20.5


Cushing, D.H., 1986 The abundance of hake off South Africa. Fisheries.Inv.Lord. (2)

Dias, M.L., 1984 The Portuguese fishery in the CECAF area in 1980–1983. CECAF-Rapp. du Premier Groupe de travail spécial sur les pêcheries de merlus et de crevettes profondes dans la zone Nord du COPACE

FAO, Rapport du Groupe de travail ACCRM/CIEM sur les ressources halieutiques de l'Atlantique Centre-Est et Sud-Est. FAO-Rapports sur les Pêches No. 56, Suppl.1

FAO, 1979 Les ressources halieutiques de l'Atlantique Centre-Est, lère partie : Les ressources du Golfe de Guinée de l'Angola à la Mauritanie. FAO Document technique sur les pêches No. 186.1

Thiam, M., 1985 Consultation sur la disponibilité de données sur les sparidés de la zone Nord du COPACE. Appendix 7 to the present report.

Table 1 - Portuguese Fishery in CECAF Waters - 1949–1984. All divisions and gears. Landings of seabreams (Sparidae), hakes and rubberlip grunt - Tons and ‰.

YearsTotal FisheryHakesSeabreamsRubberlip gruntOthers

Table 2 - Portuguese fishery in CECAP WATERS - 1949–1957

Years19495051525354555657Period 1949–1957
PortugueseEnglishScientific names          
Pescada òrancaWhite hakeM. merluccius          
Pescada negraBlack hakeM. senegalensis          
PescadasHakesMerluccius spp.880459337537106971142910104104008055860181560
GorazCommon seabreamPagellus bogaraveo551309063232653716445
BesugoAxillary seabreamPagellus acarne3582894971506414092134981822
BicasPandoras neiPagellus spp.          
CachuchosDentex neiDentex spp.65126349642760005718558746836044561052930
ChoupaBlack breamSpondyliosoma oantharus          
SargosWhite seabreams neiDiplodus spp.          
Pargos“Pargo”BreamsSparus spp.35895059417846543817408843925144515140072
Outros ESparídeosOther seabreams neiSparidae          
Total ESparídeosTotal seabreamsTotal sparidae10514118271119210867962298419172113591087595269
PemboRubberlip gruntPlectorhinchus mediterraheus35905059417846543817408843925144515140073
Outros peixesOther fishes 8508807566006322792097109371115861410082192
Total peixesTotal fishes 314163089429507325403278833743333353614438727299094
TOTALTOTAL 315243106529665326833285734558342003714639979303677
№ lanços№ of hauls 210892294421423227172243123348230652546728010210494
Dias de pescaDays fished (x)  410944944326445443814576452046495395
№ horas de pescaHours fished 739568089977863801787886082366813538368697115736276

(X) Estimated

Table 2 - Portuguese fishery in CECAP WATERS - 1958–1966

Years19585960616263646566Period 1958–1966
PortugueseEnglishScientific names          
Pescada òrancaWhite hakeM. merluccius          
Pescada negraBlack hakeM. senegalennis          
PescadasHakesMerluccius spp.1024279858243659147622718473295851046465322
GorazCommon seabreamPagellus bogaraveo38824628286614293
BesugoAxillary seabreamPagellus acarne657115413916894385249830
BicasPandoras neiPagellus spp.          
CachuchosDentex neiDentex spp.53084822481959844167326724043437350337711
ChoupaBlack breamSpondyliosoma cantharus          
CargosWhite seabreams neiDiplodus spp.          
Pargos“Pargo”BreamsSparus spp.          
Outres EaparideosOther seabreams neiSparidae50597350606242793561330029941969105735631
Total EaparideosTotal seabreamsTotal sparidae104701225111059104647978666955025459461374465
PemboRubberlip gruntPlectorhinchus medirraheusdite50597350606242793561330029941969105735631
Outros peixesOther fishes 136162040620942246242370426908264202084019117196577
Total peixesTotal fishes 393874799246306459584000539595396483785335251371995
TOTALTOTAL 404044955049591493904250042163413204009636712391726
№ lanços№ of hauls 296853721737879399604092044233444704085338811354028
Dias de pescaDays fished 547965906865696867357205737475937589 
№ horas de pescaHours fished 986161186231235651254301212381296891327381366761365951123170

Table 2- Portuguese fishery in CECAP WATERS - 1967–1975

Years19676869707172737475Period 1967–75
PortugueseEnglishScientific names          
Pescada òrancaWhite hakeM. merluccius          
Pescada negraBlack hakeM. senegalensis          
PescadasHakesMerluccius spp.1028311107992867175075549675757295398267458
GorazCommon seabreamPagellus bogaraveo15510      30
BesugoAxillary seabreamPagellus acarne354573      153
BicasPandoras neiPagellus spp.      90  90
CachuchosDentex neiDentex spp.27732042265924181564138919112306127318335
ChoupaBlack breamSpondyliosoma cantharus       727 727
SargosWhite seabreams neiDiplodus spp.       197 197
Pargos“Pargo”BreamsSparus spp.          
Outros EaparideosOther seabreams neiSparidae1421128110959871470184020202500301815632
Total EaparideosTotal seabreamsTotal sparidae42443373383734053034322939315820429135164
PemboRubberlip gruntPlectorhinchus mediterraheus1421128110959861470183920202935301816065
Outros peixesOther fishes 1605615684149951350711627133491422066989386115522
Total peixesTotal fishes 320043144529855246152120623913277462274820677234209
CrustáceosCrustaceansCrustacea44944919527 121
TOTALTOTAL 339773304531103257652255024931282772304220977243667
№ lanços№ of hauls 356743471133973241102110123329138032156219631 
Dias de pescaDays fished 625665846794431537764175247038594486 
№ horas de pescaHours fished 112608118516122292776656797475151444656945778200 

Table 2 - Portuguese fishery in CECAP WATERS - 1976–1984

Years19767778798081828384Period 1976–1984
PortugueseEnglishScientific names          
Pescada òrancaWhite hakeM. merluccius    8447199168209 
Pescada negraBlack hakeM. senegalensis    9236499831 
PescadasHakesMerlucoius spp.470185636452317671351981762408960
GorazCommon seabreamPagellus bogaraveo      105958127
BesugoAxillary seabreamPagellus acarne      159126212792700
BicasPandoras neiPagellus spp.    2329172201239664
CachuchosDentex neiDentex spp.11651032891114491542486265155136
ChoupaBlack breamSpondyliosoma cantharus  3752342928279521261240
SargosWhite seabreams neiDiplodus spp.246 300 407 3753092971934
Pargos“Pargo”BreamsSparus spp.28332638150034682088275594860384717680
Outres EaparideosOther seabreams neiSparidae   3747945324123595 
Total EaparideosTotal seabreamsTotal sparidae42443670306641903380347322323347345631058
PemboRubberlip gruntPlectorhinchus mediterraheus28332637150134711738186718102051292720835
Outros peixesOther fishes 17153560734776481826271058183126131444683327
Total peixesTotal fishes 28931127708408146651514712580124231818721069144180
MoluscosMolluscsMollusca152 1161194162206963461201
CrustáceosCrustaceansCruatacea    1018283122
TOTALTOTAL 29083127708524147841566412808124941825821118145503
№ lanços№ of hauls 2721511950797613834146581198511691   
Dias de pescaDays fished 453227011643259025891456902   
№ horas de pescaHours fished 8050048622295654659646220263366622   

Table 3 - Portuguese fishery in CECAF waters (1979–1984) with special reference to seabreams (Sparidae). (Tons.)

Species Years197919801981198219831984
PescadasHakesMerluccius spp5231767135198176240
Caroupas e merosGroupersEpinephelus spp614696935354174307
PomboRubberlip gruntPlectorhinchus mediterraneus347117381867181020512927
Corvinas, rabetas, e rainhasMeagresScianidae5437161149851666369
BogaBogueBoops boops35799184524
GorazCommon seabreamPagellus bogaraveo   105949
BesugoAxillary seabreamPagellus acarne spp   15912621279
Bicas e ferreirasPandoras neiPagellus spp 2329172201239
CachuchosDentex neiDentex spp11449554248626515
ChoupaBlack breamSpondyliosoma cantharus2342921827952126
Sargos e safiasWhite breams neiDiplodus spp Litognathus spp 407 375309297
PargosPargo breams neiSparus spp346820882755948603847
DouradaGilthead seabreamSparus aurata   5211877
SalemaGoldlineSarpa salpa   11714
OutrosOther seabreams 339 36294589
Total seabreams419033803473223233473456
CarapausHorse mackerelTrachurus spp779696506180460417011
AtunsTuna neiTunnedae10382615309677481149
P.espada pretoBlack scabbard fishLepidopus caudatus106811701164159017751806
CavalaChub mackerelScamber japonicus104013231077127511071216
OutrosOther fishes molluscs and crustaceans133935531651112019262419
Total of the landings  147841566412808124941825821118

Table 4- Portuguese fishery of seabreams in CECAF waters - 1984. Total landings by Trawl, line and gillnets fisheryes (%.).
   Trawl ‰.Line ‰.Gillnets ‰.Line + Gillnets ‰.Total ‰.
BogaBogueBoops boops1.8---1.2
BesugoAxillary seabreamPagellus acarne452.4509.5135.4216.9370.1
ChoupaBlack breamSpondyliosoma cantharus18.238.079.470.436.5
GorazCommon seabreamPagellus bogaraveo7.145.631.734.816.8
DouradaGilthead seabreamSparus aurata11.622.847.642.222.3
SalemaGoldlineSarpa salpa1.03.811.69.94.1
PargosSeabreams neiSparus spp209.5197.7342.9311.3245.1
Cachu¸hosDentexDentex spp185.968.483.680.3149.0
Sargo e SafiaBreamsDiplodus spp73.883.7115.3108.485.9
Bicas e FerreirosPandoraPagellus spp38.730.4152.4125.869.2

Table 5 - Portuguese fishery in CECAF Waters 1983. Length composition of hakes (Merluccius spp)- Sampling - № and ‰

GearTrawl fisheryLine fisheryGillnets fisheryLine + GillnetsTOTAL
Classes (2 cm)
21    480.7480.4480.3
5    10.0110.0110.01
7    360.5360.3360.2
9    741.1740.6740.5
311756.2  1462.21461.23212.1
352518.6  761.1760.66013.9
5  323656.4580585.7904172.3904159.0
9  464481.0392958.0857368.5857355.9
61  511989.3252537.3764461.1764449.9
3  410471.6306045.2716457.3716446.7
5  417772.8147121.7564845.2564836.9
7  379766.283112.3462837.0462830.2
9  230340.284912.5315225.2315220.6
71  197434.41482.2212217.0212213.8
3  211136.82433.6235418.8235415.4
5  124721.71342.0138111.013819.5
7  99617.41091.611058.811057.2
9  98917.2540.810438.310436.8
81  89315.6540.89477.6946.2
3  68111.910.06825.56824.5
5  4808.410.04813.84813.1
7  3035.310.03042.43042.0
9  1362.4550.81911.51911.2
91  1212.11872.83082.53082.0
3  2634.6  2622.12631.7
5  2885.0  2882.32881.9
7  3576.2  3572.93572.3
9  3646.3  3642.93642.4
101  3576.2  3572.93572.3
3  1242.2  1241.01240.8
5  100.2  100.1100.1
107  611.1  610.5610.4
9  1031.8  1030.81030.7
111  510.9  510.4510.3
3  130.2  130.1130.1
5  460.8  460.4460.3
7  460.8  460.4460.3
9  30.1  30.030.0
121  1392.4  1391.11390.9
Landings sampled (Kg)152279853064754.5163284.5178511.5
Mean length (cm)
Mean weight (Kg)

Table 6 - Portuguese fishery in CECAF waters. Div. FAO 34.1.1 - 1984 White hake fishery (M. merluccius). Number and ‰ of fish landed from trawlers and line vessels studied (sampling)

Classed cm
Arrasto Trawl (1)Linha Line-fishery (2)Total (1) + (2)
№ of fishes№ fishes№ fishes
1 cm2 cm1 cm2 cm1 cm2 cm
37   68681.168681.0
8   68    68
40188  203  391  
2282  428  710  
4751  1022  1773  
6282  2435  2717  
8375  3357  3732  
50401  3781  4182  
2642  2959  3601  
479  2298  2377  
679  2809  2888  
879  2658  2737  
60106  1948  2054  
226  2213  2239  
4   1944  1944  
5   1176312049.31176312044.9
626  1292  1318  
7 263575186729.5757189327.3
8   453  453  
9   597105016.6597105015.1
70   393  393  
1   894827.6894826.9
2   188  188  
3   3825709.03825708.2
4   129  129  
5   4195488.74195487.9
6   332  332  
77   2796119.62796118.8
38   244    244
9   1513956.21513955.7
80   109    109
1   1091.7  1091.6
3   25250.425250.4
4   24    24
5   14380.614380.5
6   39    39
7   44831.344831.2
8   39    39
9   72111108721111.6
90   74  74  
1   791532.4791532.2
2   67    67
3   431101.8431101.6
4   56    56
5   691252.0691251.8
6   33    33
7   10430.710430.6
8   46    46
9   10560.910560.8
1  10100.21010100.1
2   23    23
3   10330.510330.5
4   67    67
5   671.1  671.0
6   57    57
7   571.1  570.8
8   57    57
9   571.1  570.8
1   57571.157570.8
Total 6078  63339  69417 
Peso/Weight landed (Kg) 4500 80354  84854 
Peso médio/mean weight(kg)0.7 1.3  1.2 
Compto.médio/mean length (cm)48.4 56.3  55.6 

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