Unasylva - No. 188 - Funding sustainable forestry

Table of Contents

An international journal of forestry and forest industries - Vol. 48 - 1997/1

FAO - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

Editor: S.A. Dembner
Language Editor: R. Tucker
Layout Editor: M. Criscuolo
Editorial Advisory Board Forestry Department:
M.R. de Montalembert (Chairman), J. Anderson, J. Ball, 1.3. Bourke, S. Braatz,
J. Clement, S.A. Dembner, M. Morell, O. Serrano, P. Tesha, P. Vantomme

Unasylva is published quarterly in English, French and Spanish editions. Subscription price: one year US$26.00, payable to the Sales and Marketing Group, FAO, Viale delle Terme di Caracalla. 00100 Rome, Italy, or to any of the FAO sales agents listed on the inside back cover.

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Credits. FAO (cover photo); R. Pardo (page 4); FAO (6); United Nations (8,9); FAO (13 upper); M. Guimaraes (13 lower); D. Hulse (15); J. Nations (17); T. Dardani (18); D. Henry (21); T. Kelly (27); FAO (29); UPA Colombia (32,33,35); L.J. Castaño (36,41,42); C. Palmberg (50); J.-P. Lanly (52).

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Table of Contents

Guidelines for authors

Editorial - Funding sustainable forestry

Pretoria declaration

M.E. Chipeta
Funding forestry development in Asia and the pacific, Africa and Latin America and the Caribbean

J.-L. Blanchez and Y.C. Dubé
Funding forestry in Africa

J.P. Resor
Debt-for-nature swaps: a decade of experience and new directions for the future

R.A. Crossley, T. Lent, D. Propper de Callejon and C. Sethare
Innovative financing for sustainable forestry

D. Gaviria
Economic and financial instruments for sustainable forestry in Colombia

M. Morell
Financing community forestry activities

S. Kengen
Linking forest valuation and financing

K. Keipi
Financing forest plantations in Latin America: Government incentives

A. Shvidenko and S. Nilsson
Are the Russian forests disappearing?

FAO forestry

Forest product markets and prospects
Forest products markets in 1996 and 1997
Wood-based panels
Roundwood (pulpwood and fuelwood)
High resolution satellite imagery confirms FAO forest resource assessment data

World of forestry


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