Africa report 05/96 Individual countries


Area: 200 000
Climate: North-east is semi-arid, rest of the country is tropical wet-dry; main rainy period is March-October
Population: 20.62 million (1995 estimate); G.N.P. per caput: U.S.$ 190 (1993)
Specific characteristics of the country: -
Logistics: Ports: Mombasa (Kenya) and Dar es Salaam (Tanzania); roads and railways inadequate
Major foodcrops: Roots, tubers, plantains, pulses, maize, millet, sorghum
Marketing year: January/December; Lean season: April-May
Share of cereals in total calorie intake: 35 percent


The output of the recently harvested 1996 secondary season cereal crop was good, following normal to above-normal rainfall during the growing season. The rainfall also benefited land preparation for planting the 1996 main season crop, currently underway. Early prospects are favourable. Aggregate cereal output in 1996 is forecast at 2 million tons, similar to last year's record.As a result of increasing production in the last four years, the overall food supply situation remains satisfactory and the country has become an important exporter of maize in the region.


Wheat Rice Coarse grains Total
Normal production 9 44 1 695 1 748
Normal imports 18 - 10 28
of which: Structural food aid 15 - 10 25
1996 Domestic availability 9 55 1 999 2 063
1995 Production 9 55 1 984 2 048
Possible stock drawdown - - 15 15
1996 Utilization 24 61 2 019 2 104
Food use 23 61 1 372 1 456
of which: local purchase requirement - - (1) (1)
Non-food use 1 - 367 368
Exports - - 280 280
1996 Import Requirement 15 6 20 41
Anticipated commercial imports 13 6 - 19
Food aid needs 2 - 20 22
Current Aid Position
Food aid pledges - 1 10 11
of which: Delivered - - 6 6
Donor-financed purchases - - 3 3
of which: for local purchases - - 1 1
for export - - 2 2
Estimated per caput consumption (kg/year) 1 3 63 67
1995 production as % of normal: 117
1996 import requirement as % of normal: 146
1996 food aid requirement as % of normal (including refugee needs): 88
FAO/GIEWS - April 1996