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Purpose and scope of the modules on gender, population and rural development

Purpose and scope of the modules on gender, population and rural development

This set of five modules on Gender, Population and Rural Development were prepared under the guidance of Jacques du Guerny, Chief, Population Programme Service (SDWP), Division of Women and People's Participation in Development (SOW), Sustainable Development Department, by Daphne Topouzis, consultant.

The modules analyze in detail two institutional factors that underpin gender, population and rural development issues: farming systems and land tenure. In particular, the modules delineate how gender issues in farming systems and land tenure interface with fertility, mortality and migration. The significance of these institutional factors lies in that they provide a link between population variables and the big-physical environment.

The purpose of this set-of modules is to stimulate discussion among gender, population, farming systems and land tenure specialists on the need for a systems approach to gender, rural development and population issues. The objective of this exercise is to identify:

A brief synopsis of the five modules follows below:

Module l: The Population Parameters of Rural Development recalls issues and problems in current approaches to the role of gender and population in rural development. The significance of a systems approach is highlighted and some key issues raised in Modules Il-V are introduced.

Module II analyzes the linkages between Gender, Fertility/Mortality & Land Tenure and their implications for tenure systems, focusing on land access, security and sustainability.

Module lII explores the linkages between Gender, Fertility/Mortality and Farming Systems, focusing on the impact of these linkages on farming systems and on farm households. FAO projects RAF/94/T01 (Technical Support Services) and RAF/91/004 (both funded by UNDP) and TCP/UGA/2256 (Technical Cooperation Programme, funded by FAO) on the impact of AlDS-related mortality on farming systems and rural families in East Africa are used as case studies.

Module IV focuses on the linkages between Gender, Rural-to-Urban Migration and Farming Systems and Gender, Rural-to-Rural Migration and Land Tenure, and their implications for farm households. The Onchocerciasis Control Programme in West Africa (funded by a consortium of donors) is used as a case study for gender, rural-to-rural migration and land tenure.

Module V synthesizes the findings from the five modules, examines the policy implications in detail and defines possible areas of intervention as well as major areas of operational research needed in gender, population and rural development. Thailand INT/90/P40: Population Issues Relevant to Community Forestry Planning (funded by UNFPA) is used as a case study.

(November 1995)

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