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References to data sources for individual countries are given in Annex 2. The following are references to multi-country databases and other information sources that were used in the production of this report.

ESMAP, 2001, Sustainable woodfuel supplies from the dry tropical woodlands, Joint UNDP/World Bank Energy Sector      Management Assistance Programme, World Bank, Washington DC, United States of America, available at:

EUROSTAT, 2001, Economic accounts for agriculture and forestry and agricultural labour input statistics (New Cronos      database), 1973-2000, Eurostat, Luxembourg.

EUROSTAT, 1998, Economic accounts for agriculture and forestry 1992-1997, Eurostat, Luxembourg.

FAO, 2003a, FAOSTAT - the FAO’s on-line statistical database for agriculture, fisheries and forestry, available at:

FAO, 2003b, State of the world’s forests, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome, Italy.

FAO, 2003c, Yearbook of forest products statistics, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome, Italy.

FAO, 2001, Global forest resources assessment 2000: main report, FAO Forestry Paper No. 140, Food and Agriculture      Organization of the United Nations, Rome, Italy.

FAO, 1999, State of the World Forests 1999, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome, Italy.

FAO, 1995, Statistics today for tomorrow, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome, Italy.

FAO, 2001, Past trends and future prospects for the utilisation of wood for energy (draft) – Working paper:      GFPOS/WP/05, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome, Italy.

FAO, 1995, Forest products prices 1973-1992, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome, Italy.

ILO, 2003, Employment Trends and Prospects in the European Forestry sector, Geneva Timber and Forest Discussion      Paper No: ECE/TIM/DP/29, United Nations Economic Commission for Europe, Geneva, Switzerland.

ILO, 2001, Globalization and sustainability: The forestry and wood industries on the move, Report for discussion at the      Tripartite Meeting on the Social and Labour Dimensions of the Forestry and Wood Industries on the Move, 17-21      September 2001, TMFWI/2001, International Labour Organization, Geneva, Switzerland.

IMF, 2003, Article IV Consultations, available online by country at:

MCPFE, 2003, Background information for improved Pan-European indicators for sustainable forest management,      Ministerial Conference on the Protection of Forests in Europe, Liaison Unit in Vienna, Austria.

MCPFE, 2002, Relevant definitions used for improved Pan-European indicators for sustainable forest management,      Ministerial Conference on the Protection of Forests in Europe, Liaison Unit in Vienna, Austria.

Poschen, P, 1997, Forest and employment – much more than meets the eye, in The economic contribution of forestry to      sustainable development, Proceedings of the XI World Forestry Congress, 13-22 October 1997, Vol. 4, Ankara,      Turkey.

UN, 2003a, United Nations Common Database - online, Statistical Division of the United Nations, New York, United      States of America, available at:

UN, 2003b, Online information, Statistical Division of the United Nations, available at:

UN, 2002a, National accounts statistics: main aggregates and detailed tables, 2000, United Nations, New York, United      States of America.

UN, 2002b, Forest Products Annual Market Review 2001-2002, Timber Bulletin – Volume LV(2002), No.3, United Nations      Economic Commission for Europe, Geneva, Switzerland.

UN, 2001, Bulletin of industrial statistics for the Arab Countries, 1992-2000, United Nations Economic and Social      Commission for Western Asia, New York, United States of America.

UN, 1999, Handbook of National Accounting: a systems approach to national accounts compilation, Technical Report,      ST/ESA/STAT/SER.F/77, United Nations Statistics Division, New York, United States of America.

UNIDO, 2003a, International Yearbook of Industrial Statistics 2003, United Nations Industrial Development      Organization, Vienna, Austria.

UNIDO, 2003b, Industrial Statistics Database 3-digit ISIC Revision 2 (CD-ROM), 1963-2000, United Nations Industrial      Development Organization, Vienna, Austria.

UNIDO, 2002a, International Yearbook of Industrial Statistics 2002, United Nations Industrial Development      Organization, Vienna, Austria.

UNIDO, 2002b, Industrial Statistics Database 3-digit ISIC Revision 2 (CD-ROM), 1963-2000, United Nations Industrial      Development Organization, Vienna, Austria.

WORLD BANK, 2002, World Development Indicators 2002, World Bank, Washington DC, United States of America.

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