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The United Nations: Why it matters
International symposium on food packaging

The United Nations: Why it matters

The October 1995 issue of The UNESCO Courier celebrates the fiftieth anniversary of the foundation of the United Nations.

The issue contains: Boutros Boutros-Ghali's and Federico Mayor's reflections on the Organization's future developments; the key dates in its history as well as a synthesis of its interventions in the major confrontations (e.g. the Korean War, Arab-Israeli wars, the Cuban missile crisis, Cambodia); a critical analysis of the UN's achievements and failures in its three key areas of activity: peace-keeping, human rights and development; the detailed organizational chart of the UN system as well as a description of the six principal organs (the General Assembly, the Security Council, the Economic and Social Council, the Trusteeship Council, the International Court of Justice and the Secretariat) and fact files about the subsidiary bodies and the specialized agencies that collaborate with the UN, including FAO, Finally, the journal offers a review of the actions of some of these specialized agencies by their own directors.

International symposium on food packaging

An international symposium on food packaging, entitled Ensuring the Safety and Quality of Foods, will be held from 11 to 13 September 1996 in Budapest, Hungary. The symposium is organized by the International Life Sciences Institute (ILSI) Europe in collaboration with the Hungarian Central Food Research Institute (KEKI) and the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC).


The symposium will concentrate on the science underpinning improvement in the quality of food packaging materials and on understanding the chemical and physical processes used in food packaging systems. Microbiological and sensory considerations in developing packaging will also be addressed, The meeting will bring together those involved in basic studies, those responsible for bringing developments to the marketplace and those charged with ensuring the safety and quality of end products.


The programme will consist of a number of invited keynote lectures together with contributed oral papers and a poster session. It will cover a wide spectrum of subjects related to food packaging:

· packaging for improved safety and quality of foods,

· innovations in food packaging,

· physical transport processes in packaging (gas diffusion, organic vapour permeation, component migration to foodstuffs and interface phenomena),

· sensory impact of packaging materials,

· functional barriers, theoretical approaches and performance testing,

· safety and quality considerations for recycling and reuse,

· component migration in foodstuffs with high-temperature applications,

· alternative test procedures and new analytical approaches,

· active and smart packaging,


For further information, please contact:

Dr Laura Contor
ILSI Europe
Avenue E. Mounier, 83 - Box 6
B-1200 Brussels, Belgium
Tel.: (32 2) 771 00 14
Fax: (32 2) 762 00 44

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