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Summary action plan

Summary action plan

National governments, working closely with the private sector and NGOs as appropriate, have primary responsibility for the development and implementation of programmes to overcome micronutrient deficiencies. Although approaches will vary according to conditions within individual countries, this summary action plan highlights key points that should always be considered in the establishment of programmes to improve micronutrient status.


1. Conduct an in-depth situation analysis.

2. Establish goals and objectives and plan pilot programmes on the basis of the findings of the situation analysis.

3. Implement pilot programmes

4. Monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of the pilot programmes and plan for large-scale implementation. Modify and retest as required.

5. Use mass media and other communication channels to create awareness of the benefits of food-based strategies among policy makers, programme planners, local government officials and local communities.

6. Implement programmes on the scale necessary to eliminate micronutrient deficiencies as public health problems.

7. Establish monitoring systems and make appropriate adjustments as required to ensure continued effectiveness and sustainability.

8. Continue advocacy, and communication activities on a routine basis.

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