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References related to assessment in developed countries

ANON (1987). Ad hoc FAO/ECE/FINNIDA meeting of experts on forest resource assessment. Proceedings of ad hoc meeting of experts, Kotka, Finland, October 1987. Bulletin of the Finnish Forest Research Institute No. 284. FINNIDA, Helsinki. 433pp.

FAO (1976) Forest resources in the European egion. FAO, Rome. 31pp.

FAO (1989). Toward a common framework for world forest resources assessments. Working Paper FO:MISC/89/7. FAO, Rome. 17pp.

Koch, N.E. & Linddal, M. (1993). Commentary on the results of the assessment. In The forest resources of the temperate zones: the UN-ECE/FAO 1990 forest resource assessment, Vol. II - Benefits and functions of the forest. United Nations, New York. ECE/TIM/62 (Vol. II). pp. 226-248.

Korotkov, A.V. & Peck, T.J. (1993). Forest resources of the industrialized countries: an ECE/FAO assessment. In Unasylva, Vol. 44, No. 174, 1993/3. FAO, Rome. pp. 20-30.

Kuuseka, K. (1994). Forest resources in Europe, 1950-1990. European Forest Institute. Cambridge University Press, United Kingdom. 154pp.

Nyyssonen, A. (1993). Proceedings of the FAO/ECE Meeting of experts on global forest resources assessment (in cooperation with UNEP and with the suuport of FINNIDA (Kotka II). Finnish Forest Research Institute Research Paper 469. FFRI, Helsinki. 214pp. N.B. (i) Report of the status of forest inventory worldwide: industrialized countries, pp. 56-74; (ii) Developments related to future forest resource assessment and related activities of other organizations: ECE/FAO enquiry into future forest resources information needs covering the developed countries, pp.117-129.

Nyyssonen, A. Poso, S., & Rautala, J. (Eds.) (1993). Proceedings of the Ilvessalo symposium on national forest inventories. Symposium by IUFRO S4.02, Finnish Forest Research Institute & Department of Forest Resource Management, University of Helsinki. Finnish Forest Research Institute Research Paper No. 444. FFRI, Helsinki. 279pp.

Peck, T.J. (1989). How should we develop the 1990 temperate-zone assessment to meet user needs in the year 2000? For IUFRO Conference on Global Natural Resource Monitoring and Assessment: Preparing for the 21st Century, Venice, Italy, September 1989. 10pp.

Prins, K. & Korotkov, A. (1994). The forest sector of economies in transition in Central and Eastern Europe. In Unasylva, Vol. 45, No. 179, 1994/4. FAO, Rome. pp. 3-10.

UN-ECE/FAO (1985). The forest resources of the ECE region (Europe, the USSR, North America). United Nations, Geneva. ECE/TIM/27. 223pp.

UN-ECE/FAO (1991). Follow-up to the 1990 assessment: new information requirements by the year 2000 - results of an enquiry. For Ad hoc meeting on forest assessment (temperate-zones), Geneva, August 1991.United Nations, Geneva. TIM/EFC/WP.2/AC.2/R.20. 12pp.

UN-ECE/FAO (1992). The forest resources of the temperate zones: Main findings of the UN-ECE/FAO 1990 Forest Resource Assessment. United Nations, New York. ECE/TIM/60. 32pp.

UN-ECE/FAO (1992a). The forest resources of the temperate zones: the UN-ECE/FAO 1990 forest resource assessment. Vol. I: General forest resource assessment. United Nations, New York. ECE/TIM/62 (Vol. I). 348pp.UN-ECE/FAO (1993). The forest resources of the temperate zones: the UN-ECE/FAO 1990 forest resource assessment. Vol II: Benefits and functions of the forest. United Nations, New York. ECE/TIM/62 (Vol. II). 268pp.

References related to assessment in the developing countries

FAO, 1963. World Forest Inventory, FAO, Rome, Italy

FAO, 1981. Tropical Forest Resources Assessment: Asia, Africa, America, FAO, Rome, Italy.

FAO, 1982. Land resources for the World*s food production, A paper submitted to 12 th International Congress on soil science, New Delhi, India.

FAO/ECE, 1987. Ad hoc FAO/ECE/FINNIDA Meeting of experts on forest resources assessment, FINNIDA, Helsinki, Finland.

FAO, 1988. An Interim Report on the State of Forest Resources in the developing countries. Forest Resources Division, Forestry Department, Rome Italy.

FAO, 1991. Production Year Book, FAO, Rome, Italy.

UNEP/FAO, 1992, Expert consultation on environmental parameters in future global forest assesments, Nairobi, Kenya. 1-3 December 1992, GEMS Report Series no.17.

WCMC, 1992. Global biodiversity, status of the Earth*s living resources, Chapman & Hall, London.

FAO/ECE, 1993. Proceedings of FAO/ECE/INNIDA Meeting of Experts on global forest resources assessment (Kotka II). Bulletin of the Finnish Forest Research Institute No. 469. FINNIDA, Helsinki.

FAO, 1993, Forest Resources Assessment 1990: Tropical Countries, FAO, Forestry Paper 112, Rome, Italy.

FAO, 1993. Forestry Statistics today for tomorrow, FAO, Rome, Italy

WCMC, 1993. Protected area database produced in World Resources 1994-1995 Report.

Dixon, R.K., Brown, S., Houghton, R.A., Solomon, A.M., Trexler, M.C. and Wisniewski, J., 1994. Carbon Pools and Flux of Global Forest Ecosystems Science Vol 263. January 1994, Pages 185-190.

UN, 1994. World Population Prospects: The 1994 Revisions, UN, New York, USA.

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