Preliminary Pages


Maria Lodovica Gullino acknowledges the projects “Plant and Food Biosecurity” (PLANTFOODSEC, grant no. 261752), “Effective Management of Pests and Harmful Alien Species – Integrated Solutions” (EMPHASIS, grant no. 634179) and “EU-CHINA Lever for IPM Demonstration” (EUCLID, grant no. 633999); Ramon Albajes also acknowledges EMPHASIS and EUCLID, all funded by the European Commission. Peter Juroszek acknowledges the project “Potential Medium- and Long-Term Effects of the Projected Climate Change on Plant Diseases and on Fungicide Efficacy in Field Crops in Germany” (SIMKLIMA, granted to Benno Kleinhenz, grant no. FKZ 281B202616), supported by funds from the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL) based on a decision of the Parliament of the Federal Republic of Germany via the Federal Office for Agriculture and Food (BLE) under the innovation support programme. Xubin Pan acknowledges the support from the Consulting Project of the Chinese Academy of Engineering (2019-ZD-4).

The precious and skilled technical support of Stefania Antro (Agroinnova, University of Torino) is kindly acknowledged. The authors also wish to thank the continuous support and help received from Viivi Kuvaja (IPPC Secretariat, FAO) and the helpful suggestions of the reviewers during the process.

This report was prepared with the contribution of selected experts in the FAO Plant Production and Protection Division, the Forestry Division, the Land and Water Division, and the Office of Climate Change, Biodiversity and Environment.