The members of the Mission wish to express their appreciation, both to the Government of the People's Republic of China and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, for the opportunity to visit China.
In a special way, the Mission also wishes to record its gratitude to officials of both China and FAO who arranged this trip, namely: Messrs. Li Yung Kai and Chang Shih-jang of the Foreign Relations Bureau, Ministry of Agriculture in Peking and Mr. Edouard Saouma, FAO Director-General and Mr. Dioscoro L. Umali, Assistant Director-General and Regional Representative for Asia and the Far East. The Mission also appreciates the kind assistance given by the Chinese Embassy both in Rome and Bangkok.
In the organization and conduct of this Mission, hundreds of people in many places helped. It is impossible, in this brief note, to list all of them but many are listed in Appendix I, where the names of the persons to whom we were introduced are given. This does not diminish in any way the debt of gratitude that the Mission members owe them.
Members extend too their thanks for the patient interpretation done by Ms. Chu Tsung-hsian and Ms. Kung Chien-ying of the Ministry of Agriculture, Peking, and by Mr. Tsai Fu-chun of the Fisheries Bureau of Kwangtung Province. They are also grateful to Mr. Juan L. Mercado of the FAO Regional Office in Bangkok who helped prepare this report.