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New FTPP publication

New FTPP publication

These publications are available from the FTPP regional networking centres (see inside front cover for addresses). Information provided by Anna Sherwood, CFU, FAO

What about the wild animals? Wild animal species in community forestry in the tropics

by K.H. Redford, R.Godshalk and K Asher

Wild animals, from ants to elephants, represent a natural resource of great significance for most forest-dwelling communities, as well as for those living in many other rural contexts. In spite of this, most development projects ignore their role in subsistence as well as non-subsistence rural economies. The purpose of this Community Forestry Note is to fill the vacuum left by the fact that in community forestry, as well as in agroforestry and other development activities, the contribution of wildlife to rural livelihoods has been greatly undervalued. The intent is to highlight the importance of wild animals in the community forestry development process, and to provide an input for designing projects in ways that better fit the reality of most rural people in the tropics.

This publication contributes to this endeavour by: 1) providing a framework for community forestry professionals to consider ways to integrate wild animal species into projects they manage or propose; 2) documenting ways in which humans interact with wild animal species in tropical settings; 3 ) providing a review of ways in which humans have managed animal species; and 4) proposing ways that wild animal species could be successfully integrated into community forestry projects in the tropics.

· Community Forestry Note 13 Rome. FAO, 1995. 96 pp. Available in English.

Marketing information system for non-timber forest products

by Carla Koppell

This field manual presents a systematic approach that can be used by small-scale producers to gather information about markets for NTFPs. Users of a Marketing Information System (MIS) collect, analyse and communicate information about markets and marketing. The kind of MIS described in the manual can be managed by local people themselves. They determine what information is needed, set up systems to gather the information, and decide how and to whom the information will be communicated. The purpose of setting up a MIS is to improve people's access to marketing information for NTFPs so they can make better decisions about the use of local natural resources and increase the revenues they receive from these products.

The manual is written primarily for the facilitator who will work with a local community to set up an MIS. It takes the facilitator step-by-step through the design and implementation of an MIS.

· Community Forestry Field Manual 6 Rome: FAO, 1996. 115 pp. Available in English.

FTP Publications & Videos

For information about how to make payment please see the price list

For copies of the following publications write to: Forests, Trees & People Network, SUAS/IRDC, Box 7005, 750 07 Uppsala, Sweden


··Household food security and forestry An analysis of socio-economic issues. CFN1

· Participatory assessment. monitoring and evaluation. CFN2.

· Rapid appraisal. CFN3.

· Herders' decision making in natural resources management in arid and semi-arid Africa. CFN4.

· Rapid appraisal of tree and land tenure. CFN5.

· The major significance of minor forest products: The local use and value of forests in the West African humid forest zone. CFN6.

· Community forestry: Ten years in review. CFN7.

··Shifting cultivators: Local technical knowledge and natural resource management in the humid tropics. CFN8.

· Socioeconomic attributes of trees and tree planting practices. CFN9.

· A framework for analyzing institutional incentives in community forestry. CFN10.

· Common forest resource management Annotated bibliography of Asia, Africa and Latin America. CFN11.

· Introducing community forestry: Annotated listing of readings and topics. CFN12.

· What about the wild animals? Wild animal species in community forestry in the tropics. CFN13.


· Guidelines for planning, monitoring and evaluating cookstove programmes. CFFM1

· The community's toolbox: The idea, methods and tools for participatory assessment, monitoring and evaluation in community forestry. CFFM2

· Guidelines for integrating nutrition concerns into forestry projects. CFFM3.

··Tree and land tenure: Rapid appraisal tools. CFFM4.

· Selecting tree species on the basis of community needs. CFFM5.

· Marketing information system for non-timber forest products. CFFM6.


··Women's role in dynamic forest-based small scale enterprises: Case studies on uppage and lacquerware from India. CFCS3.

··Case studies in forest-based small scale enterprises in Asia: Rattan, matchmaking and handicrafts. CFCS4.

· Social and economic incentives for smallholder tree growing: A case study from Murang'a District, Kenya. CFCS5.

· Shifting cultivators of Indonesia Marauders or managers of the forest? Rice production and forest use among the Uma'Jalan of East Kalimantan. CFCS6.

··Peasant participation in community reforestation: Four communities in the Department of Cuzco, Peru. CFCS7.

· The impact of social and environmental change on forest management: A case study from West Kalimantan, Indonesia. CFCS8.

· Tree and land tenure in the eastern Terai. Nepal: A case study from the Siraha and Saptari Districts, Nepal. CFCS9.

··Tree and land tenure: Using rapid appraisal to study natural resource management. CFCS10.

· Alternatives to shifting cultivation in Bhutan. CFCS11.


· The role of alternative conflict management in community forestry.

· Barabaig displacement from Hanang district to the Usangu plains: Changes in natural resource management and pastoral production in Tanzania.

· Participatory approaches to planning for community forestry: Results and lessons from case studies conducted in Asia. Africa and Latin America A synthesis report.


· Restoring the balance: Women and forest resources.

· Women in community forestry: A field guide for project implementation.

· Fruits of our work: Women in community forestry, Tanzania.

· Forests, trees and food.

· Food for the future. Earth Bird cartoon magazine 1.

· Our trees and forests. Earth Bird cartoon magazine 2.

· l am so hungry I could eat a tree. Earth Bird cartoon magazine 3.

· Fabulous forest factories. Earth Bird cartoon magazine 4.

· Guidelines for integrating gender considerations into FAO forestry projects.

··Local organizations in community forestry extension in Asia. Field Document 34.

· Gender analysis and forestry training package.

VIDEOS (Please indicate PAL or NTSC system when ordering)

· Forestry and food security.

· Gender analysis for forestry development planning,

· Handing over the stick.

· What is a tree?


· Traditional forest reserves in Babati District, Tanzania: A study in human ecology. WP128.

· Trees as cash crops: The commercial value of trees and forests in Babati District. WP136.

··Successful tree growers: Why people grow trees in Babati District, Tanzania. WP155.

· Honey hunters and beekeepers: A study of traditional beekeeping in Babati District, Tanzania. WP161.

· Foods from forests, herds and fallows: Nutritional and food security roles of gathered foods and livestock keeping in two villages in Babati District, Northern Tanzania. WP184.

··Land and tree tenure in Babati District, Tanzania: An anthropological perspective. WP194.

··The Forests. Trees and People Project in Babati District, Tanzania: Experiences from held work and studies, 1987-1990. WP204.

· Focus on people and trees: A guide to designing and conducting community baseline studies for community forestry. WP178.

· Dependency on forest and tree foods for food security. WP181.

· Bees and trees. WP183.

· Management of natural forest: The gazetted forest reserve of Toumousséni, Burkina Faso. WP215.

· Dependency on forest and tree products for food security: A pilot study in Yen Houng commune, Ham Yen District, Tuyen Quang Province, North Vietnam. WP250.

· Dependency on forests and trees for food security: A pilot study: Nanguruwe and Mbambakofi villages, Mtwara region, Tanzania. WP261.

· Dependency on forest and tree products for food security: Case study of a forest area in northeast Thailand. WP263.


· Natural resource tenure: a review of issues and experiences with emphasis on Sub-Saharan Africa. RDS31.

For copies of the following publications write to: Director/RECOFTC, Kasetsart University, POBox 1111, 10903 Bangkok, Thailand


· Case studies on farm forestry and wasteland development in Gujarat, India. CFCS1.

· Forestland for the people. A village forest project in Northeast Thailand. CFCS2.

· Planning forestry extension programmes.

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