
Report of the Conference of FAO

Fifth Session

Washington, D.C., U.S.A., 21 November - 6 December 1949

Table of Contents

I. Officers of the fifth session of the conference

II. The 1949 conference of FAO - An interpretive summary

III. Procedure and cognate matters

IV. World review and outlook

A. World food situation
B. International commodity problems
C. International investment and financing facilities
D. Annual reports of member governments

V. Technical activities of FAO

A. The program in general
B. Agriculture
C. Economics, marketing and statistics, and distribution
D. Fisheries
E. Forestry and forest products
F. Information
G. Nutrition
H. Rural welfare

VI. Technical assistance to underdeveloped areas

A. Expanded program of technical assistance for economic development
B. Priority of technical assistance projects
C. Methods of making technical assistance available
D. Preliminary preparation for the expanded program

VII. Constitutional, administrative, and financial questions

VIII. Appendices

A. Budget for the fifth financial year
B. Scale of contributions, fifth financial year (1950)
C. Amendments to the constitution, rules of procedure, and financial regulations
D. Technical assistance for economic development
E. Delegates, representatives, and observers attending the fifth session of the conference