Africa report 05/96 af605p.htm


Area: 28 000
Climate: Tropical wet-dry; one rainy season: May-October
Population: 1.08 million (1995 estimate); G.N.P. per caput: U.S.$ 240 (1994)
Specific characteristics of the country: Low-income food-deficit country; coastal country
Logistics: Port capacity being improved; roads inadequate, particularly during the rainy season; river transport important
Major foodcrops: Rice, coarse grains, oils and fats, roots and tubers
Marketing year: January/December; Lean season: May-August
Share of cereals in total calorie intake: 64 percent


Seasonal dry conditions prevail. An FAO/CILSS Crop Assessment Mission in October 1995, estimated total 1995/96 cereal production (including paddy) at a record of 201 000 tons compared to 175 000 tons in 1994. Rice production increased slightly to an estimated 133 000 tons, whilst the output of coarse grains increased by some 39 percent, due to well-distributed rainfall.The overall food supply situation is satisfactory. Markets are well supplied and prices remain mostly stable. Cereal imports for domestic use and re-exports in 1996 are estimated at 70 000 tons, mostly rice. Structural food aid requirement is estimated at 6 000 tons.


Wheat Rice Coarse grains Total
Normal production - 84 52 136
Normal imports 10 60 - 70
of which: Structural food aid 1 5 - 6
1995 Production - 89 68 157
1996 Utilization 10 149 68 227
Food use 10 119 51 180
Non-food use - 20 11 31
(Re)exports - 10 1/ - 10
Possible stock build-up - - 6 6
1995/96 Import Requirement 10 60 2/ - 70
Anticipated commercial imports 9 55 - 64
Food aid needs 1 5 - 6
Current Aid Position
Food aid pledges 1 2 - 3
of which: Delivered - 2 - 2
Estimated per caput consumption (kg/year) 9 110 47 166
1995 production as % of normal: 115
1996 import requirement as % of normal: 100
1996 food aid requirement as % of normal 100

1/ Re-exports (5 000 tons) and cross border trade (5 000 tons) with neighbouring countries.

2/ Includes 5 000 tons of re-exports.

FAO/GIEWS - April 1996