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Where to find help?

1. List of suggested complementary readings

Falconer, J. (1990). The Major Significance of Minor Forest Products: The Local Use and Value of Forests in the Humid Forest Zone. Community Forestry Note 6. Rome: FAO.

Falconer, J. & Arnold, J.E.M. (1989). Household Food Security and Forestry. An Analysis of Socio-Economic Issues. Community Forestry Note 1. Rome: FAO.

FAO. (1989a). Forestry and Nutrition: A Reference Manual. Rome: FAO.

FAO. (1989b). Forestry and Food Security Forestry Paper 90. Rome: FAO.

FAO. (1990). Food for the Future. Rome: FAO.

FAO. (1990/1). Unasylva, 160 (vol. 41). Rome: FAO.

FAO. (1991a). Forests, Trees, and Foods. Rome: FAO.

FAO. (1991b). Incorporating Nutrition Concerns into Forestry Activities. Community Forestry Manual 3. Rome: FAO.

FAO. (1991). Socio-Economic Attributes of Trees and Tree-planting Practices. Community Forestry Note 9. Rome: FAO

FAO. (1993). Guidelines for Participatory Nutrition Projects. Community Forestry Field Manual 3. Rome: FAO.

FAO. (1995). Selecting tree species on the basis of community needs- Community Forestry Field Manual 5.

Hladik, C.M., Hladik, A., Linares, O.F., Pagezy, H., Semple, A. & Hadley, M. (eds.) (1993). Tropical Forests, People and Food. Biocultural Interactions and Applications to Development. UNESCO, Paris and The Parthenon Publishing Group, New York.

International Conference on Nutrition - World Declaration and Plan of Action for NutritionRome, December 1992

Peluso, N.L. (1993). The impact of social and environmental change on forest management. A case study from West Kalimantan, Indonesia. Rome: Community Forestry Case Study Series 8.

Scoones, I., Melnyk, M & Pretty, J.N. (1992). The Hidden Harvest: Wild Foods and Agricultural Systems. A Literature Review and Annotated Bibliography London: International Institute for Environment and Development.

2. Institutions

The Coordinating Unit will need to make an inventory of governmental and non-governmental institutions (including universities) likely to provide information and support to the incorporation of nutritional concerns into NFP formulation and to the implementation of its recommendations. This will vary from one country to the other and the following list can only provide indications.

Government Institutions:

- Ministry/Department of Agriculture

- Ministry/Department of Forestry

- Ministry/Department of Rural Development

- Ministry of Health

- Ministry of Education

Local NGOs

- Universities/ research centres

- NGOs active in rural development (including religious organizations)

- NGOs providing health services

- Natural Resource Management NGOs

United Nations Agencies

- FAO Community Forestry Unit

Food Policy and Nutrition Division

- UNDP Sustainable Development Network

304 E 45th Street

New York, NY 10017 USA

- UNESCO Trees for Life Collaborative Programme

1, rue Miollis

75015 Paris, France

- UNICEF Environment Section


3 UN Plaza New York, NY 10017 USA

International Governmental and Nongovernmental Organizations

- Institut Français de Recherche Scientifique pour le Dévelopment en Cooperation (ORSTOM)

213, rue la Fayette

75480 Paris Cedex 10 France

ORSTOM assists developing countries through research in nutrition and the social sciences among other things.

- International Centre for Research in Agroforestry (ICRAF)

ICRAF House, Limuru Road


PO Box 30677

Nairobi, Kenya

Through research and training ICRAF aims to increase the social, economic and nutritional status of peoples in developing countries.

- International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI)

Food Consumption and Nutrition Division

1200 17th Street, NW

Washington, DC 20009 USA

IFPRI's activities include research on the effect of deforestation on nutritional status of children.

- International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED)

The Sustainable Agriculture Programme

3 Endsleigh Street

London WClH ODD UK

This program emphasizes the refinement and application of participatory appraisal methods in the support of environmentally aware agriculture.

- International Rural Development Centre (IRDC)

Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences

Box 7005

S-750 07 Uppsala, Sweden

IRDC publishes an FTP information letter rural development studies as well as working document';

- International Science and Technology Institute

Food Security and Nutrition Monitoring Project (IMPACT)

1129 20th Street, NW Suite 800

Washington, DC 20036-3434 USA

The IMPACT project provides funding to activities related to local use of forest resources such as the project on forest use of remote forest groups in Ecuador

- International Social Science Council (ISSC)

1, rue Miollis

75015 Paris, France

ISSC promotes research in social science with application to major problems in the world. ISSC has a standing committee on Human Dimension of Global Environmental Change.

- Overseas Development Institute (ODI)

Regent's College

Inner Circle

Regent's Park

London NW1

4NS England

ODI researchers different issues in agricultural development.

- World Resources Institute (WRI)

1709 New York Avenue, NW

Washington, DC 20006 USA

An aim of WRI is to help societies meet human needs without destroying natural resources and environmental integrity. One policy research project, in biological resources and institution, includes a focus on forest policy and strategies for sustainable management.

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