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Most countries have directories of their manufacturers, exporters and importers which can be consulted in most embassies and consulates. They are the best source of information, particularly for neighbouring countries or those with which your country has special trade relationships or with which trade is easier or transport costs are lower. Also, many international suppliers or manufacturers have branch offices which are closer than their headquarters. Purchases from these offices may be easier, cheaper and/or quicker.

The following list of addresses does not represent any endorsement of the products of the listed companies or organizations nor any recommendation, nor can any responsibility be taken for changes in addresses, phone or fax numbers etc. The list is also not complete and only represents a very small selection of suppliers, manufacturers, organizations etc. active in these respective fields. Selection of those listed represents no judgement or comparison to other non-listed manufacturers or suppliers.

 1. Industrial Equipment Suppliers

1.1 Cosmetics

CO.M.ER. s.r.l.
Via Brescia 10
200636 Cernusco S/N (Milano), Italy
Tel: 39-2-9240445; Fax: 39-2-9249252
- cosmetic and pharmaceutical equipment

Mambretti & Co.
Via Bertola da Novate 11
20157 Milano, Italy
Tel: 39-2-306937; Telex: 321497; Fax: 39-2-66982979
- cosmetic and pharmaceutical equipment

Pressindustria Chemical Equipment s.p.a.
Via Porta d'Arnolfo 43
20046 Biassono (Milano), Italy
Tel: 39-39-49831; Fax: 39-39-2753330; Telex: 333322 P IND 1
- emulsifiers, mixers, whole plants for cosmetic, pharmaceutical and food industries

SOTECO Export s.r.l.
Via Tosarelli 184
40055 Bologna, Italy
Tel: 39-51-785151; Fax: 39-51-784422
- automatic bottling or packaging machines for the pharmaceutic, cosmetic and food industry

1.2 Lyophilization - freeze drying

Cole-Parmer (registered trade mark) International
7425 North Oak Park Avenue
Niles, Illinois 60714, USA
Tel.:1-708-647 7600; Fax.: 1-708-647 9600
Telex: 28-9405; Cable: 'COLEPARMER"; Easylink: 6293 9214
-    laboratory freeze driers, 4.5 to 18 litre models with 2 to 12 litre drying capacity per day, and many other laboratory equipments.

Costruzioni Meccaniche Terruzzi S.r.l.
Via Ernesto Breda 176
20126 Milano, Italy
Tel.: 39-2-2572391
- industrial freeze driers

Kohlensa~urewerk Deutschland GmbH
5462 Bad Hoenningen, Germany
- industrial freeze driers

Edwards High Vacuum Ltd
Manor Royal
Crawley W Sussex RHIO2LW, United Kingdom
Tel.: 44-1293-28844
- industrial freeze driers

1.3 Food processing

Alberto Bertuzzi S.p.a.
Viale Europa 11
20047 Brugheno (Milano), Italy
Tel: 39-39-870553; Fax: 39-39-883205
- machines or whole plants for the processing of fruits and vegetables but also honey, mead, jams and sweets

For honey and pollen processing equipment see also beekeeping suppliers

1.4 Capsule fillers

Via Nazionale 55
40067 Rastignano (Bologna), Italy
Tel.: 39-51-743350; Fax: 39-51-744255
-    encapsulation equipment of industrial and artisanal capacity

MG2 S.p.a.
Via del Savena 18,
40065 Pianoro (Bologna), Italy
Tel.: 39-51-777043; Fax: 39-51-777521
-    encapsulation equipment of industrial and artisanal capacity

Nuova Zanasi S.p.a.
Via 1 maggio 14
40064 Ozzano Emilia (Bologna) Italy
Tel.: 39-51-799431; Fax: 39-51-799348
- encapsulation equipment of industrial and artisanal capacity

S.L. Sanderson & Co.
Star Route 104N
(173 Sandy Springs Lane)
Berry Creek, CA 95916, USA
- makes "Cap M Quick", very small hand operated trays for encapsulation

Feton International
Chaussee de Louvain 799
Steenweg of Leuven
1140 Bruxelles
Tel: 32-2-734 5295
- Capsule filler, small ones for 5000 to 7000 BFr.

1.5 Elaboration and manufacture for others

RP Scherer S.p.A.
04011 Aprilia (Latina), italy
Tel: 39-6-9205431
Fax: 39-6-9205435
- production of gelatinous capsules, encapsulation and other pharmaceutical forms (pills) for third parties.

Pharmagel S.p.A.
Viale Europa 3
20075 Lodi (Milano), Italy
Tel: 39-371-36041
-    production of gelatinous capsules, encapsulation and other pharmaceutical forms (pills) for third parties

Ghimas S.p.A.
Via Fucini 2
40033 Casalecchio di Reno (Bologna), Italy
Tel: 39-51-575353
- freeze drying in contract for third parties

Piana Apicoltura
Via G.P. Piana 1450
40024 Castel San Pietro Terme (BO), Italy
Tel: 39-51-941205
Fax: 39-51-944652
Telex: 512447 APIS I
- manufacture of cosmetics and complete line of beekeeping products and value-added products

Apicoltura Marcolini &
Via G. Gastianelli 61
00133 Roma, Italy
Tel: 39-6-7232131 or 2050316
- bee cosmetics and soaps in contract for third parties

1.6 Beekeeping

Directory of beekeeping suppliers, published in 1982 by IBRA.
Dadant & Sons, Inc.
51 South 2nd St
Hamilton, Illinois 62341, USA
Tel: 1-217-847 3324; Fax: 1-217-847 3660
- equipment for beekeeping and elaboration of beekeeping products, publishers of Amer. Bee Journal and Hive and the Honey Bee, plus other books

Lega S.r.l., Costruzioni apistiche
Via de Crescenzi 18
48018 Faenza (Ravenna), Italy
Tel: 39-546-26834; Fax: 39-546-28279
- equipment for beekeeping and elaboration of beekeeping products

Apicoltura Vangelisti
Viale Roma 82
52017 Stia (AR), Italy
Tel: 39-575-582150
- equipment for beekeeping and complete line of beekeeping products and value added products

86 Rue Abbe Thomas
45450 Fay aux Loges France
Tel: 33-38595620; Fax: 33-38592828
- equipment for beekeeping and elaboration of beekeeping products

Postfach 146
7230 Schramberg, Germany
Tel: 49-7422-4240
- equipment for beekeeping and elaboration of beekeeping products

E.H. Thorne Ltd.
Beehive Works
Wragby, Lincoln LN3 5LA, UK
Tel: 44-1673-858555
- honey presses as commonly used in East Africa and other beekeeping equipment

SONY EZ-Label Printer from any SONY dealer or through
FAI, Federazione Apicoltori Italiani
Corso Vittono Emmanuelle 101
00186 Rome, Italy
Tel: 39-6-6877175 or 6852276; Fax: 39-6-6548578
- sells label printer, many other information and Italian beekeeping industry contacts

Cylindro Alveolador Apic. Ltva.
Cristiansen Hordao
CX Postal 455, R. Bernardino di Maraes 1467
Belo Horizonte, MG, Brazil
Tel: 55-31-2262190
- manufactures cheap, plastic foundation rollers (US$100) for hand operated press

More expensive foundation rollers and complete manfuacturing lines can be obtained from all major beekeeping suppliers.

Centre Laboratories
35 Channel Dr.
Port Washington, NY 1 10Sf), USA
Fax: 1-516-767 4229
- makes and distributes "Epipen", emergency injection pen/syringe for treatment against allergic reactions to bee stings

1443 45th Ave. N.E.
Salem, OR 97301, USA
Tel: 503-581 5805
- Marketing and processing honey filled straws. Sale of straw filling machines

2. Raw materials

2.1 Cosmetics

Desert King Corporation
3802 Miami Street
Chula Vista, CA 92011, USA
Tel: 1-619-4277121; Telex: 857267 Desert King
- producer of and information on Jojoba oil

Chemetics Laboratories Inc.
2954 Congressman Lane
Dallas, TX 75220, USA
Tel: 1-214-3512434; Fax: 1-214-3580426; Telex: 734037 Chemetics
- produces aloe vera based products, raw materials

Meer Corporation
9500 Railroad Ave.
P.O. Box 9006
North Bergen, NJ 07047, USA
Tel: 1-201-861 9500; Telex: 219130
- produces aloe vera in various preparations and consistanciesActive Organics Inc.

Corporate Office
11230 Grader Street
Dallas, TX 75238, USA
Tel: 1-214-3482015; Fax: 1-214-3481557
- produces non-preserved botanical extracts

Henkel (Suppliers)
140 Germantown Pyke
Suite 150
Plymouth Meeting, PA 19462, USA
Fax: 1-215-9411185 or

Henkel (Suppliers)
Henkelstrasse 67
P.O. Box 1100
4000 Du~sseldorf 1, Germany
Tel: 49-211-7970; Telex: 85817144
- all kinds of soap bases and other cosmetic ingredients

Koster Keunen, Inc.
P.O. Box 383
Sayville, NY 11782, USA
Tel: 1-516-589 0456; Telex: 645946
- large wax buyer, processor and seller of wax related cosmetic ingredients

British Wax Refining Co.
29 St. John's Road
Surrey RHi 6DT
- wax refining mostly

2.2 Pigments and dyes

Warner Jenkinson Europe
Oldmedow Road, Kings Lynn
Norfolk PE3O 4JJ, United Kingdom
Tel: 44-1553-763236 and 770550; Fax: 44-1553-766891/ 770707
Telex: 817144 WJEUR G
- cosmetic colours

Mallinckrodt Inc.
P.O. Box 5439
St. Louis, Missouri 63147, USA
- cosmetic pigments

The Mearl Corporation
41 East 42nd Street
New York, NY 10017, USA
Tel: 1-212-573 8500; Fax: 1-212-557 0742; Telex: 421 841
- cosmetic pigments

Sun Chemical Corporation
Pigments Division
441 Tompkins Avenue
Staten Island, NY 10305, USA
Tel: 1-718-9811600; Telex: 125063; Fax: 1-718-720 6480
- cosmetic pigments

Kingfisher Colours LTD
124/6 Cardiff Road
Reading, Berkshire, RG1 8NH, UK
Tel: 44-1734-588661; Telex: 849054 Fishing
- cosmetic pigments

2.3 Food additives

Kelco International
Westminster Tower
3 Albert Embankment
London SEl 7RZ, UK
Tel: 44-171-735 0333; Fax: 44-171-735 1363
- various food additives, colours, gums etc., but also cosmetic and pharmaceutical ingredients and products

2.4 Others

Candle Makers Supplies
28 Blythe Road
LondonWl4, UK
- candle making supplies

Association of German Candle Manufacturers
Karlstrasse 21
6000 Frankfurt/Main, Germany
- information on producers and suppliers, market etc.

Bee Health Ltd
1 Racecourse Road
East Ayton
North Yorkshire Y013 9HT, UK
Tel: 44-1723 864001
FAX: 44-1723 862 455
- Propolis buyer, processor

3. Information sources

3.1 Organizations

3.1.1 Beekeeping

Directory of institutions and organizations in developing countries concerned with beekeeping published in 1980 by IBRA (98 pp.).

National Honey Board
422 21st Street, Suite 203
Longmont CO 80501-1421, USA
Tel: 1-303-776 2337; Fax: 1-303-776 1177
- provides information and technical assistance to industrial users of honey, small and large scale


National Honey Board
c/o TJP Market Development
500 Airport Blvd., Suite 336
Burlingame, CA 94010 USA

Bees for Development
N. Bradbear, edit.
Troy, Monmonth ND54AB, UK
Tel: 44-1600-713648; Fax: 44-1600-716167; E-mail: [email protected]
- publishes newsletter "Bees and Development", other information on tropical beekeeping, books, consultations, etc.

IBRA, International Bee Research Association
18 North Road
Cardiff CFI 3DY, UK
Tel: 44-1222-372409; FAX: 44-1222-665522; E-mail: MUNNPA@Cardiff. AC. UK
-    largest beekeeping library, publishes several scientific journals andtechnical information, book sales, can make copies of articles, consutlancies.

Wicwas Press
P.O.Box 817
Cheshire, CT 06410-0817, USA
Tel: 1-203-250 7575; Fax: 1-203-621 7325
distributor and publisher of beekeeping books, videos, slide series etc., also publishes Beescience

ICON Development
Viale Regina Margherita 239
00198 Rome, Italy
Tel & Fax: 39-6-4402802
-    general information, consultancy services, project formulations, execution, management and evaluation especially in beekeeping and tropical environmental issues

Vittono Emmanuelle 101
00186 Rome, Italy
Tel.: 39-6-6868465
- international beekeeping organization, information, publications, congresses, published volumes on apitherapy

Peace Corps
Office of Training and Program Support, or Information Collection and Exchange
1990 K St, NW
Washington, DC 20526, USA
-    publishes beekeeping manual with very simple techniques and illustrations, (Gentry, 1988), other information and assistance

Dag Hammarskjo~ld Weg 1-2
6236 Eschborn, Germany
Tel: 49-6196-790; Fax: 49-6196-794820; Telex: 407501-0 GTZD
-    variety of appropriate or alternative technology information, including beekeeping and some of the processing techniques, solar as well as regular publications

ITDG, Intermediate Technologies Development Group
Myson House, Railway Terrace
Rugby CV21 3HT, UK
Tel: 44-1788-560631; Fax: 44-1788-540270
- regular journals (intermediate technologies, a.o.) and many books as publisher and distributor also on beekeeping, candle making, other hive products

American Wax Importers and Refiners Association
225 West 34th St
New York, NY 10001, USA

A description of wax standards and testing methods as prepared by the American Wax Importers and Refiners Association of the USA in 1968 can also be found in the ITC Unctad/Gatt publication on "The World Market for Beeswax" (1978).

BeeNet, an electronic network from which information can be retrieved or requested by computer through electronic networks such as Internet - commercially available in a growing number of countries. A publication "Electronic Delivery of Apicultural Information" (Bee Science 3(1): 10-15, 1993) gives detailed information. Reprints can be obtained from one of the authors:

T.M. Sanford
Bldg 970, Box 110620
University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, 32611-0620, USA
Tel: 1-904-392 1801, ext. 143
Fax: 904-392 0190
E-Mail (Internet): MTS@GNV. IFAS . UFL. EDU

Regularly, updated information on electronically accessible beekeeping, bee research and related topics can be obtained from IBRA or at the WWW site:

http//www cardiff. ac .uk/ibra/index. html

3.1.2 Apitherapy

American Apitherapy Society
P.O. Box 74
North Hartland, VT 05052, USA
Tel & Fax: 1-802-295 8764
-    publishes "BeeWell" newsletter (subscription and membership US$30) and collects case histories, scientific publications, organizes workshops and training, proceedings of annual apitherapy meetings, bibliographies, promotes apitherapy, etc.

Ho Shin, Nihon-Yoho-shinbun
Chuou 2-chome, 1-8 Matsumoto-shi
Nagano-ken, 390, Japan
- Api-acupuncture society of Japan, for information, research, training etc. 

Chinese Beekeeping Institute
Sihai Agricultural Techniques Development Research Institute
30 A Baishiqiao Road
Beijing 100081, China
Tel: 86-1-831 4433 and 831 2997
FAX: 86-1-831 6545; Telex: 222720 CAAS CN
- for further information on apitherapy in China and about specialized institutes and research hospitales etc.

3.1.3 Cosmetics

Facolta' di Medicina e Chirurgia, Univ. Cattolica del Sacro Cuore
Largo Francesco Vito 1
00168 Rome, Italy
Tel: 39-6-33051
three year course (in Italian) for cosmetic technician (minimum requirement: secondary school diploma)

In many countries cosmetic technicians and beauticians can study in evening courses.

Asociaci6n Argentina de Quimicos Cosmeticos
Thames 265
1414 Buenos Aires, Argentina
- publishes "Cosmetica - Revista de ciencia y tecnologia cosmetica", a technical and scientific publication on raw materials and formulations

I.F.S.C.C. Secretariat
Delaporte House
57 Guiidfort Street
Luton, Bedfordshire, LUl 2NL, United Kingdom
Tel: 44-1582 26661; Fax: 44-1582 405217 information about cosmetic study courses, schools and journals

Japan Cosmetics Industry Assoc.
17 Mishikuba - Akefunecho
Minato-ku, Tokyo, Japan

McCutcheon' 5 Division
McPublishing Company
175 Rock Road
Glen Rock, NJ 07452, USA
Tel: 1-201-652 2655; Fax: 1-201-652 3419; Telex: 130559
- journals and manuals on emulsifiers, detergents and functional materials.

CTFA, The Cosmetic, Toiletry and Fragrance Association
110117th Street, N.W., Suite 30
Washington, DC 20036, USA
- publishes International Cosmetic Ingredient Dictionary, information on approval and safety of various cosmetic ingredients, source for further information sources and industry referrals

Toilet Preparations Federation Ltd.
35 Soho Square
London W1V 5DG, UK

Cosmetic Industry Buyers and Suppliers
c/o James Feigin Almay, Inc.
562 Fifth Avenue
New York, NY 10036, USA

Association of Manufacturers of Cosmetics, Toiletries and Soap
Karlstrasse 21
6000 Frankfurt/Main, Germany

3.1.4 Food processing standards

Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives (JEFCA)
Via delle Terme di Caracalla
00100 Rome, Italy
Tel: 39-6-52251
- information on status (approval), safety etc. of all food additives, colours etc. on international level

Scientific Committee for Food (SCF)
European Community
200 Rue de Ia Loi
1049 Bruxelle, Belgium
- information on safety and approval of food ingredients and additives

United States Food and Drug Administration (US FDA)
5600 Fishers Lane
Rockville, MD 20857, USA
Tel: 1-301-443 1544
-    information on approval and safety of ingredients and additives for drugs, cosmetics, food etc.

Director, Beekeeping Extension Service
Ministry of Agriculture, Land and Marine Resources
St. Clair Circle
Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago, West Indies
-    information on rules, standards and hygienic conditions of honey processing rooms, etc.

3.1.5 Others

International Trade Centre
Palais de Nation
1211 Geneva 10, Switzerland
- trade statistics, market surveys, directories, bibliographies, laws and other trade related information

US Dept. of Trade and Commerce
Patent and Trademark Office
Washington, DC 20231, USA
- information on US registered patents

Third General Directorate
European Community
200 Rue de la Loi
1049 Bruxelles, Belgium
-    information on patents registered for the European Community

WIPO, World Property Organization
34 Chemin de Colombettes
CH - 1211 Geneva 20, Switzerland
Tel: 41-22-730 9111, Telex: 412912
Fax: 41-22-733 5428
- national patents can be registered, information on inteynational patents is available if patent numbers are known

European Patent Offices in:
P.O.Box 5818
Patentlaan 2
2280 H Rijsvijk, NL
Tel: 70-340 2040
Fax: 70-340 3016
-    for registration and information on various patents


Erhard Str. 27
D-80331 Mu~nchen, FRG
Tel: 089-23990
Fax: 089-23994465
-    for registration and information on various patents

P.O. Box 30009
3001 DA Rotterdam, NL
Tel: 31-10-413-0787; Fax: 31-10-411 4081; Telex: 27151
- information for import development (into EEC) from developing countries, training and also as intermediary

3.2 Publications

3.2.1 Periodicals

World wide list of beekeeping journals, published in 1983 by IBRA

See also "Bees for development" under Beekeeping

Soap, Perfumery and Cosmetics (SPC)
Wilmington House, Church Hill
Wilmington, Dartford, Kent DA2 7EF, United Kingdom
Tel: 44-1322-277788; Fax: 44-1322-27674
- technical journal

Euredit S.A.
9, Avenue de Friedland
75008 Paris, France
Tel: 33-1-42893466; Fax: 33-1-42893473
- publishes EUROPAGES, annual of European industrial suppliers

Gruppo Editoriale Faenza Editrice S. p. a.
P.O. Box 68
48018 Faenza (Ravenna), Italy
Tel: 39-546-663488; Fax: 39-546-660440
- publishes "1MB Catalogue guide to the Italian packaging industry, producers of equipment and machines for the manufacture of package material and packing, bottling plants for the food, pharmaceutic and cosmetic industry

Chiriotti Editore S.p.a.
Viale Rimembranza 60
10064 Pinerolo (Torino), Italy
Tel: 39-121-794493; Fax: 39-121-794480
- Italian Journal of Food Science and other technical publications.

Allured Publishing Corporation
2100 Manchester Rd.
Building C, Suite 1600
P.O.Box 318
Wheaton, IL 60189-0318, USA
Tel: 1-708-653 2155; Fax: 1-708-653 2192
- special documentary and formulary issues, also bimonthly "Cosmetics & Toiletries" and other journals, Who's Who of cosmetic research and development laboratories, etc.

3.2.2 Catalogues and directories


The "Bibliographie d'apiculture de langue francaise", published in 1983 (106 pp.) by C. de Casteljau lists 1607 books and is available from IBRA.

A rather old review of US and Canadian books on beekeeping lists 613 books and 689 Federal and State publications and was published in 1972 by T.S.K and M.P. Johansson (104 pp.).

IBRA has probably the most complete library of beekeeping related publications and can provide copies as well as catalogues of available books and journals.

Much information can be obtained by writing to national research institutes; some contact addresses can be obtained from IBRA.


Cosmetic Bench Reference (US$ 95,- + 20, for shipping)
Allured Publishing Corporation
P.O.Box 318
Wheaton, IL 60189-0318, USA
Tel: 1-708-653 2155; Fax: 1-708-653 2192
- Over 6000 chemical names, CTFA names, trade names and synonyms of raw materials, supplier lists etc.

Guide International de la Parfumerie (350,- FF)
Editions Publi-Guide,
195 Quai de Ia Gourdine
77400 Lagny, France
Fax: 33-1-64024881
- Biennual directory of companies producing raw materials, packaging or components, plus manufacturing and chemical assistance laboratories and list of suppliers of perfumes, cosmetics, toiletries for consumer and beauty salons.

Emulsifiers & Detergents, Functional Materials
MC Publishing Company
175 Rock Road
Glen Rod, NJ 07452, USA
Tel: 1-201-652 2655; Fax: 1-201-652 3419; Telex: 130559

International Cosmetic Ingredient Dictionary, see 3.1.3 CTFA


References given in the text can be found in the bibliography. For purchase of mamny of the books check also with IBRA, Bees for Development or Wichlas Press. For copies of articles check with IBRA.

Electronic Information see also 3.1.1

"Browsing" on the Internet with programmes such as Netscape or Mosaic, allows searches for certain keywords. The available information is developing rapidly and commercial suppliers of access to the Internet are now operating in many countries.

WWW pages are information documents available to anybody with proper Internet access and one of the above programmes. One such example is a WWW page on various recipes using all kinds of insects:

http: //www.public. entomology/insectsasfood.html


http : //www. atd/ncar. edu/rdp/gfc/mead/mead . html

for mead makers, who also have an electronic discussion group at [email protected]. Subscription requests can be sent via E-mail by typing: subscrib mead-request firstname. lastname.

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