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Armanita G. “Local Processing and Diversification of Cassava in Mozambique”, June 1998- Mukono, Uganda

Barton John H. “Biotechnology and Trade in cassava”, Rome, May 1999

Dufour D., G.M.Obrien and R. Best: “Cassava Flour and Starch: Progress in Research and Development”-CIATand CIRAD, Colombia, December 1996.

DTP Studies Inc. “Global Cassava Market”-Business Opportunities for the Use of Cassava Phase II; Guelph, Ontario-Canada.

Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations (FAO) “Medium -Term Prospects for Agricultural Commodities Projections to the year 2005”- FAO Economic and Social Development Paper N. (?)-Rome, March 1999

Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations (FAO) "Food Outlook (various issues) Rome, April 1999

Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations (FAO), "Post harvest deterioration of cassava, a biotechnology perspective Plant Production and Protection Paper N. 130, FAO NRI, Rome, 1995.

Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations (FAO), “Roots, Tubers, Plantains and Bananas in Animal Feeding ”Animal Production and Health Paper N. 95, Rome, 1992.

Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations (FAO), “Cassava bread technology and its future” Rome, 1991

Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations (FAO), “Functional Properties of Starches”, Morton Satin

Henry G., A Westby and C. Collinson-CIRAD/European Group on Roots, Tubers and Plantains-Montpellier France- “Global cassava end-uses and Markets Current situation and recommendations for further study” Phase I- October 1998

Hershey C. H.” Report of the Asia Regional Consultation on the Global Cassava Development Strategy” CIAT, Call Colombia-February 1999

Hershey C. H and G Henry: “Cassava in Latin America and Asia: A Regional Review”. Working Doc. 9- June 1997, IFAD, Rome

Kapinga R.E., G.T. Ndunguru, W.Heemskerk and J.Kabissa. “Cassava and Economy: Its Problems and Potential in Tanzania”. Mukono, Uganda-June 1998.

MAFI /CIAT “A benchmark study on Cassava Production, Processing and Marketing in Vietnam”. In: Proceeding of a Workshop, held in Hanoi, October 1992.

Ministry of Agriculture and Co-operatives: Department of Research and Training. “Status of Cassava in Tanzania: Implications for Future Research and Development” IFAD, Rome. June 1997.

Ministerio de Agriculture y Desarrollo Rural:“ La Economia de la Yuca en Colombia“-Bogota, Diciembre 1996

Nweke, F. I. “Role of Cassava Production in Poverty Alleviation” Malawi, October 1995.

Nweke, F.I. “Food Crops Production Response to Improved Access to market: the Case of Cassava in Africa”. IITA, Ibadan, October 1995.

Nweke, F.I. "Food;Cassava in African Farming and Food Systems: Implications for Use in Livestock Feeds” 1988.

Nweke, F.I. “Future Prospects for Cassava Root Yield in Sub-Saharan Africa”, Outlook on Agriculture, Vol 14. No. 1 35–42 (1995)

Ospina B. and R. Best- “ClAT's Experience in the promotion of small-scale-based agro-industries in Latin America”. Mukono, Uganda-June 1998.

Otim-Nape G.T. & A.Bua. “Cassava Multiplication and Distribution to needy Farmers in Uganda”. Working Document N. 3; Namulonge Agricultural and Animal Production Research Institute (NAARI)- IFAD Rome, June 1997.

Ratanawaraha C., N. Senanarong and P. Suryaphan: “Status of Cassava in Thailand: Implications for Future Research and Development” IFAD Rome, June 1997.

The Thai Tapioca Trade Association Report (various issues). Bangkok, Thailand

United States Department of Agriculture, Economic Research Service WRS 98–4 December 1998. “Agriculture in the WTO”- Situation and Outlook Series

United States Department of Agriculture, Economic Research Service- “Industrial Uses of Agricultural Raw Materials”. July 1997.

Vanegas A. Balcazar “Desarrollo del Cultivo de la Yuca en Colombia”- Working document, 6. Centro de Estudios Ganaderos y Agricolas (CEGA). IFAD- Rome, June 1997,

Yeats A. J. “What can be expected from African Regional Trade Arrangements”? The World Bank Development Research Group Trade. Policy Research Working Paper N. 2004. November 1998

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