Experiences and Lessons


Pontignano (Siena) 7-11 March 2000





Key lessons


Unresolved issues

Lessons learned

What are SL approaches?

Consensus on the SL guiding principles

How do SL approaches add value to our work?

Overarching lessons

Other lessons learned: Diagnosis and design

Other lessons learned: Implementation and monitoring

Other lessons learned: Policy

How do we redesign projects?

If SL approaches had been adopted at formulation, what difference would it have made?

If SL approaches had been adopted at implementation, what would have changed?

Grey areas

SL approaches and poverty

What are the best entry points for SL approaches?

SL approaches and policy

What indicators can be used for impact assessment?

Revision of the DFID SL framework

Implications for donor agencies

Increased programme flexibility

Internalization of SL approaches

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