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Annex 4. Linkages between some basic data requirements, indicators (suggested examples) and operational objectives for a hypothetical fishery

Note: not all objectives will apply to all fisheries; many fisheries will be concerned by other issues, objectives and, hence, data requirements.


Example indicator

Data requirements

Fishery resources (target species)

Reduce fishing effort

Fishing effort of different fleets

Vessels, time fished and gear type per fleet

Reduce fleet capacity

Fleet capacity

Vessels registered and gear type per fleet

Increase/maintain fish landings of commercially valuable species by area

Fish landings by major species by area

Total landings by major species per fleet per year

Increase/maintain spawning stock biomass of key retained species above a pre-defined limit

Spawning stock biomass of key retained species (or suitable proxy such as standardized cpue)

Length and/or age composition of major retained species

Decrease/maintain the level of fishing mortality for key retained species below a predefined limit

Level of fishing mortality for key retained species

Length and/or age of the discarded component of the target species catch

Other ecological concerns

Reduce discards to the extent practical

Total amount of discards

Total catches of by-catch species (or species groups/indicator species),per fleet per year

Reduce discards of high- risk species (or species groups) to predefined level

Amount of discards of high-risk species (or species groups)

Length and/or age of high-risk by-catch species

Reduce number of deaths of vulnerable and/or protected species to predefined level

Number of deaths of vulnerable and/or protected species

Catch of vulnerable and/or protected species Catch of non-fishery material (critical habitat)

Decrease/maintain same area of the fishery impacted by gear

Area of the fishery impacted by gear

Area fished by each fleet

Increase amount of habitat protected by MPAs to predefined level

Amount of habitat protected by MPAs

Area under MPAs by habitats

Increase ratio of large fish in the community

Size spectrum of fish community

Length of fish in a representative sample of community

Minimize the impact of other activities on fish resources and habitats

Area of fish nursery habitat degraded

Area of habitat, e.g. seagrass beds, mangroves and coral reefs

Maintain ecological balance

Mean trophic level of catch

Species composition from sample catches


Increase the contribution of fishing to the national economy

Net economic return for fishery

Revenue from fishing per fleet per year. Costs per fishing unit per

Increase/maintain profit of the harvesting sector to that of similar industries

Profit to harvesting sector

Increase exports

Export value

Destination of landings from each fleet

Maintain or increase economic contribution to community

To be developed


Health benefits/Increase fish consumption per capita

Fish consumption per capita

Fish consumption from representative sample

Ensure seafood quality meets food safety requirements

Number of food compliance reports

Food safety compliance reports

Increase/maintain employment in the harvesting and processing sector by fleet

Employment in the harvesting sector by fleet

Total number of fishers employed in each fleet Total number of people employed in fishery-associated activities (e.g. processing)

Maintain or improve lifestyle value

Life-style value

Social surveys

Maintain or improve cultural values

Cultural value

Cultural sites and values

Maintain/increase level of activity of indigenous community

Number of indigenous fishers

Dependence of local community on fishing as a source of income and/or food.

Reduce the dependence of community on fishing

Dependence of community on fishing

Other income or livelihoods of the fisher

Management activity Have well-developed management plans, including indicators and reference points and evaluation procedure in place for all fisheries

Number of fisheries with well-developed management plans, including indicators and reference points

Number of fisheries with a well developed management plan, including operational objectives, indicators and reference points

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