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This paper has been compiled, in close collaboration, by the Centre for Ecosystems Research (CIECO) of the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) and the Wood Energy Programme of the Forest Products Division of FAO.

It was drafted by Omar R. Masera, Professor of Energy and the Environment at the Centre for Ecosystems Research of UNAM, Rudi Drigo, Consultant with the wood energy component of the “Sustainable Forest Management Programme in African ACP Countries” Project of the FAO-EC Partnership Programme, and Miguel A. Trossero, Senior Forestry Officer in the Forest Products Division, FAO Forestry Department.

Many other persons provided extensive contributions, assistance and personal insights for the finalization of the document. Special mention should go to Adrián Ghilardi and Gabriela Guerrero (UNAM) for helping with the gathering and analysis of Mexico data and to Massimiliano Lorenzini, who advised on GIS issues.

Sincere gratitude is also expressed to the European Commission for its financial support to the wood energy component of the project on information and analysis for sustained forest management, an integrated national and international effort involving the tropical countries of Latin America (GCP/RLA/133/EC) and the sub-Saharan countries of Africa (GCP/RAF/354/EC).

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