Africa report 05/96 Individual countries


Area: 192 000
Climate: Semi-arid in north, tropical wet-dry in south, with rains in June-October
Population: 8.6 million (1995 estimate); G.N.P. per caput: U.S.$ 610 (1994)
Specific characteristics of the country: Low-income food-deficit country; coastal Sahelian country
Logistics: Port capacity adequate; gateway to Mali.
Major foodcrops: Millet and sorghum, rice, maize, wheat
Marketing year: November/October; Lean season: August-September
Share of cereals in total calorie intake: 61 percent


Seasonal dry conditions prevail and recession crops are been harvested along the Senegal river. The final estimates of 1995 cereal production have been recently released. They indicate an aggregate output of cereals of 1 109 000 tons, including paddy, which is slightly below estimates made by a joint FAO/CILSS Crop Assessment Mission in mid-October last year and 12 percent above 1994. Production of millet increased significantly by 22 percent, production of sorghum increased slightly by 3 percent whilst that of maize and rice decreased somewhat. Production of groundnut and niebe increased and those of cotton and cassava decreased. The overall food supply situation is satisfactory and urban markets are well supplied. Prices of millet, sorghum and maize increased in January but they decreased slightly in February in both rural and urban markets. Inflation in 1995 declined to 8 percent from 32 percent in 1994, following the devaluation of the CFA Franc. Some assistance may be needed for the procurement of surplus coarse grains in the south and its movement to traditional deficit areas in the north. For the 1995/96 marketing year (November/October), the cereal import requirement is estimated at 700 000 tons, mostly rice and wheat, and the structural food aid requirement at 27 000 tons.


Wheat Rice Coarse grains Total
Normal production - 125 785 910
Normal imports (incl. re-exports) 195 410 90 695
of which: Structural food aid 5 15 8 28
1995/96 Domestic availability - 108 905 1 013
1995 Production - 103 905 1 008
Possible stock drawdown - 5 - 5
1995/96 Utilization 200 523 990 1 713
Food use 197 516 819 1 532
of which: local purchase requirement (-) (-) (10) (10)
Non-food use 3 5 146 154
Exports - 2 - 2
Possible stock build up - - 25 25
1995/96 Import Requirement 200 415 85 700
Anticipated commercial imports 195 400 78 673
Food aid needs 5 15 7 27
Current Aid Position
Food aid pledges 3 - - 3
of which: Delivered 3 - - 3
Donor-financed local purchases - - 1 1
Estimated per caput consumption (kg/year) 23 60 95 178
1995 production as % of normal: 111
1995/96 import requirement as % of normal: 101
1995/96 food aid requirement as % of normal: 96
FAO/GIEWS - April 1996