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AW1 Available water above pwp in layer 1 (mm)
AWmax Available water at field capacity (mm)
D Atmospheric saturation deficit (kPa)
DAE Days after 50% emergence
DAR Days after last rain or irrigation (d)
DAS Days after sowing
Deficit Water amount required to fill layer 1 to FC (mm)
DR2 Drainage from layer 2 to layer 3 (mm d1)
dRF/dt Root front velocity (mm d-1)
Drrate Relative drainage rate (d-1)
EEQ Equilibrium evaporation (mm d-1)
ES Daily soil evaporation (mm d-1)
ESO Daily potential soil evaporation (mm d-1)
EVAPO Potential evaporation (mm d-1)
F_Root Daily fractional partitioning to roots
FC Soil moisture at field capacity (volume %)
Fi Fraction of radiation intercepted by leaves
Frs Fraction of seed material converted to plant biomass
GrainW Individual grain weight (g seed-1)
Growth Daily biomass assimilation (g m-2 d-1)
HI Harvest index; pod:shoot weight ratio
Himax Cut off point for maximum harvest index
K Light extinction coefficient
L Leaf area index
LeafW Leaf weight (g m-2 d-1)
LLG Radiation limited growth
LLP Daily light limited photosynthetic rate (g m-2 d-1)
LSR Leaf : shoot weight ratio
LSRi Initial value of LSR
MOISTi Initial soil moisture (volume %)
PodW Pod dry weight (g m-2)
POP Population density (plants m-2)
PWP Soil moisture at permanent wilting point (volume %)
RD Root density (m m-3)
Rlfactor Root length factor (g m-1)
RootL Total root length (m m-2)
RootW Root dry weight (g m-2)
ShootW Shoot dry weight (g m-2)
SLA Specific leaf area (m-2 g-1)
Stindex Stress index, genotype constant for stress tolerance
Stress Drought stress
Tbase Base temperature for crop development (°C)
Tfactor Photosynthesis correction factor for temperature
Tmax Daily maximum temperature (°C)
Tmean Daily mean temperature (°C)
Tmin Daily minimum temperature (°C)
Topt1 Lower optimum temperature for photosynthesis (°C)
Topt2 Higher optimum temperature for photosynthesis (°C)
TT Thermal time (°C d-1)
TTemerg Thermal time requirement for 50% emergence (°C d-1)
TT_pod Thermal time for pod initiation (°C d-1)
Umax Maximum relative water uptake rate (mmwater mm-1soil d-1)
Upot Potential transpiration (max uptake by roots) (mm d-1)
Uptake1 Actual water extraction by roots in layer 1 (mm d-1)
WLG Water limited growth
WLP Daily water limited photosynthesis (g m-2 d-1)
Radiation use efficiency (g MJ-1)
Transpiration equivalent (g kg kPa-1)
Actual soil moisture (volume %)

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