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No. 1
E. Aker
H. Koops
The status of the German eel fishery in the German Bight
No. 2
K. Bieniarz et al.
Eel (Anguilla anguilla L.) culture in artificial conditions
No. 3 (withdrawn) 
No. 4
Nicole Charlon
Morphogénèse de la sagitta chez l'anguille européenne (Anguilla anguilla L.) - Résultats préliminaires
No. 5
J. Deufel
Th. Strubelt
Running of the eel stocks in the Lake of Constance
No. 6
B. Desoamps
L. Foulquier
A. Grauby
Etude comparée de la croissance des anguilles en fonction de la température dans deux bassins en circuit ouvert
No. 7
R. Edel
Locomotor activity of silver eels Anguilla rostrata in response to shelter and unnatural photoperiods
No. 8
G. Herrmann
On the eel yields of inland fishery in the Federal Republic of Germany
No. 9
P. Lamarque
Types de courant électrique à utiliser pour la capture optimale des anguilles
No. 10
A. Lindroth
Eel catch and lunar cycle on the Swedish east coast
No. 11
H. Koops
H. Kuhlmann
Preliminary note on the growth of the European eel in a brackish thermal effluent
No. 12
H. Kuhlmann
Influence of temperature, food, size and origin on the growth and sexual differentiation of elvers (Anguilla anguilla)
No. 13
M. Leopold
State of eel management in Poland
No. 14
M. Leopold
Stocking as a main factor determining the level of eel catches in Poland
No. 15
M. Leopold
Basic problems of eel exploitation
No. 16
M. Leopold
The effect of trophic and biological conditions on eel production and management
No. 17
M. Leopold
Efficiency and prospectives of eel management - summary and some economic approaches
No. 18
C.L. Deelder
Remarks on the age determination of eels with length-backcalculation
No. 19 (withdrawn) 
No. 20
Ch. Moriarty
The eel fisheries in Ireland
No. 21
Ch. Moriarty
Development of eel fisheries in the River Shannon and the Wexford South Sloblands
No. 22
Ch. Moriarty
Biological studies of yellow eels in Ireland
No. 23
Ch. Moriarty
B. Steinmetz et al.
On the ageing of eel
No. 24
Gabriele Peters
The Papillomatosis (cauliflower diseases) of the European eel (Anguilla anguilla): fluctuations in the rate of incidence in the Elbe and their causes
No. 25
Ph. Serène
Marché de l'anguille en Europe - Etude d'approche
No. 26 (not received) 
No. 27
B. Stott
On the present state of the eel resources in England and Wales
No. 28
G. Svärdson
The decline of the Baltic eel population
No. 29
F.W. Tesch
Tracking of silver eels (Anguilla anguilla) in different shelf areas of the North-East Atlantic
No. 30
Th. van Veen
H.G. Hartwig
K. Müller
Photoreception and circadian rhythmin the eel
No. 31
L. Westin
L. Nyman
Activity, orientation and migration of Baltic eel (Anguilla anguilla L.)
No. 32
E. Martelly (Mme)
C. Milet
A. Legrand
M. Fontaine
Modifications métaboliques observées au cours de la maturation provoquée d'Anguilla anguilla L.
No. 33
W. Ciepielewski
The size, sex and age of seaward migrating eel from two Masurian Lakes
No. 34
W. Dembinski
A. Swierzowski
Selectivity of eel pound-nets and the size structure of eel populations migrating downstream
No. 35
L. Swierzowska
Effectiveness of electric eel fishing in Poland
No. 36
W. Dembinski
I. Mayer
A. Swierzowski
Catches and selectivity of an electrified eel seine net
No. 37 (not received) 
No. 38 (withdrawn)
A. Dolan
No. 39 (not received)
R. Finiger
No. 40
K.R. Gundersen
Fishing and tagging experiments on eel (Anguilla anguilla) in one area in Norwegian waters
No. 41 (not received)
G. Lasserre
No. 42 (withdrawn)
K.P. Madsen
No. 43
G. Rasmussen
Birgit Therkildsen
Food, growth and production of Anguilla anguilla in a small Danish stream
No. 44
A. Swierzowski
General analysis of eel catches in rivers and lakes of the drainage basin of Narew River
No. 45
A. Swierzowski
Rhythm and intensity of silver eel catches in the drainage basin of Narew River
No. 46
A. Swierzowski
The effect of a smooth rectified electric current on the behaviour and metabolism of eel
No. 47
P.R. Todd
Artificial induction of maturation of New Zealand freshwater eels Anguilla australis schmidtii (Phillips) and A. dieffenbachii (Gray)
No. 48
A. Lindquist
Observations on glass eels in the Skagerrak and Kattegat
No. 49
A. Krüger
Method of labelling Anguilla anguilla with the injection of some radionucleids
No. 50
R.L. Saunders
The effects of pentachlorophenol on swimming performance and oxygen consumption in the American eel (Anguilla rostrata)
No. 51
Wind and currents in comparison with catches of silver eel in the Hanö Bight
No. 52
H. Westerberg
Counter-current orientation in the migration of the European eel
No. 53
I. Boëtius
First report of the ICES Working group on stocks of the European eel
No. 54
I. Boëtius
J. Boëtius
Fecundity of the European eel
No. 55
I. Boëtius
J. Boëtius
Estimate of an energy budget for migration and spawning of female European eels
No. 56
C.J. McGrath
Report of the EIFAC Workshop meeting on age determination of eels Rapport de la réunion de la CECPI sur la détermination de l'âge des anguilles
No. 57
C.J. McGrath
Report of the second meeting of the EIFAC Ad hoc working group on eel fishing gear and techniques
Compte rendu de la deuxième réunion du Groupe de travail ad hoc CECPI sur les engins et techniques utilisés dans la pêche à l'anguille
No. 58
U. Saint Paul
The German fishery on young eel for stocking purposes in the estuaries of the North Sea
No. 59
P. Lamarque
Cuve galvanonarcotique pour la mensuration et la pesée des anguilles
No. 60
Teresa Passakas
Investigations on the chromosomes of Anguilla anguilla
No. 61
S. Egusa
Notes on the culture of the European eel Anguilla anguilla in Japanese eel-farming ponds 
No. 62 (withdrawn) 
No. 63
R. Rossi
G. Colombo
Some observations on age, sex and growth of silver eels (Anguilla anguilla) of North Adriatic lagoons
EIFAC Secretariat
No. 64
No. 65 (not received) 
No. 66
C.J. McGrath et al.
Experimental electrical guidance system for eels at Killaloe eel weir on the River Shannon

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