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Report of the Conference of FAO |
Fourteenth Session |
Rome, 4-23 November 1967 |
I. FAO MEMBER NATIONS - as at 1 April 1968
II. FAO ASSOCIATE MEMBERS - as at 1 April 1968
IV. The late viscount Bruce of Melbourne
VII. McDougall memorial lecture
A. Appointment of the chairman, vice-chairman, general committee and credentials committee
B. Agenda of the session
C. Arrangements for the session
D. Establishment of commissions and provisional timetable for the session
E. Appointment of the chairman and vice-chairman of commissions, and of officers of the technical committees
F. Committee-of-the-whole on the review of the organization's general structure
G. Resolutions committee of the conference
H. Right of reply
I. Verbatim records
J. Admission of observers
K. Verification of credentials
L. Informal meeting of non-governmental organizations
IX. Major trends and policy questions in food and agriculture
A. Review of the organization's general structure
B. World situation and outlooka) Food situation in developing countries
b) Agricultural export earnings
c) Report on the state of food and agriculturea) World commodity situation
b) Short-term action
c) Longer-term action
d) Synthetics
e) Export promotion
f) New study groups
g) Other CCP activities
h) Co-operation with UNCTADNutrition in agriculture
Problems in fishery Development
FAO/industry co-operationC. Indicative world plan for agricultural development (IWP)
D. Inter-agency study of multilateral food AID
E. Food production resources program
F. World food program
G. Freedom from hunger campaignProgress report on the campaign
International rice year
Collaboration with the united nations international year for human rights
Plans for the second world food congressH. Skim milk powder in the world dairy economy
I. Article XI reports
X. Activities and programs of the organization
A. Review of the work of the technical committees of the conference
B. Introduction
C. Major areas for concentrationa) Improvement of agricultural statistics
b) 1970 World census of agriculturea) Increasing availability of food through reduction in losses
b) Pesticides
c) Evaluation, effective utilization and conservation of genetic resources3. Development of human resources and improvement of institutional framework
a) Education and training
b) Increasing the production and use of Edible protein
c) Planning for better family livinga) FAO/IBRD co-operative program
b) Co-operation with area banksD. Salient points in regard to the organization's activities
a) Animal production and health
b) Land and water development
c) Plant production and protection
d) Atomic energy in food and agriculturea) Training in the field of fisheries
b) Regional consultative requirements
c) International action
d) Fishery resources and exploitation
e) Fishery economics and products
f) Longer-term developmentsa) Education and training
b) Food technology
c) Home economics
d) Food consumption and planning
e) Group feeding
f) Changing emphasis in the work on nutritiona) Regional forestry commission
b) Administrative and institutional problems
c) Forest resources
d) Forest management
e) Forest industries
f) Wildlife management
g) Seventh world forestry congress
h) Longer-term developmentsa) Special commodity studies
b) Joint divisions
c) Commodities
d) Economic analysis
e) Rural institutions and services
f) Statisticsa) Legislation branch
b) Documentation center
c) Library
d) Information
e) PublicationsE. Review of FAO's field activities
F. Review of topics relating to the program of work and budget which were not covered by the technical committees: chapters I, II, IV, V, VI. A(i), VI. D, VI. E., VII, VIII, IX, X, XIConference, council and other sessions (chapter I)
Immediate office of the director-general, including the office of internal audit and inspection (chapter II, A)
Program and budgetary service (chapter II, A)
Office of the co-ordinator, freedom from hunger campaign (chapter II, C)
World food congress (chapter II, D)
Indicative world plan for agricultural development (chapter II, E)
Department of administration and finance (chapter IV)
Common services (chapter V)
Office of the assistant director-general, technical department (chapter VI, A(i))
Co-operative programs with banks (chapter VI, D)
Fellowships (chapter VI, E)
Area liaison service (regional offices) (chapter VII)
Miscellaneous expenditure and contingencies (chapters VIII and IX)
Reserve (chapter X)
Miscellaneous income (chapter XI)G. Inter-agency relations and consultations on matters of common interest
Matters rising out of ECOSOC and ACC discussions and the report of the ad hoc committee of experts to examine the finances of the united nations and the specialized agencies
FAO/UNICEF relations
FAO/UNESCO relations in the field of agricultural education
FAO/WHO food standards program (codex Alimentarius)
FAO/IBRD co-operative programH. Program of work and budget 1968/69
Appropriations for the biennium 1968/69
Publications revolving fund
XI. Constitutional, financial and administrative matters
A. Constitutional and legal matters
a) Amendment to article V-1, relative to the increase in the number of council seats
b) Amendment to article V-1, relative to alternates attending council sessions
c) Amendment to article V- 1 of the constitution relative to alternates attending council sessions
d) Amendment to article VI-1, relative to sea-area fishery commissionsProcedure for election of council members
Amendment to rules XXVI and XXVII of the general rules, relative to membership in the program and finance committees
Amendment to rules XXIX-1 and XXX-1 of the general rules, relative to membership in the committee on commodity problems and committee on fisheriesa) Increase in membership of two committees
b) Method of ballotingAmendment to rule XXIX-9 of the general rules, relative to attendance by non-FAO nations at CCP consultations
Amendments to financial regulationsa) Financial regulation 4.1 (obligations against future budgetary periods)
b) Financial regulation 5.9 and basic texts, volume II, section VII
c) Financial Regulations 6. 9 and 7.1.Statutory report on the status of conventions and agreements and amendments thereto
Relationship agreements with international organizationsa) Draft agreement between FAO and the organization of African unity (OAU)
b) Progress regarding relationship agreements with Area banksRelations with international organizations and granting of consultative status to international non-governmental organizations
African convention for the conservation and management of wildlife
Membership of the FAO/UNICEF joint policy committee
Review of FAO commissions, committees, working parties and panels of experts established under articles V, VI and XIV of the constitutiona) Request of the conference at its thirteenth session
b) Review by the technical committees of the conference
c) Criteria for the establishment of FAO commissions, committees, working parties and panels of experts
d) Sessions of FAO bodies - their number and length
e) Financial aspects in 1968/69
f) Documentation
g) Continuation of council's reviewAuthority and terms of reference of regional conferences
Arrangements for future sessions of the conferencea) Role of the technical committees of the conference
b) Committee on fisheries
c) Organization of conference sessions
d) Procedure for the appointment of the director-generala) Introduction of Arabic as a limited working language
b) Introduction of German for interpretation in the general conferences as well as in the regional conferences for Europe
c) Other language servicesa) Regular program and freedom from hunger campaign audited accounts for 1964/65
b) European commission for the control of foot-and-mouth disease audited accounts for 1965 and 1966
c) United nations development program special fund and technical assistance sectors
d) World food program audited accounts for 1965Financial position of the organization
Scale of contributions 1968/69
Contributions and advances by new members nations and associate members
XII. Membership elections and appointments
A. Admission of new member nations and associate members
B. Republic of Indonesia
C. Appointment of the director-general
D. Appointment of the independent chairman of the council
E. Election of council members
F. Appointment of the FAO staff pension committee
G. Vote of thanks to Dr. B. R. Sen
XIII. Date and place of the fifteenth session of the conference
A. Agenda
B. List of delegates and observers
C. List of documents
D. Scale of contributions 1968/1969
E. Memorandum of understanding regarding cooperation between the African Development bank and the food and agriculture organization of the united nations
F. Note on procedure for ad hoc cooperative action between Asian Development bank and FAO