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Vegetation description

Found along the lower portions of rivers and on coastal mudflats, the mangrove forests in Palau are the most rich in species in Micronesia. Well-developed stands can become 15 to 20 m tall. Rhizophora stylosa and Sonneratia alba dominate on the seaward side. At larger river mouths or bay indentations, Rhizophora apiculata and R. stylosa can become pure stands or occur with Sonneratia alba and Bruguiera gymnorrhiza; landward Heritiera littoralis, Lumnitzera littorea and Xylocarpus granatum are also included. Where the estuary becomes river-like Bruguiera, Lumnitzera, Sonneratia and Xylocarpus species are often found, but Rhizophora sp. becomes uncommon. The palm Nypa fruticans is fairly common along the lower portions and mouths of rivers. Other woody species include Avicennia marina, Ceriops tagal and Scyphiphora hydrophyllacea

Cole, G., Falanruw, M.C., MacLean, D.C, Whitesell, C.D,, Ambacher, A.H. 1987. Vegetation Survey of the Republic of Palau. Resource Bulletin PSW-22. Berkeley, CA: Pacific Southwest Forest and Range Experiment Station, Forest Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture.
Mueller-Dombois, D. & F. R. Fosberg.
1998. Vegetation of the tropical Pacific islands. Springer-Verlag, New York. 733 pp.

National level mangrove area estimates







4 708

Cole, G., Falanruw, M.C., MacLean, D.C, Whitesell, C.D,, Ambacher, A.H. 1987. Vegetation Survey of the Republic of Palau. Resource Bulletin PSW-22. Berkeley, CA: Pacific Southwest Forest and Range Experiment Station, Forest Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture.


Remote sensing


5 265

FAO. 1995. Tropical Forests Action Programme; Information mission to Pacific Island countries Based on the work of Desloges, C. Field document RAS/92/361. FAO, Rome. 69 pp.


The author reported in 2002 that this figure was given to him verbally during a meeting, and that it could be an approximation. (Desloges pers. comm..) No information on primary source or methodology. The “Year” is the publication year.

Trends in mangrove area extent over time

No major changes appear to have occurred in this country over the last twenty years.

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