This document contains the texts of three International Plans of Action (IPOA):

- the IPOA for reducing incidental catch of seabirds in longline fisheries;

- the IPOA for the conservation and management of sharks; and,

- the IPOA for the management of fishing capacity.

The IPOAs were developed as the COFI Members in 1997 found that it would be necessary to have some form of international agreement in order to manage the concerned issues in compliance with the Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries. The most suitable instrument for each of the three issues was found to be a voluntary International Plan of Action. The three texts were developed in the course of two intergovernmental meetings, open to all FAO Members, held in 1998. The IPOAs were adopted by the twenty-third session of the FAO Committee on Fisheries in February 1999 and endorsed by the FAO Council at the session it held in June 1999.

The Governments of Japan, Norway, the United States of America as well as the European Commission financed the intergovernmental meetings and most of the preparatory activities.

International Plan of Action for reducing incidental catch of seabirds in longline
fisheries. International Plan of Action for the conservation and management of
sharks. International Plan of Action for the management of fishing capacity.
Rome, FAO. 1999. 26p.


The IPOA-SEABIRDS is a voluntary instrument that applies to all States whose fishermen engage in longline fisheries. The text sets out a set of activities which implementing States are expected to carry out, including an assessment of whether a problem exists with respect to the incidental catch of seabirds in its longline fishery, adopting a National Plan of Action for reducing the incidental catch of seabirds in longline fisheries (NPOA-SEABIRDS) as well as procedures for national reviews and reporting requirements. The calendar years by when these actions preferably should have been taken, are indicated .

The IPOA-SEABIRDS also provides a summary description of appropriate mitigation measures which States that determine that they have a problem with the incidental catch of seabirds in their longline fisheries, should consider for inclusion in the NPOA-SEABIRDS. The mitigation measures described are either already used or in an early stage of development. References to appropriate literature are provided.

The IPOA-SHARKS is a voluntary instrument that applies to all States whose fishermen engage in shark fisheries. The text sets out a set of activities which implementing States are expected to carry out, including an assessment of whether a problem exists with respect to sharks, adopting a National Plan of Action for the conservation and management of sharks (NPOA-SHARKS), as well as procedures for national reviews and reporting requirements. The calendar years by when these actions preferably should have been taken, are indicated.

The IPOA-CAPACITY is a voluntary instrument that applies to all States whose fishermen engage in capture fisheries. The first part of the text describes the nature and scope of the International Plan of Action, the underlining principles and defines the objective of the IPOA. The remainder of the text describes urgent actions and identifies mechanisms to promote implementation. The urgent actions include assessment and monitoring of fishing capacity and the preparation and implementation of national plans. The text on mechanisms to promote implementation describes scientific and technical co-operation, national and international reporting, and, the role of FAO. The calendar years by when recommended actions should be completed, have been identified.