Africa report 05/96 Individual countries


Area: 54 000
Climate: Tropical wet-dry; two rainy seasons in south (March-June and October) and one in north
Population: 4.14 million (1995 estimate) G.N.P. per caput: U.S.$ 320 (1994)
Specific characteristics of the country: Low-income food-deficit country; coastal country
Logistics: Ports and roads adequate; gateway to Burkina Faso and Niger
Major foodcrops: Roots and tubers, coarse grains, fruit
Marketing year: January/December; Lean season: April-July
Share of cereals in total calorie intake: 40 percent


Rains started during the second dekad of February in the south, stopped during the third dekad and were abundant during the first two dekads of March. Planting of the first maize crop and yams is underway in the south. Reflecting abundant rainfall during the growing season, the aggregate output of cereals in 1995 is estimated at 442 000 tons (including paddy), which is higher than average though lower than record output in 1993. This is due to irregular rains in some areas in the south. Flooding in central parts of the country in September also disrupted maize and sorghum production.Markets are well supplied and the overall food supply situation is satisfactory. Inflation seems set to fall to 8 percent in 1996, as the effects of the CFA franc devaluation in January 1994 are finally absorbed. Approximately 6 000 refugees from Ghana still remain in Togo.


Wheat Rice Coarse grains Total
Normal production - 20 467 487
Normal imports (incl. re-exports) 65 60 5 130
of which: Structural food aid 5 - - 5
1996 Domestic availability - 16 420 436
1995 Production - 16 418 434
Possible stock drawdown - - 2 2
1996 Utilization 60 76 460 596
Food use 56 61 371 488
Non-food use 2 3 84 89
Exports/re-exports 2 12 5 19
1996 Import Requirement 60 60 40 160
Anticipated commercial imports 55 1/ 60 20 135
Food aid needs 5 - 20 25
Current Aid Position
Food aid pledges - - 1 1
of which: Delivered - - 1 1
Estimated per caput consumption (kg/year) 13 16 97 126
1995 production as % of normal: 89
1996 import requirement as % of normal: 123
1996 food aid requirement as % of normal: 500

1/ Including 12 000 tons for re-export (2 000 tons of rice and 10 000 tons of wheat).

FAO/GIEWS - April 1996