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The document aims to answer the following questions: "What does it take to put the Iraqi food and agricultural sector back on the development track?" And how could FAO and the international community collaborate with the Iraqi people in rebuilding the country?"

To this end, the document adopts a futuristic, optimistic and pragmatic approach in highlighting a strategy for the transition from relief, rehabilitation and reconstruction to sustainable agricultural development. The envisaged strategy focuses on attaching highest priority to supporting the optimum utilization of national, regional and local resource base; contributing to national institution building; enhancing governance including the adoption of a decentralised approach; aiming at environmental protection, natural resource conservation and sustainable development; and achieving a national ownership of the entire transitional process.

The document argues that it is the Iraqi people who have the skills, capabilities, resolve, and motivation, to re-build their country. The International Community, and FAO in particular, stands ready to assist and collaborate as partners in development in this endeavour.

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