The Problem and Analysis - Conservation - Management - General

1. L'évolution d'une paysannerie montagnarde. G. Fay (No spécial de "Méditerranée" T. 35, no. 1-2. 1979).

2. La vie rurale dans l'arc alpin. FAO, Rome 1960.

3. Agriculture: Toward 2000. FAO, Rome. C/79/24 July 1979.

4. The State of Food and Agriculture 1979. FAO, Rome, 1980.

5. The river basin in history and law. (Editions Martinus Nijhoff/The Hague, 1967), by Ludwik A. Teclaff.

6. L'érosion et l'aménagement des bassins versants dans les pays méditerranéens. Revue Hommes - Terre et Eaux, Maroc. No. Spécial. Sème année, numéro 3O. janv. - fév. 1979.

7. Increasing Preparedness in Agriculture for Drought and Flood Prone Areas in Asia and the Pacific (FAO/WHO/UNDP Regional Project Proposal). Conference Paper AP ARC/80/7.

8. Final Report of the 12th Session of the EFC Working Party on Management of Mountain Watersheds. FAO, Rome, September 1978

9. Caractéristiques socio-économiques des communes rurales et montagnardes; leur signification dans l'aménagement régional et local. Thèse ETH 6558. Zürich. Suisse, par Charly Darbellay. Imprimerie Pillet. Martigny. 1980.

10. Soil Conservation in Developing Countries. FAO Soil Bulletin, No. 3O. FAO, Rome, 1976.

11. Soil conservation and management in developing countries. Soil Bulletin, No. 33. FAO, Rome, 1977

12. Guidelines for Watershed Management. FAO Conservation Guide No. 1. FAO, Rome, 1977.

13. Hydrological techniques for upstream conservation. FAO Conservation Guide No. 2. FAO, Rome, 1976.

14. Conservation in arid and semi-arid zones. FAO Conservation Guide No. 3. FAO, Rome, 1976

15. Special Readings in Conservation. FAO Conservation Guide No. 4. FAO, Rome, 1979. 16. Forestry for Local Community Development. FAO Forestry Paper No. 7. FAO, Rome, 1978.

17. Watershed development with special reference to soil and water conservation. FAO Soils Bulletin No. 44. FAO, Rome, 1979.

18. Small farmers-or the tropical forest ecosystem? A brief Review of Sustainable Land Use Systems for Tropical Forest Areas. Paper presented at the International Tropical Forestry Symposium, University of Yale. April 1980, by John S. Spears. Forestry Adviser to the World Bank.

19. Conservation des sols au Sud du Sahara. Par le Centre Technique Forestier Tropical (CTFT). France, 1979.

20. The need for soil conservation (draft paper). FAO, May 1981.

21. Notre forêt. Eléments d'économie forestière. Aubert et Gut. Editions Payot. Suisse, 1948.

22. Rapport national du Cap-Vert, présenté à la XIIème Session du Groupe de Travail sur l'aménagement des bassins versants de montagne. FAO, Rome, 1978.

23. Shifting cultivation in Sarawak. A Report based upon the workshop on shifting cultivation, held in Kuching, December 1978. Malaysia.

24. Operation watershed management. Proceeding of the National Seminar on Watershed Management - Rainfed farming and Integrated Himalayan Development, held at New Delhi, January-February 196O. Government of India. Ministry of Agriculture. New Delhi, 1980.

Strategy, principles, methodology

25. Principles and practice in watershed development projects, by Sir Charles Pereira, F.R.S. Consultant to the CDC.

26. La méthodologie des études intégrées pour l'aménagement des bassins. Par Luis Santiago Botero. Université de Strasbourg. Mai 1970.

27. Towards a forestry strategy for development. Secretariat Note. Fifth Session. Committee on Forestry. COFO-803. April 1980.

28. Forestry for rural development: A new approach, by Dr. Marco A. Flores Rodas, Assistant Director-General. Head of the Forestry Department. FAO, Rome, 1980.

29. Programming conservation farming: Some essential steps in assisting small farmers, by T.C. Sheng. FAO. Paper presented to the Conservation Farming Extension Symposium, August 1978. Chiang Mai, Thailand.

30. The Inclusion of Forestry in Rural Development. Latin American and North American Forestry Commission. 13th Session. February 198O. FAO, Rome. (FO:LAFC and NAFC, 8O6, December 1979).

Collection and analysis of socio-economic data

31. Instructive. Como realizar una investigación socio-económica en áreas agroforestales (documento de trabajo No. 13). UNDP/FAO/ELS/73/004. San Salvador. Noviembre 1976.

32. Landwirtschaftliche Betriebslehre. Howald and Laur. Wirz Verlag, Aarau, Schweiz, 1960.

33. Listado anotado para la consideración de los aspectos socio-económicos en proyectos de la ordenación de cuencas hidrográficas. (FO:MISC/79/20) Maria Inés Bustamante. Consultor. FAO, Rome. Agosto 1979.

34. Collecting Statistics on Agricultural Population and Employment. FAO Economic and Social Development Paper No. 7. Rome. 1979.

35. FAO Agricultural Services Bulletin No. 34. Farm Management-Data Collection and Analysis. FAO, Rome. 1978.

36. Methods of farm management investigations. FAO Agricultural Development Paper No. 80. FAO, Rome. 1965.

37. Preliminary operational guidelines for environmental impact studies for watershed management and development in mountain areas. By T. Singh, Consultant. FAO, Rome, 1979.

38. A Framework for Land Evacuation. FAO Soil Bulletin No. 32. FAO, Rome, 1976.

39. FAO's experience in land classification for forestry, with particular reference to developing countries. Forestry Department. FAO, Rome, November 1980. (Paper presented in the IUFRO/ISSS Workshop on land evaluation for forestry, Wageningen).

40. Watershed conditions and watershed research needs. Chittagong Hill Tracts. (Kaptai-Lake). Project Report No. 2. Bangladesh.

41. Pilot soil and water conservation project. Embu/Mbere area. Kenya. Report on a socio-economic survey of a family group, by W. Viertmann. FAO. TCP/KEN/8803 and TCP/KEN/8905. Field Document 1. Rome, March 1980.

Structure for Intenvention - Economic Analysis - Planning - Programming - Legislation

42. DVC - a profile. Damodar Valley Corporation. Information Dept. Calcutta, 1979. 43. Preliminary Guidelines for designing watershed rehabilitation projects for bank financing, by John S. Spears and Raymond D.H. Rower. World Bank. November 1980.

44. Development of semi-arid rainfed areas. Project proposals to be presented to NORAD, as WCARRD follow-up activities. FAO, Rome, February 1980.

45. Economic Analysis of Watershed Projects: Special Problems and Advantages. 12th Session. W.P. Watershed Management. FO:EFC/MW/78/3.

46. Five AGS/FAO Documents

47. Planning methodology seminar. Bucharest. Irrigation and drainage paper no. 11. FAO, Rome, 1972.

48. "Planning for a large scale integrated forestry and forest industries project: A case study of the Paper Industries Corporation of the Philippines". FO:MISC/79/9. FAo, Rome, 1979.

49. Operational forest management planning methods: proceedings, meeting of steering systems project group, International Union of Forestry Research Organizations. Bucharest, Romania, June 1978. General Technical Report PSW-32.

50. Towards integrated resource management. Report of the sub-committee on multiple use, national committee on forest land. Minietire de l'expansion doonomique rigionale. Canada, 1969.

51. Forests and Trees in the Rural Economy of Arid Regions. Secretariat Note. Committee on Forest Development in the Tropics. 5th Session. May 1980. FAO, Rome. (FO:FDT/80/4. April, 1980).

52. Economic analysis of watershed projects: Special Problems and Exemples, by H.M. Gregersen and K. Brooks. Paper prepared for the Twelfth Session of the Working Party on the Management of Mountain Watersheds. Rome, September 1978. (FO:MISC/78/18, May 1978).

53. Economic analysis of forestry projects: case studies. FAO Forestry Paper No. 17, sup. 1. FAO, Rome, 1979.

54. Orientation pour un plan directeur des actions de protection des sole et des ressources sylvo-pastorales de la Tunisie, par Louis Velay, Consultant FAO, project FAo-SIDA TF/TUN 5 et 13 (SWE).

55. Environmental and economic impacts of watershed conservation on a major reservoir project in Ecuador, by Fleming.

56. Rapport de mission de programmation en République de Guinée, par J. Parkan. Consultant de la FAO. Juin 1978. Conakry.

57. Document de projet: GUI/80/001/A/01/12. Reforestation, protection et développement du bassin versant de la Kikoulo. FAO. Février, 1980.

58. Senqu River Agricultural Extension Project. (AG:DP/LES/72/003). Interim Report. FAO, Rome, 1976.

59. Draft Report (by Investment Center of FAO) on an informal workshop on economic aspects of land conservation under humid conditions. Rome, 30 June - 3 July 1981.

60. Improving legislation related to forestry for local community development (FLCD), by Franz Schmithüsen, FAO Consultant. (draft of 15 May, 1981.) Rome.

Implementation - Rural Development- Agrarian Reform

61. World Conference on Agrarian Reform and Rural Development. FAO, Rome, July 1979. (WCARRD).

62. Politique harmonisée de développement rural en Afrique. Commission économique pour l'Afrique (CEA). Nations Unies. New York, 1972.

63. Country Report (Korea), presented at the Seminar on forestry in rural community development. Swedish Funds-in-trust. FOR:GCP INT 313 (SWE). FAO, Rome, 1980.

64. L'éducation démographique dans le développement rural intégré. ESH. FAO, Rome, November 1978. (MI/H0996/F12-78/1/5000).

65. Projet de Développement rural de la Région du Pool et du Plateau Koukouya. République Populaire du Congo. Brazzaville. PNUD/BIT. Divers documents, de 1970 à 1978.

66. Programme de développement régional intégré, DRIPP, Haïti, 1978.

67. Institut Panafricain pour le Développement (IPD), Douala et Buea, Cameroun. Divers documents.

68. Centre d'Etudes Economiques et Sociales pour l'Afrique de l'Ouest (CESAO). Bobo-Dioulasso, République de Haute-Volta. Divers documents.

69. Institut Universitaire d'Etudes du Développement. (IUED). Genève. Divers documents.

70. Forestry paper, FAO, No. 17. Economic analysis of forestry projects. FAO, Rome, 1979.

71. FAO Forestry Paper: No. 26: Forestry and Rural Development. Rome, 1981.

Participation - change in attitude - effect on the various socio-economic groups

72. FAO/SIDA Seminar on forestry in rural community development. Swedish Fundsin-trust. FOR:GCP INT 313 (SWE). FAO, Rome, 1980.

73. National Seminar on "Strategy for mass mobilization and people's participation in the implementation of watershed management programme. India, October, 1980. New Delhi. Report.

74. The WCARRD approach to agrarian reform and rural development. Guidelines on people's participation and organization. FAO, Rome, 1980.

75. UNFPA financed project. INT/75/P02. Interrelationships between population activities and integrated rural development. FAO, Rome, 1976.

76. Fact-finding with rural people. FAO,Agricultural development paper 52. FAO, Rome, 1955

77. Population, approvisionnement alimentaire et développement agricole. FAO, Rome, 1975

78. The Family and Integrated Rural Development. FAO, Rome, 1975

79. FAO/UNFPA. Report on the FAO/UNFPA Expert Consultation on Land resources for populations of the future. FAO, Rome, December 1977.

80. Comment amener le changement social dans des collectivités en voie de développement. Institut de Recherche des Nations Unies pour le Développement Social (UNRISD). Herbert H. Hyman, Gene N. Levine, Charles R. Wright. Genève, 1967. (Document not available at FAO but this and other publications by the United Nations Research Institute for Social Development can be obtained from the Institute, Palais des Nations, CH-1211-Geneva-10, Switzerland).

81. Participation des populations au développement, en République de Haute-Volta et en République du Mali, par Mathieu Mounikou. Section du Développement Rural Intégré, CEA (Nations Unies). Addis-Abéba, 1977.

82. Women's Groups in Rural Development. Programmes for better family living. Report No. 15. FAO, Rome.

83. Guidelines for the development of less favourable environnent areas.

84. Role des forts dans le développement des collectivités rurales on Tunisie. par Taïeb Chouats. Exposé présenté au Séminaire FAO/SIDA, à Kaolack (Sénégal). Février, 1981.

85. Wood Energy and Rural Communities, by J.E.M. Arnold. FAO, Rome. 6th World Forestry Congress. (FRC/3-0). October, 1978. Jakarta.

86. Forestry for Local Community Development. FAO Forestry Paper No. 7. FAO, Rome, 1978.

87. La Mujer en et desarollo agroforestal en América Central (Seminario FAO/SIDA sobre et Papel de la Silvicultura en et Desarrollo Rural de América Latina) FO:TRD/ LA-10.

88. Women in Social Forestry - Forestry and Rural Women - Papers presented to the Seminar on the Role of Women in Community Forestry and Rural Development. Dehra Dun, India, December 1980. by:

89. WCARRD. A turning point for rural women. FAO, Rome, May, 1980.

90. Women's leadership in rural development. Programmes for better family living. Report No. 14. FAO, Rome, 1975

91. Actions Forestières pour le développement rural communautaire, au Sénégal. (Fonds de dépôt suédois. FOR:TF/INT 271 (SWE). Rapport au Gouvernement du Sénégal. FAO, Rome, 1979.)

92. Potential contributions of sociological expertise to FAO's forestry programmes. A report on the consultanoy of Robert C. Lee. Ph.D. Forest Resources Sociologist. Associate Professor. College of Forest Resources, University of Washington. Seattle. USA. May, 1981.

Means - facilities - equipment

93. Divers documents de la Première Foire Internationale et du Congrès Technique: "La technique au service des hommes" ("Technology for the people") Genève. Septembre, 1980.

Services - extension - promotion - training

94. Manual de Trabajo social en comunidades agro-forestales (documento de trabajo No. 12) (UNDP/FAO/ELS/73/004. San Salvador, Noviembre, 1976).

95. L'animation et le développement rural en Afrique noire francophone. Roland Colin. IRAN. Paris, 1966.

96. Rural "Animation" and Popular Participation in French-speaking Black Africa. Yves Goussault. Director of IRAN (Institut International de Recherches et d'Application de Mithodes de Développement). Paris, 1968.

97. La formation et la vulgarisation en matière de coopération. Par Alexander Progrès et Mise en valeur: Agriculture. No. 74. FAO, Rome, 1962.

98. Training and Extension in the Cooperative Movement, by C.N. Botham. FAO. Agricultural Development No. 86. FAO, Rome, 1967.

99. Training at the grass-roots level. A definition and an analysis prepared by the interdepartmental working group on training. FAO, Rome, 1980.

100. Agricultural extension. A reference manual. Addison H. Maunder. Author-Editor FAO, Rome. Third printing. 1978.

101. Guide to extension training. FAO Economic and Social Development Series. 6. by D.J. Bradfield. FAO, Rome, 1966.

102. The Group training technique in agricultural extension work. By Pierre D. Sam and H.C. Ruck. FAO, 1979.

103. Manual for Training Extension Workers in FLCD (Forest for Local Community Development). (draft). FAO, Rome, 1980.

104. P. Chantran. La vulgarisation agricole en Afrique et A Madagascar. Collection: techniques agriooles et productions tropicales. Editions G.P. Maisonneuve et Larose. Paris, 1972.

105. Training for Agriculture and Rural Development. FAO, UNESCO, ILO. Rome, 1976.

106. Rapport sur le cycle maghréhin d'études sur la communication au service du développement rural. Rabat, Marco. 1978. FAO, Rome 1977.


Rural home techniques. Vol. 3 Series 1. Food preparation.
FAO-Rome (World Food ) Vol. 4 Series 2. Labour saving ideas.
Conference Rome, 1974 Vol. 6 Series 3. Labour saving ideas.

108. Manuel d'artisanat. Centre de formation en économie familiale de Buhare-Musoma. Tanzanie. Rome, 1973.

109. Fourth United Nations Seminar on "Training for Rural Development". Rural Development College. Holte. Denmark, 1973.

110. Training for agriculture and rural development. FAO, ILO, UNESCO. 1975.

111. Training Home Economists for Rural Development. FAO Economic and Social Development Paper No. 6. Rome, 1980.

112. Filmstrip commentary: (FAO, Rome)

113. Extension: "Strengthening the National Soil Conservation Programme for Integrated Watershed Development." A training manual on the principles of extension application in soil conservation programmes for integrated watershed development. (first draft). Prepared by A.H.F. Abdel-Aziz. Extension education section. FAO, Rome, 1980.

Institutions - cooperatives - credit - marketing

114. Marketing guides. FAO. J.C. Abbott et H.C. Creupelandt. FAO, Rome, 1958 à 1965.

115. Guarantee-cum-Risk Fund. FAO Money and Medals Programme; project proposal for Bangladesh. 3.5.77.

116. Extraits de UNASYLVA: Vol. 10, No. 2. 1956: Forest Cooperatives.

117. Participation of the Poor in Rural Organizations. FAO Rural Organizations Programme (ROAP). FAO, Rome, 1979.

118. The organization of forestry cooperatives, by M. Digby and T.E. Edwardson. The Plunkett Foundation for Cooperative studies. Occasional Paper 41. 1976.

119. Initiation à l'évaluation des coopératives, par C. Guérin. Conseiller Technique Principal. BIT. Mali, 1980.

120. Multifarm Use of Agricultural Machinery. FAO Agricultural Development Paper No. 85. FAO, Rome, 1967.

121. Le mouvement coopératif afrioain: plus d'échecs que de réussites. Par René Dumont. Dans: Revue française d'études politiques africaines. No. 59. Novembre, 1970

122. Land Reform, Land Settlement and Cooperatives. 1979. No. 1. FAO, Rome.

123. Rural Cooperatives and Planned Change in Africa. UNRISD. Volume IV. Genève 1970.

124. Cooperatives and Planned Change in Asian Rural Communities. UNRISD. Volume VI. Genève, 1970

125. Rural Cooperatives as Agents of Change: A Research Report and a Debate. UNRISD. Genève, 1975. Volume VIII.

126. Une expérience d'animation coopérative au Niger. Par Guy Belloncle. IRAM. Paris, 1966.

127. The Role of Cooperatives in the Economic and Social Development of Developing Countries. ILO. Geneva. Report VII(1). 1964.

128. Informations coopératives. Collection BIT. Genève.

129. Cooperative Development in Africa. Rural. Development College Lectures. Holte, Denmark, 1973. Par J.-J. Bochet. Spécialiste régionale FAO des institutions rurales.

130. Alliance Coopérative Internationale (ACI). Rapports d'activité et divers documents.

131. Rapport sur le Centre de Développement sur le Crédit Agricole pour l'Afrique. FAO. Dakar, Sénégal, 1965. Rapporteur: J.-J. Bochet. Spécialiste régionale FAO des institutions rurales.

132. Agricultural Credit through Cooperatives and other Institutions. FAO Agricultural Studies. No. 68. FAO, Rome, 1966.

133. New Approach to Agricultural Credit. FAO Agricultural Studies. No. 77. FAO, Rome, 1964.


134. Study tour FAO/SIDA/CIDIAT on incentives for community involvement in forestry and conservation programmes. March 1980. FAO, Rome. Swedish Funds-in-trust. GCP/INT/347/SWE.

135. PAM - Draft Sector Evaluation Report on WFP Assistance for forestry activities. FAo, Rome, August 1976.

Terminology - various

136. Classification des techniques agro-forestières, par Jean Combe et Gerardo Budowski. C.A.T.I.E. Turrialba. Costa Rioa. 1978.

137. Rice Terminology. Terminology Bulletin No. 26/Ar. FAO. Rome.

138. JIU Glossary of Evaluation Terms. General Assembly of the United Nations. A/34/286, dated 6.6.79.


139. Integrating Population Education in Rural Development Programmes. FAO, Rome, 1979. (M-64.ISBN 92-5-200321.5)

140. Population and agricultural development. Selected relationships and possible planning uses. Development Research and Training Service, Policy Analysis Division. FAO, Rome, 1977.

141. Population and agricultural development. 6. Economic-Demographic Interactions in Agricultural Development: the case of rural-to-urban migration. Prepared with the assistance of the IMFPA. FAO, Rome, 1978.

142. Migration and Rural Development. Economic and Social Development Paper. No. 3. FAO, Rome, 1978.

143. Animation rurale. Encadrement et moyens de développement économique et social en pays tropicaux. Paris, 1969. La Maison Rustique.

144. L'Afrique de l'Ouest vue par un agriculteur. Problèmes de base en Afrique tropicale. Pierre Viguier. Paris, 1961. La Maison Rustique.

145. Rural Sociology in Action. FAO Agricultural Development Paper. No. 79. FAO, Rome, 1965

146. Project Education, Haïti/Banque Mondiale/Unesco. juillet 1978. Rapport final de M. Bencharif M. Consultant UNESCO.

147. Quel développement rural pour l'Afrique Noire? Guy Belloncle, 1978. Nouvelles Editions Africaines. Dakar.

148. Jeunes Ruraux du Sahel, par Guy Belloncle. 1979. 

149. Le chemin des villages, par Guy Belloncle, 1979. Editions l'Harmattan. Paris.

150. Développement agricole africain, par René Dumont. pour CEA-Nations Unies, 1965. Presses universitaires de France. Tiers-Monde. Etudes.

151. L'emploi des jeunes et le développement national en Afrique. Nations Unies. New York. 1969.

152. Besoins en formation des cadres des niveaux supérieur et moyen dans le domaine des activités rurales, durant la période 1972, pour les pays membres du CILSS. Rapport. 1977. BIT. Genève.

153. Cooperative Marketing for Agricultural Producers. Agricultural Development Paper. No. 53. FAO, Rome, 1956. By Margaret Digby and R.H. Gretton.

154. Operational Efficiency of Agricultural Cooperatives in Developing Countries. FAO Agricultural Development Paper. No. 96. FAO, Rome, 1975. By Eberhard Dülfer.

155. Les associations agricoles et sylvicoles de la Suisse. Secrétariat des paysans suisses. Brougg. Suisse, 1944.

156. Cooperative Management and Administration. ILO. Geneva. 1960.

157. Manuels de formation coopérative. BIT. Genève, 1974 à 1980.

158. Youth and Cooperatives. American Institute of Cooperation. 1967, Washington.

159. An Introduction to Cooperative Practice. ILO. Geneva, 1962.

160. International Financing of Cooperative Enterprise in Developing Countries. BIT. Genève, 1974.

161. Centre National de promotion des entreprises coopératives. Ministère de l'agriculture, République de Côte d'Ivoire. 1976.

162. Centre National de développement des entreprises coopératives. République du Cameroun. 1976.

163. Guide to methods and procedures of rural credit surveys, by T.S. Rao, Consultant FAO. Agricultural Development Paper No. 73.

164. Cooperative Thrift, Credit and Marketing in Economically Under-developed Countries. FAO Agricultural Development Paper. No. 34. FAO, Rome, 1955

165. Credit for Agriculture in the Developing World. World Conference on Credit for Farmers in Developing Countries. Rome, 1975. Cassa di risparmio delle provincie lombarde - Milan.

166. La commercialisation des grandes cultures vivrières en Afrique. Rapport sur le premier centre de perfectionnement. FAO, Nairobi, Kenya, 1964.

167. Creating a Market. An ILO Programmed Book. Geneva, 1971

168. Divers documents sur l'Agriculture des Hautes-Alpes (France) et sur la Vie Rurale dans la Montagne autrichienne. (1954)

169. Divers documents de la Première Foire Internationale et du Congrès technique "La technique au service des hommes" ("Technology for the people"). Genève, Sept. 1980.

170. Les mesures concernant la lutte engagée pour remédier à la détresse des agriculteurs montagnards. Secrétariat des Paysans Suisses. Brougg, Suisse, 1936.

171. Rural Extension in Latin America and the Carribean. Report of the Technical Conference on Agricultural Extension and Rural Youth. Chiclayo, Peru, Nov.-Dec. 1970. FAO, Rome, 1971.

172. Storage of foodgrain. A guide for extension workers. By Abdel-Hamid F. Abdel Aziz. FAo, Rome, 1975

173. Analytical Study of the rural extension Service of Ecuador. Joachim Herzberg and Siantiago Antuña. FAO, Rome, 1973.

174. Analytical Study of the Rural Extension Service of Argentina. FAO, Rome, 1973.

175. Analytical Study of the Rural Extension Service of Paraguay. FAO, Rome, 1973.

176. Extension programmes for the promotion of improved seed. FAO, Rome, 1979. By W.D. Maalouf and B. Ullerup.

177. Extension and other Services supporting the Small Farmer in Asia. German Foundation for International Development. Seminar Report. Berlin, 1972.

178. Women and Family in Rural Development. Annotated bibliography. FAO Publications and Documents (1966-1976). DC/ Sp.31. PDC/2.

179. Strategies for more successful projects. By Bruce N. Baker, David G. Murphy and Dalmar Fisher.

180. "Increasing preparedness of agriculture in droughts and floods prone areas in the Regions". Contribution of the Forestry Department of FAO, to the 15th Regional Conference for Asia and the Pacific. FAO, Rome.

181. Bulletins of the Freedom from Hunger Campaign.

182. United Nations Trust Fund. FAO/UN/TF 105.

182. United Nations Trust Fund. FAO/UN/TF 105. Expert Consultation on the Development of Cooperative Planning for Better Family Living. FAO, Rome, 1973.

183. United Nations Trust Fund. FAO/UN/TF-INT 142(UPA). Seminar on Agricultural Planning and Population. Report. Tangiers, Morocco, November 1975. FAO, Rome, 1976.

184. Population Concepts in Farm Management Courses. FAO, Rome, 1977. (n-67-ISBN 92-5-200471-8)

N.B. Reference documents pertaining to Annex II are listed at the bottom of the pages of that Annex.